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研究生: 吳旻修
Min-shiou Wu
論文名稱: 多核心匯流排最佳化配置與即時排程合成
Real-time Task Allocation and Scheduler Synthesis for Multi-core Bus Systems
指導教授: 陳雅淑
Ya-Shu Chen
口試委員: 張立平
Li-Pin Chang
Yuan-Hao Chang
Jen-Wei Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 嵌入式多核心系統匯流排傳輸成本優先順序限制最佳化配置優先權設定
外文關鍵詞: Embedded multi-core system, Bus communication cost, Precedence constraint, Allocation, Prioirty setting
相關次數: 點閱:315下載:4
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  • 目前的嵌入式系統大多實現為多核心系統,多核心透過匯流排傳遞訊息與資料,造成匯流排成為效能瓶頸。然而,空間成本的考量下,匯流排在系統中的個數不可太多;為了減少匯流排上的傳輸成本,本論文針對多核心相依行程提出了最佳化配置方法,使用CUS (Constant Utilization Server)解決優先順序限制的問題,並發表相對應的可排程測試,最後利用模擬退火演算法,透過實驗數據得知本論文所提出的方法可以有效地減少在匯流排上的傳輸成本 。

    Many embedded systems are equipped with multi-cores to serve multiple applications with real-time constraints. Cores are communicated with each other by bus, and thus, bus becomes the performance bottleneck for such system. We propose an optimal task allocation to reduce the communication cost among cores. The constant utilization server is used to schedule tasks with precedence constraints between cores to meet the timing constraint. The scheudulability test and priority setting to co-schedule task executions and communications are also presented in this paper. A simulated annealing algorithm is proposed for task allocation and compared with heuristics-based algorithms to provide further insights for system designers. The capability of the proposed methodology is evaluated by a series of experiments, for which encouraging results were presented.

    1 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 研究背景 1 1.3 論文架構 2 2 相關研究 3 3 理論模型 6 3.1 硬體架構 6 3.2 軟體架構與行程模型 6 3.3 問題定義 8 4 排程演算法 10 4.1 問題描述 10 4.2 CUS設定 11 4.3 排程演算法 12 4.4 模擬退火法 17 5 實驗結果 20 5.1 實驗環境 20 5.1.1 TGFF 20 5.1.2 排程方法實作 22 5.2 實驗設定 23 5.3 實驗結果 25 5.3.1 時間比較 25 5.3.2 Degree變異 26 5.3.3 Chain實驗 32 5.3.4 迭代實驗 33 5.3.5 可排程測試實驗 35 5.3.6 總結 36 6 結論與未來展望 38

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