簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李美貴
Mei-Kuei Li
論文名稱: 金融科技浪潮下,數位金融對銀行分行的影響及發展 - 以T銀行為例
The Impacts and Development of Digital Finance on Banks in the Wave of FinTech — T-Bank’s Example
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
Yung-Ming Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 63
中文關鍵詞: 金融科技數位分行監理沙盒台灣Pay商業模式
相關次數: 點閱:1103下載:2
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  • 自2015年起金融科技(FinTech)浪潮襲捲台灣,金融業面對第三方支付、電商平台、科技業者入侵、大數據與行動支付、區塊鏈及無實體貨幣化等新金融趨勢,銀 行業者不得不擺脫牛步,面臨轉型。在台灣,各家金控及旗下銀行無不爭相投入資源,打造數位化、行動化的創新服務;在金融科技來襲之下,實體銀行價值急速下降,傳統銀行業務被科技化取化,逐漸消失的銀行及銀行行員,須改變為新型態的 體驗分行。

    金融科技發展已逐漸影響及帶動消費者的行為改變,該趨勢已顛覆金融業原有 提供金融服務的供給方式,金融服務數位化已儼然成為金融業核心及影響競爭力的 關鍵因素。雙翼監理原則:一翼是大量法規鬆綁、金融創新開放及自由化;另一翼 則是要業者守紀律、守法及重視風險與信用,如何平衡雙翼並重發展,是一大課 題。在台灣,金融科技化起步較慢,尚處於基礎建設階段,目前大都投入智慧客服、CRM系統再造、數位身分認證及支付業務,傳統金融業應有競合觀念,共同合作 統一規格及模組,才不會被廠商綁架流失核心競爭力,同時在高度監理及保守下,取得創新空間。展望台灣金融發展環境,如何優化創新銀行商業模式,提高客戶的依賴,虛實整合,未來還有的不小的發展空間。

    本研究以調查法收集國內的玉山銀行(榮獲英國銀行家雜誌「全球年度最佳科技 專案大獎」)、新加坡華僑銀行及新加坡星展銀行(這二家銀行為亞洲華人地區中與 台灣的銀行同質性較高)與本研究個案 T 銀行做數位分行特色及金融科技發展之比 較分析。研究中並訪談專家針對國內數位分行、台灣Pay、線上開戶、資安、金融監 理及監理沙盒等未來金融發展,進行綜合討論與分析,並針對金融服務業因應之道 及變革趨勢提出建議,以利金融科技創新之參考。

    Since 2015, Fintech wave has swept Taiwan. With the new financial trend of third
    party payment, e-business platform, the invasion of the technology industry, big data and mobile payment, block chain and no entity monetization, bankers have to get rid of old habits and face transformation. In Taiwan, most of financial holdings and their banks are investing lots of resources to create digital and mobile innovative services; with the coming of Fintech, the value of entity banks drop rapidly, traditional bank business has been replaced by technology, banks and bank tellers are disappearing gradually. Thus, they need to change and transfer themselves into the new type of branch.

    The development of Fintech has gradually affect consumers’ behaviors, this trend
    has subverted the original way how the financial industry provides financial services, the digitization of financial services has become the core of the financial industry and the main factor that affects the competitiveness. Two-wing supervision principle: one wing is to loosen large amounts of regulations, enhancing financial innovation and liberalization. The other one is to ask operators to be disciplined, obey the laws, and pay attention to risk and credit. How to balance and redevelop is an important lesson. In Taiwan, Fintech has been slowly development at the start and is still at the level of basic infrastructure, recently, most of them are devoted to smart customer service, CRM system re-engineering, digital identity authentication and payment services. The traditional financial industry should have a concept on cooperation, and work together to unify specifications and modules or else they will be abducted by manufacturers and lose their core competition. At the same time, with highly supervised and being conservative, obtaining an innovative environment. Looking forward to Taiwan's financial developing environment, how to upgrade the model of innovation bank business, improve customer's dependence, integrating entity and virtual, there is still a big space for development in the future.

    In this study, we surveyed the domestic bank, E.SUN Bank, who won the "Global
    Best Science and Technology Project of the World" given by the British Banker Magazine. Also, OCBC Bank of Singapore and DBS Bank Singapore, both of which are banks in Asia that has a high homogeneity with banks in Taiwan, analyzing them with T bank by comparing their features for digital branches and the development in Fintech. During the study, interviewed experts and discussed on future financial development regarding domestic digital branch, Taiwan Pay, opening account online, capital security, financial supervision and supervisory sandbox, etc. In addition, giving out recommendation according to financial services and the development of Fintech as a reference for Fintech innovation.

    論文摘要 II ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 - 1 - 第一節 研究背景與動機 - 1 - 第二節 研究問題與目的 - 3 - 第三節 研究流程 - 4 - 第二章 文獻探討 - 5 - 第一節 金融科技發展 - 5 - 第二節 實體分行面臨的挑戰 - 8 - 第三節 金管會推動金融科技發展推動計畫 - 14 - 第四節 金融監理沙盒 - 17 - 第三章 研究方法 - 20 - 第一節 研究方法 - 20 - 第二節 研究架構 - 21 - 第四章 個案研究 - 22 - 第一節 個案銀行-T銀行 - 22 - 第二節 國內銀行數位發展-以玉山銀行為例 - 30 - 第三節 國際案例 - 32 - 第四節 個案分析總結 - 35 - 第五節 專家訪談 - 36 - 第六節 T銀行提升通路價值及發展副品牌 - 40 - 第五章 研究結論 - 42 - 第一節 台灣金融科技面臨的問題 - 42 - 第二節 台灣金融業數位金融趨勢 - 43 - 第三節 未來金融業因應之道-再中間化及商業模式創新 - 44 - 第四節 T銀行商業模式創新 - 47 - 參考文獻 - 50 -

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