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研究生: 江威君
Wei-chun Chiang
論文名稱: 二胡琴弦振動與狼音產生機制之探討
Research on Strings Oscillation and the Resulting of Wolf-Tone for Erhu
指導教授: 徐茂濱
Mau-Pin Hsu
口試委員: 陳國在
Shyh-Chin Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞:  拍擊現象 有限元素分析琴弦狼音二胡
外文關鍵詞: Beating phenomenon, Wolf –tone, Erhu, Finite element method, string
相關次數: 點閱:435下載:22
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Being the main wiping-the-string instrument of Chinese traditional musical instrument, erhu is extraordinarily good on controlling the strong or weak of voices, also on performing glide to simulate human lingual sound, therefore may easily express various emotions such as anger or happiness. It is not only suitable for harmonizing with multiform instruments, but also excellent for playing solo.
Even though erhu has already become main stream of musical instruments nowadays, it still has a lot of defects to settle. At present, the research and refinement of erhus are mostly based on subjective determination of existing problems, and then solve the problems by the method of trial and error.
There are various theories on the phenomenon and causes of wolf-tone resulted from playing erhu, which mostly focus on description of the phenomenon instead of scientific analysis. This thesis intends to proof through theory and experimentation that the wolf–tone is not resulted from vibration effect of short string, but caused by “beating” similar to the violin family. The wolf–tone of erhu caused by beating is resulted from nearly the same natural frequency of the snakeskin as the string, which is like the wolf–tone frequency caused by the main wood resonance frequency on the family of violin instruments, so as to bring the periodic diminution and augmentation of the odd harmonics of a string. The present usage of cloth damper to clear up wolf–tone sounds is not the best resolution because it will weaken the high pitch voice, which must be further keep on exploring.
This thesis also intends to create a string oscillate mode through ANSYS software of finite element method, and to consider the influence on vibration of bridge and snakeskin to imitate string vibration, in order to be prepared for further research.

目 錄 摘 要Ι 目 錄Ⅲ 圖索引Ⅵ 表索引III 符號說明III 第一章緒論1 1.1 研究動機與目的1 1.2文獻回顧與整理2 1.3本文架構3 第二章二胡琴弦的振動理論基礎5 2.1前言5 2.2弦振動方程式的推導5 2.3弦振動的頻率與波形8 2.4 樂器之振動系統20 第三章二胡琴弦振動之有限元素分析21 3.1 前言21 3.2 二胡構造簡介21 3.3 二胡的音位與把位23 3.4 二胡與提琴的比較24 3.5 琴弦振動之有限元素分析26 3.6 修正琴弦振動之有限元素分析模型33 3.7 校正琴弦振動之有限元素分析模型38 3.8 琴弦振動模型之運用40 3.9 模擬琴皮之自然模態43 3.10 模擬琴弦與琴皮之組合48 第四章 二胡產生狼音的原因及改善49 4.1 前言49 4.2 文獻回顧49 4.3 二胡產生狼音的原因51 4.4 狼音位置及頻率分析58 4.5 狼音的改善方法81 4.6 小結89 第五章 結論與建議90 5.1 結論90 5.2 對未來研究方向的建議91 參考文獻92 附錄A 有限元素分析之弦振動模型程式94 附錄B 二胡琴筒內的空氣共振99 附錄C 薄膜振動模式106

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