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研究生: 劉俊佑
Chun-Yu Liu
論文名稱: 數位化無橋圖騰柱功率因數修正器之研製
Design and Implementation of a Digital Bridgeless Totem-Pole Power Factor Corrector
指導教授: 劉益華
Yi-Hua Liu
口試委員: 鄧人豪
Jen-Hao Teng
Tian-Hua Liu
Shun-Chung Wang
Huang-Jen Chiu
Yi-Hua Liu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 無橋式功率因數修正器碳化矽電晶體數位控制連續導 通模式控制
外文關鍵詞: Bridgeless power factor corrector, Silicon Carbide Transistor, Digital control, Continuous conduction mode control
相關次數: 點閱:426下載:0
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為一具有輸入交流電壓 110V 和 220V、輸出直流電壓 400V,輸出
600W 的高效率電源轉換器。本文針對功率因數修正器的動作原理、
礎使用 Matlab 和 PSIM 對設計的數值進行模擬,進而獲得期望的結
率因數高於 0.98。

This dissertation mainly implements the bridgeless totem-pole power
factor corrector (PFC) operated in continuous conduction mode (CCM). It
is a high-efficiency power converter with an input AC voltage of 110V and
220V, an output DC voltage of 400V, and an output of 600W. This
dissertation focuses on the operating principle of the power factor corrector,
component design, feedback circuit design, digital control loop smallsignal analysis, and compensator design and analysis. Furthermore, Matlab
and PSIM are used to conduct simulation on the designed parameter based
on operating principles. This dissertation realizes the bridgeless totem-pole
power factor corrector and utilizes SiC MOSFET to achieve high efficiency.
Compared with the conventional PFC, the chosen structure has a lower
conduction loss. Additionally, this dissertation employs digital control to
realize CCM control. Two methods, including adaptive trigonometric
approximation and bias current automated calibration technology are
proposed to treat the changes in mains frequency and the thermal drift
problem of feedback circuit components, thereby reducing the impact of
current distortion. As the experimental results reveal, the proposed method
can significantly improve the line current harmonic distortion when the
component temperature drifts and the mains frequency changes. Moreover,
the experimental results show that the implemented bridgeless totem-pole
circuit can achieve a power factor higher than 0.98 in the operating range
above half load.

摘要 ......................................................................................................... I Abstract .................................................................................................. II 誌謝 ....................................................................................................... III 目錄 ....................................................................................................... IV 圖目錄 ................................................................................................. VII 表目錄 ................................................................................................. XII 第 1 章 緒論 ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 ..................................................................... 1 1.2 文獻探討 ................................................................................ 2 1.3 論文大綱 ................................................................................ 4 第 2 章 功率因數修正器之原理 ......................................................... 6 2.1 功率因數與諧波失真之定義 ................................................. 6 2.2 功率因數修正器的種類 ......................................................... 9 2.2.1 被動式功率因數修正器 ............................................... 9 2.2.2 主動式功率因數修正器 ............................................. 10 2.3 主動式功率因數修正器之控制模式介紹 ............................ 11 2.3.1 峰值電流控制法(Peak Current Control) ..................... 12 2.3.2 磁滯電流控制法(Hysteresis Current Control) ............ 14 2.3.3 平均電流控制法(Average Current Control) ............... 15 第 3 章 無橋圖騰柱功率因數修正器之分析.................................... 17 3.1 電路架構以及動作原理 ....................................................... 17 3.2 元件設計考量....................................................................... 22 3.2.1 磁性元件設計............................................................. 23 3.2.2 濾波電容設計............................................................. 24 V 3.3 感測電路設計....................................................................... 24 3.3.1 輸出直流電壓回授電路 ............................................. 25 3.3.2 輸入交流電壓回授及鎖相電路 ................................. 25 3.3.3 電感電流回授電路 ..................................................... 27 第 4 章 無橋圖騰柱功率因數修正器控制迴路分析 ........................ 28 4.1 無橋圖騰柱功率因數修正器控制方法 ................................ 28 4.2 電流控制迴路設計 ............................................................... 29 4.2.1 取得函數 Ki: ............................................................... 34 4.2.2 極零點頻率 (fzi和 fpi) 計算: ..................................... 35 4.2.3 直流增益 Gc0_i計算: ................................................... 35 4.3 電壓控制迴路設計 ............................................................... 41 4.3.1 Kv計算: ...................................................................... 46 4.3.2 極零點頻率(fzv和 fpv)計算: ........................................ 46 4.3.3 直流增益 Gc0_v計算: .................................................. 46 4.4 責任週期前饋....................................................................... 50 4.5 Type Ⅱ數位補償器 ............................................................. 53 第 5 章 自適應三角近似法與電流偏移自動校準技術 .................... 55 5.1 自適應頻率調控三角近似法 ............................................... 55 5.1.1 自適應頻率調控 ......................................................... 55 5.1.2 三角近似 .................................................................... 61 5.2 電流訊號偏移自動校準(Sensor offset): ............................... 63 第 6 章 數位控制之設計與實現 ....................................................... 66 6.1 數位電源控制機制 ............................................................... 66 6.2 TMS320F280049 微處理機簡介 .......................................... 66 6.3 主系統控制流程 ................................................................... 70 VI 6.3.1 開機流程 .................................................................... 70 6.3.2 SCI 通訊 ..................................................................... 73 6.3.3 I2C 通訊 ..................................................................... 76 6.4 Ecap 中斷 ............................................................................. 80 6.5 ADC 中斷副程式 ................................................................. 82 6.5.1 AC/DC 控制 ............................................................... 83 6.5.2 控制主程式 ................................................................ 83 6.5.3 自適應三角近似法 ..................................................... 85 6.5.4 電流偏移自動校準技術 ............................................. 85 6.5.5 保護偵測 .................................................................... 86 6.6 LabVIEW 數位示波器 ......................................................... 88 6.7 LCD 顯示器 ......................................................................... 89 第 7 章 實驗結果與討論 ................................................................... 91 7.1 實驗系統設置....................................................................... 91 7.2 實驗結果 .............................................................................. 92 7.3 分析與探討 ........................................................................ 101 第 8 章 結論與未來展望 ................................................................. 105 8.1 結論 .................................................................................... 105 8.2 未來展望 ............................................................................ 105 參考文獻 ............................................................................................. 107

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