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研究生: Ade Yuniati Pratiwi
Ade Yuniati Pratiwi
論文名稱: Flag-Shape and Post-Yield Hardening Systems for Residual Displacement Reduction of Bridge Columns
Flag-Shape and Post-Yield Hardening Systems for Residual Displacement Reduction of Bridge Columns
指導教授: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
Yu-Chen Ou
口試委員: 鄭敏元
Min-Yuan Cheng
Shin-Tai Song
Yung-Chih Wang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 293
中文關鍵詞: residualinelasticdisplacementconventionalflag-shapepost-yield hardening
外文關鍵詞: residual, inelastic, displacement, conventional, flag-shape, post-yield hardening
相關次數: 點閱:201下載:3
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    Residual displacement as the only visible and measureable damage index in reinforced concrete structure after undergoing a severe earthquake has been gaining attention in recent years. In reinforced concrete bridge column, there are four systems which capable to reduce residual displacement i.e. flag-shape system, prestressed system, post-yield hardening system, and prestressed post-yield hardening system. Considering the best system to reduce residual displacement, flag-shape system and post-yield hardening system were investigated.
    In investigation of nonlinear behavior of flag-shape system, eight segmental columns with variation of energy dissipation bar ratio were tested under cyclic loading and pseudo-dynamic loading. The test results were used to calibrate the nonlinear hysteretic model parameters for analytical study. Based on the analytical study, the flag-shape system reduced residual displacement to zero while the conventional RC system show a significant increase of residual displacement. It was observed that segmental column with energy dissipation bar ratio 25% to 35% showed a similar behavior to conventional column but with better self-centering capability. The inelastic displacement ratio, C_R, was obtained from this analysis. It was observed that the C_R value for both traditional RC system and flag-shape system was much greater under near-fault ground motion than under far-field ground motion. Two equations based on near-fault and far-field were proposed to predict the inelastic displacement ratio of this system.
    For post-yield hardening system, three reinforced concrete column including two proposed columns and one conventional RC column were tested under cyclic loading. From the cyclic loading test result, proposed column achieved post-yield hardening ratio up to 5.45% while the conventional RC column went up to 0.15%. The test results were then used as calibration index in the parametric study. The analysis results proved that the post-yield hardening system could reduce residual drift compared with traditional RC system especially under near-fault ground motion. By increasing post-yield hardening ratio to 7.5% to 10%, the system further reduced the residual drift to be below 1%.

    Keywords: residual; inelastic; displacement; conventional; flag-shape; post-yield hardening


    Residual displacement as the only visible and measureable damage index in reinforced concrete structure after undergoing a severe earthquake has been gaining attention in recent years. In reinforced concrete bridge column, there are four systems which capable to reduce residual displacement i.e. flag-shape system, prestressed system, post-yield hardening system, and prestressed post-yield hardening system. Considering the best system to reduce residual displacement, flag-shape system and post-yield hardening system were investigated.
    In investigation of nonlinear behavior of flag-shape system, eight segmental columns with variation of energy dissipation bar ratio were tested under cyclic loading and pseudo-dynamic loading. The test results were used to calibrate the nonlinear hysteretic model parameters for analytical study. Based on the analytical study, the flag-shape system reduced residual displacement to zero while the conventional RC system show a significant increase of residual displacement. It was observed that segmental column with energy dissipation bar ratio 25% to 35% showed a similar behavior to conventional column but with better self-centering capability. The inelastic displacement ratio, C_R, was obtained from this analysis. It was observed that the C_R value for both traditional RC system and flag-shape system was much greater under near-fault ground motion than under far-field ground motion. Two equations based on near-fault and far-field were proposed to predict the inelastic displacement ratio of this system.
    For post-yield hardening system, three reinforced concrete column including two proposed columns and one conventional RC column were tested under cyclic loading. From the cyclic loading test result, proposed column achieved post-yield hardening ratio up to 5.45% while the conventional RC column went up to 0.15%. The test results were then used as calibration index in the parametric study. The analysis results proved that the post-yield hardening system could reduce residual drift compared with traditional RC system especially under near-fault ground motion. By increasing post-yield hardening ratio to 7.5% to 10%, the system further reduced the residual drift to be below 1%.

    Keywords: residual; inelastic; displacement; conventional; flag-shape; post-yield hardening

    ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES xix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Objectives 2 1.3. Overview 3 CHAPTER 2 CONCEPT AND LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1. Near-Fault and Far-Field Ground Motion 4 2.2. Residual Displacement 7 2.2.1 Current Design Provision 9 2.3. Minimum Residual Displacement Bridge Column System 10 2.3.1. Flag-shape system 10 Zatar and Mutsuyoshi (2000; 2002) 11 Hewes and Priestley (2002) 13 Chou and Chen (2006) 14 Ou (2007) and Ou et al. (2007, 2010a, 2010b) 14 Mahin et al. (2006) and Jeong et al. (2008) 18 2.3.2. Prestressed (Axial load) System 20 Larkin et al. (2012) 22 Sun et al (2015) 23 2.3.3. Post-Yield Hardening System 24 Iemura et al. (2001, 2004, 2006) 25 Fahmy et al. (2010) 28 2.3.4. Prestressed Post-Yield Hardening System 30 2.4. Inelastic Displacement Ratio 33 2.4.1. Miranda (2000) 35 2.4.2. Ruiz-García and Miranda (2003) 36 2.4.3. Chopra and Chintanapakdee (2004) 37 2.5. High Strength Strands and High Strength Bar 39 2.6. Bonding System 40 2.7. Embedded Length and Anchorages System 41 2.8. Prestressed and Nonprestressed Reinforcement 42 CHAPTER 3 FLAG-SHAPE SYSTEM 45 3.1. Introduction of Hysteretic Models 45 3.1.1. The Development of Modified Modified Clough (MC) Model 45 3.1.2. The Development of Modified Stiffness-Degrading Self-Centering (SDSC) Model 47 3.2. Verification and Calibration 50 3.3. Parametric Study 55 3.4. Ground Motion 56 3.5. Analysis Procedure 59 3.6. Result and Discussion 59 3.6.1. Effect of Near-Fault and Far-Field Ground Motion 60 3.6.2. Effect of Energy Dissipation Ratio (β) 60 3.6.3. Effect of Lateral Force Level (R) 61 3.6.4. Effect of Period 61 3.6.5. Effect of Residual Drift 61 3.6.6. Proposed CR Formula for Near-Fault and Far-Field Ground Motions 62 CHAPTER 4 POST-YIELD HARDENING SYSTEM 67 4.1. Background 67 4.2. Specimen Description 67 4.3. Specimen Design 68 4.4. Design Evaluation 72 4.4.1. ACI 318-14 72 4.4.2. AASHTO LRFD BDS 2012 74 4.4.3. Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications 2003 76 4.4.4. MOTC 2009 76 4.4.5. Shear Evaluation 78 4.4.6. Design Steel plate 84 4.5. Preliminary Analysis 85 4.5.1. Finite Element Method (FEM) 85 4.5.2. Modeling Approach 86 4.5.3. Column Type 86 4.5.4. Concrete Model 86 4.5.5. Reinforcement model 87 4.5.6. Analysis Procedure 89 4.5.7. Preliminary Analysis Result 90 Effect of Mild Steel Bar 91 Effect of Axial Load Ratio to the RC Column 92 Effect of the Unbonded Length of Strand to the RC Column 93 Effect of Bonding to the Strand 95 Effect of Strand Position in the RC Column 95 Effect of High Strength Strand Ratio 96 4.5.8. Design Recommendation 98 4.6. Test Program 98 4.6.1. Slump Test 98 4.6.2. Compressive Strength Test 99 4.6.3. Tensile Strength Test 101 4.6.4. Construction of Specimen 104 Preparing Formworks and Materials 104 Unbonding Procedure for Strand 105 Construction of Conventional Column (CCC) 106 Construction of Proposed Column (CSC) 108 4.6.5. Test Setup 111 4.6.6. Applied Loading 111 4.6.7. Instrumentation and Measurement of Load, Strain, and Displacement 112 Strain Gauge Measurement 112 NDI Markers 115 4.6. Test Results and Discussions 117 4.7.1. Actual Material Strength 117 4.7.2. Test Results 117 Column CCC 118 Column CSC1 120 Column CSC2 122 Comparison of Backbone Curve and Accumulated Energy Dissipation 124 Curvature, Shear Strain, and Displacement Contribution 127 4.7. Investigation of column CSC1 and CSC2 133 4.8. Parametric Study 142 4.8.1 Calibration 142 4.8.2 Ground Motion 145 4.8.3 Analysis Procedure 146 4.8.4 Result and Discussion 147 Effect of post-yield stiffness ratio 147 Effect of near-fault and far-field ground motion 148 Effect of natural period 149 Effect of R 149 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 154 5.1. Summary 154 5.2. Conclusions 155 5.2.1. Flag-shape system 155 5.2.2. Post-yield hardening system 156 5.3. Future Research Work 157 REFERENCES 158 APPENDIX A 170 APPENDIX B 184 APPENDIX C 199 APPENDIX D 214 APPENDIX E 242


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