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研究生: 許念柔
Nien-Jou Hsu
論文名稱: 非線性有限元素分析技術於椎弓根螺釘鬆脫問題之生物力學研究
Biomechanical investigation of pedicle screw loosening using nonlinear finite element analysis technique
指導教授: 徐慶琪
Ching-Chi Hsu
口試委員: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Kao-Shang Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 有限元素分析拔出強度椎弓根螺釘骨擠壓骨質疏鬆
外文關鍵詞: Finite element analysis, Pullout force, Pedicle screw, Bone compaction, Osteoporosis
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:1
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為了增加椎弓根螺釘與椎骨之間的骨咬合力,防止椎弓根螺釘鬆脫的問題發生,本研究使用LS-DYNA的有限元素分析模擬椎弓根螺釘在拔出過程中所發生的拔出強度,並對椎弓根螺釘類型(全圓錐型椎弓根螺釘、1/3圓錐型椎弓根螺釘、2/3圓錐型椎弓根螺釘和全圓柱型椎弓根螺釘)、椎弓根螺釘內徑(3.9 mm與4.9 mm)和人造假骨的密度(0.12 g/cm3、0.16 g/cm3、0.2 g/cm3以及0.32 g/cm3)進行分析,並且擁有圓錐型特徵的椎弓根螺釘會將骨擠壓現象考慮進去,探討有無骨擠壓現象是否會影響圓錐型椎弓根螺釘的拔出強度,而全圓柱型椎弓根螺釘則無骨壓現象存在。
本研究的結果顯示,在椎弓根螺釘的拔出模擬中,無骨擠壓現象的全圓錐型椎弓根螺釘的拔出強度是小於全圓柱型椎弓根螺釘,但加入骨擠壓現象後,全圓錐型椎弓根螺釘的拔出強度大幅度提升,其拔出強度大於全圓柱型椎弓根螺釘,而較小的椎弓根螺釘內徑可以獲得較大的拔出強度,並且與0.32 g/cm3骨密度相比,較低的骨密度所產生的拔出強度會減少。

Pedicle screw fixation was widely used for the stabilization of the spine in a variety of spinal surgery, such as spine fusion surgery, the correction of deformity and the fixation of bone fracture, as spinal surgery in osteoporotic patients were increasingly common due to the aging of the population. Pedicle screw loosening was a common complication of spinal surgery, especially in osteoporotic patients. Because of lower bone density, the fixation between pedicle screw and bone was not stability. The effect of screw design on pullout strength associated with screw loosening was well studied in previous literatures and evaluated pedicle screw on biomechanical test by using finite element analysis. However, the linear elastic material model was difficult to reflect the failure of the bone.
This study aimed to develop a non-linear computational model using LS-DYNA to simulate the pullout force during the pullout process, and investigate the effect of pedicle screw types (fully conical pedicle screw, 1/3 cylindrical pedicle screw, 2/3 cylindrical pedicle screw and fully cylindrical pedicle screw), the core diameter of the pedicle screws (3.9 mm and 4.9 mm), the bone density (0.12 g/cm3, 0.16 g/cm3, 0.2 g/cm3 and 0.32 g/cm3) on pullout performance with the effect of bone compaction.
The results showed that the pullout force of the fully conical pedicle screw without bone compaction was lower than the fully cylindrical pedicle screw. The bone compaction effect improved the pullout force of the fully conical pedicle screw, and its pullout force was better than the fully cylindrical pedicle screw. The smaller core diameter of the pedicle screw had larger pullout force, and 0.32 g/cm3 caused more pullout force compared to less bone density.
The results could help surgeons to analyze the biomechanical ability of the pedicle screw and select the suitable device for orthopedic patients.

中文摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 x 第一章 緒論 - 1 - 1.1 研究背景和動機以及目的 - 1 - 1.2 脊椎構造 - 4 - 1.2.1 椎骨 - 5 - 1.2.2 椎間盤 - 5 - 1.2.3 小面關節 - 5 - 1.3 骨質疏鬆症 - 6 - 1.4 常見脊椎疾病和手術方式 - 8 - 1.4.1 脊椎畸形 - 8 - 1.4.2 脊椎位移 - 10 - 1.4.3 手術治療方式 - 10 - 1.5 椎弓根螺釘介紹 - 10 - 1.5.1 實心椎弓根螺釘 - 11 - 1.5.2 中空椎弓根螺釘 - 11 - 1.5.3 微創椎弓根螺釘 - 11 - 1.6 文獻回顧 - 12 - 1.6.1 機械試驗 - 13 - 1.6.2 逆旋退出試驗 - 15 - 1.6.3 有限元素分析 - 18 - 1.7 本文架構 - 20 - 第二章 材料與方法 - 22 - 2.1 研究方法 - 22 - 2.2 幾何模型 - 23 - 2.2.1 椎弓根螺釘 - 24 - 2.3 有限元素分析 - 26 - 2.3.1 有限元素模型 - 26 - 2.3.2 材料參數 - 28 - 2.3.3 接觸條件 - 30 - 2.3.4 邊界條件與負載條件 - 31 - 2.4 求解 - 32 - 2.5 收斂性分析 - 32 - 2.6 骨擠壓模型 - 34 - 2.7 逆旋退出模型 - 37 - 第三章 結果 - 38 - 3.1 無骨擠壓情況 - 38 - 3.1.1 收斂性分析 - 38 - 3.1.2 椎弓根螺釘於不同材料模型之拔出強度結果 - 40 - 3.1.4 骨密度 - 50 - 3.2 有骨擠壓情況 - 53 - 3.2.1 有骨擠壓與無骨擠壓的拔出強度比較結果 - 53 - 3.2.2 變異數分析 - 59 - 3.2.3 拔出強度的影響因子 - 59 - 3.2.4 應力分佈圖 - 61 - 3.3 逆旋退出模擬 - 62 - 第四章 綜合討論 - 64 - 4.1 骨骼材料模型 - 64 - 4.2 骨密度 - 66 - 4.3 骨擠壓和螺釘設計 - 67 - 4.4 逆旋退出模擬 - 69 - 4.5 研究限制 - 70 - 第五章 結論 - 71 - 5.1 未來展望 - 72 - 參考文獻 - 73 -

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