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研究生: 廖英凱
Ying-Kai Liao
論文名稱: Mach-Zehnder干涉於表面電漿矽線波導
Mach-Zehnder Interfere Based Silicon-wire Surface Plasmons
指導教授: 徐世祥
Shih-hsiang Hsu
口試委員: 劉信孚
Hsin-fu Liu
Che-chang Chang
Pao-hung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 矽線波導表面電漿馬赫詹德干涉混合式電漿波導
外文關鍵詞: silicon-wire, surface plasmonic, Mach Zehnder interferometer
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:3
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在1969年,貝爾實驗室S. E. Miller提出光積體電路(Optical Integrated Circuit)的概念,而1970年代,各種波導材料如聚合物、玻璃、LiNbO3、半導體及其製程技術,相繼被提出且廣泛研究。光積體電路的發展主要可分為三代,第一代為傳統光學;第二代稱為微光學;第三代稱為積體光學時代,然而絕緣層上覆矽(Silicon-on-insulator, SOI)是近年來廣泛應用在高速且低功耗電子元件,因為其具有高折射率係數且可大幅縮小元件體積,同時製作方式與互補式金屬氧化物半導體(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, CMOS)製程相容,有利於光電積體電路的發展。
論文中利用波導耦合來產生表面電漿效果之生物感測器,將使用商業軟體Photon Design的OmniSim以FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain)和FIMMWAVE的FDM (Finite Difference Method)進行數值模擬表面電漿波導之金屬厚度、長度、波導寬度對表面電漿現象之分析。
表面電漿共振分別有三種耦合方式:光柵耦合、波導耦合與稜鏡耦合,論文利用矽波導耦合來產生表面電漿效果之生物感測器,我們的主要是在波導上面與側面上覆蓋一層金屬,當光傳遞到金屬時,將會在矽波導與金屬交接面產生一表面電漿波以及金屬與介質待測物交接面產生另一表面電漿波,當此兩表面電漿波至金屬層尾端時,再回傳至矽波導層,此種機制等同於一馬克詹德干涉儀(Mach-Zehnder Interferometer),與傳統矽線波導表面電漿波不同的是我們將金屬完全包覆在感測區上的矽波導,而不是一般常見的將金屬覆蓋在上方,靈敏度模擬結果可達2891 nm/Refractive Index Unit (RIU), 本論文亦會深入討論此新結構靈敏度增加的原因. 然而以上表面電漿波的矽線波導寬度為240 nm, 因為國家奈米元件實驗室(National Nano Device Laboratories, NDL)黃光製程線寬的限定,我們將使用寬度450 nm以及3 µm,來驗證我們的模擬結果。
寬頻馬克-詹德方向耦合器是由一段短的延遲長度之非耦合區,在前端與後端加上方向耦合器所組成,在此論文中, 我們提出表面電漿干涉的概念來取代非耦合區,除了可大幅減小元件尺寸, 更可涵蓋S至L-Band間, 50:50、70:30、90:10三種分光比之寬頻分光器。

In 1969 S. E. Miller in Bell Labs proposed the concept of optical integrated circuits, which promoted extensive study on a variety of waveguide materials such as polymers, glass, and LiNbO3 in the 1970s,. The development of optical integrated circuits can be divided into three generations. The first is a conventional optics, the second is known as micro-optics and the third generation of this era is named as integrated photonics. However, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) is widely used in recent years for the high-speed and low-power electronic components. Because silicon owns a high refractive index besides the complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible process, SOI based devices can significantly be reduced to a small foot print and becomes a popular platform in the optoelectronic integrated circuit developments.
In this thesis the biosensor is implemented using the waveguide coupled surface plasmon. The functions of FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) and FDM (Finite Difference Method), built in the commercial software of OmniSim and FIMMWAVE, are taken to simulate the surface plasmon effect under the variation of the metal thickness, plasma waveguide length and width.
There are three coupling approaches in surface plasmons: grating coupler, optical waveguide and prism. In this thesis a silicon based optical waveguide is utilized as the biological sensors through surface plasma polaritons. The main structure is to implement the surrounding metals on top of the silicon-wire waveguide. When the optical mode is interfered with the metal, a surface plasma wave will be induced in the interface between the metal and dielectric film, same as the other metal interfaces. At the end of the surface plasmon region, all the interference will be joined together and coupled to the silicon-wire. This mechanism is equivalent to the function of Mach Zehnder interferometer (MZI). The simulation results are showing that the sensitivity is up to 2891 nm/Refractive Index Unit (RIU) and the details will be further discussed. Due to the lithography limitation from the National Nano Device Laboratories(NDL), the silicon-wire width is chosen 450 nm and 3 μm for simulation verification.
A broadband Mach-Zehnder directional coupler (MZDC) is constructed by two directional couplers connected through a short delayed length. The new concept in this thesis is to use the surface plasmon interference, hybrid plasmon waveguide (HPW), with the short length to replace the decoupled region of MZDC. The HPW based MZDC could demonstrate the arbitrary splitting ratios, such as 50:50, 70:30, and 90:10, in the S and L bands.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 致謝 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1簡介 1 1.2 研究動機 1 1.3 論文架構 2 第二章 矽線波導介紹 3 2.1 單多模條件 3 2.2 雙折射效應 5 2.3 波導傳播損耗 6 第三章干涉 15 3.1 低同調光學干涉 15 3.1.1 馬赫-詹德干涉儀 15 3.1.2 低同調光干涉理論 17 3.2系統穩定探討 22 第四章 表面電漿 26 4.1.表面電漿 26 4.1.1表面電漿理論 27 4.1.2電磁波的色散關係式 29 4.2 表面電漿之激發條件 34 4.2.1 稜鏡耦合 35 4.2.2 光波導耦合 36 4.2.3 光柵耦合 36 4.3 文獻回顧 37 4.4 表面電漿波導之模擬 40 4.5 表面電漿干涉於波導模擬與設計 41 4.6 混合式電漿波導 57 第五章實驗與量測 66 5.1 表面電漿干涉於波導量測 66 第六章結論與展望 76 6.1 結論 76 參考文獻 77

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