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研究生: 高熏風
論文名稱: 內控機制對企業營運績效之個案研究
Internal control mechanisms operating performance of the business case study
指導教授: 劉代洋
Day-Yang Liu
口試委員: 曾盛恕
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 內控機制企業營運績效
外文關鍵詞: Internal control mechanisms, performance of business operations
相關次數: 點閱:232下載:0
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近年來,國際間陸續發生許多大型企業重大舞弊案件,如1995年2月發生在英國的霸菱銀行,由於交易員李森以超過授權額度,操作日經225指數期貨,虧損數十億美元,2001年底暴發震驚全世界的美國恩隆(Enron)案及世界通訊(WorldCom)等財務弊案,使廣大的投資人蒙受重大損失,國內則發生有如博達、訊碟、太電、雅新及力霸等掏空舞弊案件,這些弊案誆騙廣大的投資人、債權人、員工及社會大眾,不但造成投資人損失慘重,一生心血盡付流水,更重創資本市場健全的發展,衍生社會問題。前揭舞弊事件所產生之負面影響,除了使投資人對企業財務報表產生不信任外,更使投資人對資本市場望之卻步。方志宏(2008)認為國內近年來金融舞弊案件層出不窮,如中華商業銀行、萬泰銀行發生掏空弊案,這些舞弊案件突顯出內部控制存在的價值。曾秀貞(2004)認為大型知名企業陸續的傳出財務危機、掏空公司資產、及對外發佈虛偽的財務報表等事件,而這些事件的發生,皆導因於企業對平日的作業未落實執行有效且持續性的內部控制。彭蕙芳(2002)認為內部控制(Internal Control)是公司治理的一環,董監事的運作、企業透明度是公司治理的經營策略、企業形象的具體實現,而內部控制則是公司治理的作業管理及確保遵循的機制,企業惟有在策略面及作業面的管理都運作良好,才有高品質的公司治理。

In recent years, many large international companies have been incidents of major fraud cases, such as the February 1995 Barings Bank in the UK, due to trader Leeson in excess of the authorized amount, the Nikkei 225 index futures operation, loss of billions of dollars, the end of 2001 shocked the world and an outbreak of the American Enron (Enron) case and WorldCom (WorldCom), and other financial scandals, the majority of investors have suffered heavy losses, the domestic like Bardon occurs, information discs, so electricity, elegant and force new Ba emptied cases of fraud, scandal Kuangpian majority of these investors, creditors, employees and the community will not only lead investor losses, and his efforts to make payment of water, but hit the sound development of capital markets, derivatives social problems. Op fraud arising from the negative impact, in addition to investors' distrust of corporate financial statements, but also to investors on the capital market are deterred from visiting. Fang Zhihong (2008) that domestic financial fraud cases in recent years, emerging, such as the Chinese Commercial Bank, Cosmos Bank scandal occurred emptied, these fraud cases highlight the value of internal control. Has Xiuzhen (2004) that large well-known enterprises from Mainland financial crisis continued to spread, hollowed out the company's assets, and released false financial statements and other events, and these events, all arise from normal business operations are not implemented effective and continuous internal control. Peng Huifang (2002) that the internal control (Internal Control) is a corporate governance aspect, directors and supervisors of operations, business transparency, corporate governance business strategy, corporate image of the specific implementation, and internal control is the corporate governance operations management and ensure compliance mechanism, the enterprise only in the strategic management of surface and work surface are well, have high-quality corporate governance.
Huangchong Hui (2004) that the operation of corporate governance through strengthening the function of the board of directors and supervisors to fully implement the system of internal control, internal audit system and financial transparency, to provide immediate and appropriate information to avoid insider trading or fraud Xunsi related-party transactions occur, making each and every shareholder and interested parties can get a fair treatment and due reward, but also allow the company to successfully obtain the necessary working capital, thus making the company's operating performance moving upward, the company value Yulai the higher. And found that all dimensions of corporate governance, internal control mechanisms in order to have a significant impact on business performance.
Responding to the competent authorities of China's securities relative to the internal control system, the importance of business management, which in 1992 issued "public companies to establish internal control system is implemented points" for the issuing company and the stock has been publicly listed companies to follow , look to companies through the internal control system to effectively create and execute and play the internal oversight, early warning function, strengthen the business base, and at any time can benefit from internal and external industrial, political and economic environment and the international situation of rapid change, combined with the company's operations Target amended at any time, in order to achieve a variety of measures and Hennessy function.
By the company's internal control system designed for managers and by the Board of Directors, is part of the internal mechanism of corporate self-discipline, good sound internal control mechanism to promote the company's operations, the operation of internal discipline, and to follow the Act, the operation of effectiveness and efficiency, the reliability of financial reporting purposes. Therefore, if within the enterprise to establish a good internal control system and to put the, can effectively improve operational efficiency, to avoid the occurrence of operational mistakes and fraud, reduce operating costs, reduce business risk, and thus achieve steady business growth and sustainable management of aim should be to explore the subject worthy of study.

第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究範圍及流程 3 第四節 研究限制 5 第二章 相關文獻探討 6 第一節 內部控制 6 第二節 企業內控機制與營運績效之關聯性 14 第三章 研究方法 20 第一節 研究設計 20 第二節 個案訪談 21 第四章 產業分析與個案公司介紹 23 第一節 產業分析 23 第二節 個案公司介紹 29 第五章 個案分析 36 第一節 個案研究背景與動機 36 第二節 內控機制運作之流程/作法 37 第三節 個案公司內控實施後效益 50 第四節 公司未來規劃 59 第六章 結論與建議 61 第一節 研究結論 61 第二節 研究建議 63 參考文獻 65 一、中文部份 65 二、英文部份 67 三、網站部分 67

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1. 台灣證券交易所股市公開資訊觀測站:http://mops.twse.com.tw
2. 行政院金融監督管理委員會證期局網站:http://www.sfb.gov.tw
3. 全國博碩士論文資訊網站:http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/

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