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研究生: 歐旭耕
論文名稱: 捲曲板金沖模設計之Pro/Toolkit程式開發
Use of Pro/Toolkit to Design Punch and Die for Roll-bending Sheet Metal
指導教授: 林清安
Alan C. Lin
口試委員: 修芳仲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 結構圖捲曲板金沖模設計Pro/Toolkit
外文關鍵詞: skeletons, roll-bending, mold design, Pro/Toolkit
相關次數: 點閱:404下載:0
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在實驗例證中,本論文使用Pro/Toolkit及Visual C++之MFC為核心程式,開發一套Pro/ENGINEER視窗下的操作軟體,針對捲曲折彎板金件開發出適合的沖壓模具之結構圖,並且於軟體中加入沖壓製程動態模擬及整組模具之零組件間干涉檢測功能,藉以瞭解試模的狀況、沖模的組裝及運動情況,使此捲曲沖模的運作更具有真實感。

This research aims to develop a 3D CAD system for mold design of roll-bending sheet metal. 3D part geometry for a sheet metal and various mold components are created beforehand so as to be used as the basic data for system operation. Based on the type of mold-opening mechanism, 3D skeletons are created which describes the relationship between mold components. The sheet-metal part and the mold components are then assembled with the skeletons to complete the construction of a molding mechanism. Dimension change of the sheet-metal part also drives the change of dimensions of the punches and the entire mold components. Animation of mold opening is also taken into account.
As for system implementation, this thesis uses Pro/Toolkit and MFC of Visual C++ as the kernels to develop a Pro/ENGINEER-based prototype system. The system provides several user-friendly dialog boxes so that the user can easily modify the dimensions of a roll-bending sheet metal. Programming codes are developed to implement the proposed skeleton-driven approach which accepts Pro/E sheet-metal parts as input and automatically generate the skeleton needed to assembly the whole mold components. The animation of punch motions during mold opening is also implemented so as to ensure free-of-collision during the opening process.

目錄 中文摘要 I Abstract IV 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖表索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究方法 2 1.4 研究範圍 3 1.5 論文架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 參數式設計 5 2.2 商用軟體發展的現況 7 2.2.1 DCP2 7 2.2.2 PDX 8 2.3 板金折彎類型 10 第三章 捲曲板金沖模設計之結構圖 14 3.1 捲曲沖模系統之零組件 14 3.2 結構圖的建立 17 第四章 以Pro/Toolkit建立之零組件 39 4.1 零組件之結構圖的建立 40 4.2 沖模零組件之設計 45 4.3 捲曲板金之概念與沖頭的建立 57 4.3.1 捲曲板金之概念 58 4.3.2沖頭的建立 61 第五章 沖壓製程之動態模擬與干涉檢測 67 5.1 演算流程 67 5.2 動態模擬之相關參數 68 5.3 動態模擬與干涉檢測 69 第六章 系統之開發與實例 79 6.1 系統之運作流程 79 6.2 實例介紹 80 6.2.1 實例一 80 6.2.2 實例二 91 第七章 結論及未來研究方向 106 7.1 結論 106 7.2 未來研究方向 107 附錄A 系統之開發工具 108 A.1 簡介Pro/Toolkit 108 A.1.1 Pro/Toolkit的安裝 109 A.1.2 Pro/Toolkit與Pro/E版本的關係 110 A.1.3 有關Pro/Toolkit的基本知識 111 A.2 簡介MFC 114 A.2.1 視窗應用程式的架構 117 參考文獻 119 作者簡介 121

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