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研究生: 阮于齡
Yu-Ling Juan
論文名稱: 承接企業之炬:以豐藝集團為例
Passing the flame through generations: Taking the example of Promate Group
指導教授: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
口試委員: 陳正綱
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: 中小企業家族企業二代接班傳承數位轉型淨零轉型價值共創永續經營
外文關鍵詞: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), Family Business, Second-generation Successor, Succession, Digital Transformation, Net zero emissions Transition, Value Co-Creation, ESG Transformation
相關次數: 點閱:163下載:0
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  • 近一期天下雜誌斗大標題:「80歲老爸揮淚開除兒子、車燈龍頭大億集團,5個月接班失敗啟示」,內文寫到:痛心拔掉兒子接班,大億交通董事長吳俊億,解除吳育賢的董事職務。吳育賢也想要有一番作為,卻跟合資大股東撕破臉。這場「接不了班」的荒誕戲碼,成了企業傳承一堂失敗課。這震憾的新聞,讓我深深了解到企業二代接班是家族企業永遠無法迴避的議題,而我又身處這類公司其中,引起我的好奇。

    A recent headline from Common Wealth Magazine: "80-year-old father tearfully dismisses son from automotive lighting giant Dayi Group, revelation of the failure of succession within 5 months serves as a lesson." The article details the heartbreaking decision of Chairman Wu Chun-Yi of DaYi Transport to remove his son, Wu Yu-Xian, from the board after a failed attempt at succession. Wu Yu-Xian, seeking redemption, clashes with major shareholders of the joint venture. This absurd drama of "unsuccessful succession" becomes a poignant lesson in the challenges of corporate inheritance. This shocking news has deepened my understanding that second generation succession is an issue that family businesses cannot avoid. It has sparked my curiosity as I am currently involved in such a company in this predicament.
    The discussion raises awareness of Taiwan's vast number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), exceeding 1.63 million and accounting for more than 98% of the total businesses in the country. These SMEs play a crucial role in employment, providing over 9.132 million job opportunities and making up 80% of Taiwan's total employment. They serve as a solid pillar in Taiwan's economic development and an indispensable foundation for social stability. However, according to information from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, there is a concerning trend of aging employers among SME, with those aged 50 and above accounting for 53.45%, and those aged 60 and above reaching 17.04%. This highlights the aging phenomenon among SME employers, emphasizing the imperative need for succession planning to ensure the sustainable operation of businesses.
    This paper adopts the Harvard case study approach and is divided into two parts: the case study and the teaching guide. The case study elaborates on the significance of SMEs to Taiwan's economy, addressing the crucial issue of succession faced by family businesses. It specifically examines the succession model of Promate Electronics. The teaching guide, through the integration of case analysis and theory, covers key concepts such as second-generation succession, business operation models, strategic alliances, and sustainable development. This approach allows students to gain a deeper understanding of both the case and the theoretical aspects, inspiring them to contemplate a more profound awareness of second-generation succession in family businesses.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 電子零件王子引領香檳樂章 1 二、 中小企業接班現況 3 三、 以豐藝集團為例 7 四、 傳棒的思維 12 五、 接棒的淬鍊 13 六、 豐藝智慧、傳承二代躍升A+企業 23 貳、 教學指引 26 一、 個案總覽 26 二、 教學目標與適用課程建議 28 三、 學員課前準備與問題討論 30 四、 個案分析 30 五、 課程結論 40 六、 教學建議與時間分配 40 七、 板書規劃 41 參、 參考文獻 42 一、 中文文獻 42 二、 網站資源 42

    一、 中文文獻
    1. 原文作者Patrick Van Der Pijil、 Justin Lokitz、Roland Wijnen (2022),《商業模式轉型: 獲利世代2價值創新的6大途徑》,天下雜誌。
    2. 原文作者: John Manning (2023),《領導的本質: 成為領導人的52堂必修課》,如果出版社。
    3. 作者: 羅天一、郭錦駩 (2021),《企業長青術: 魔數1到9》,新陸書局。
    4. 作者: 許書揚、林知明、金慧婉、彭成基、柯維華、賴遠烽、丁蔓玫、許慈芳 (2020),《尋找CEO接班人: 掌握成為企業接班人的關鍵》,天下雜誌。
    二、 網站資源
    1. 經濟部中小企業處所發表的白皮書(2023)。取自:(https://w3.sme.gov.tw/book/doc_detail.jsp?pub_SerialNo=2023A01692&click=2023A01692#)
    2. 公開股市觀測站。豐藝電子股票代號:6189 / 勁豐電子股票代號:6577
    3. 《商業週刊第1694期》 6位熱血二代大集結組快篩激戰隊登國際!
    取自: (https://pse.is/5fju74)
    4. 財政部全球資訊 - 網統計資料庫 (https://www.mof.gov.tw/htmlList/100)
    5. 經濟部 - 統計處 (https://www.moea.gov.tw/MNS/dos/home/Home.aspx)

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    全文公開日期 2034/07/29 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)