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研究生: 周澧璇
Li-Hsuan Chou
論文名稱: 人受到時間壓力所影響之尋路行為
Modes of Pedestrians’ Behavior in Way-finding under Limited Time
指導教授: 林慶元
Ching-Yuan Lin
口試委員: 莊英吉
Jhuang-Ying Ji
Tang- Jie Sin
Huang-Shih Meng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 完形心理學智力三元論年齡層行為註記圖法時間壓力心智地圖尋路行為
外文關鍵詞: limited time, Behavior Pattern, age groups, Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory, Gestalt Psychology, mind map, way-finding behavior
相關次數: 點閱:582下載:4
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1.時間壓力對於人的尋路行為有影響,特別是成年晚期,為在時限 內到達,會傾向往上至地面層,以便快速尋找與目的地相對關係。

With its transition from a single-purpose to present multi-purpose structure, Taipei Station has posed a great challenge for travelers wishing to get where they want in as short a time as possible. The causes behind the phenomenon is that there have been more exits and entrances added to various structure levels and there is growing complexity and overlapping in its direction signs.
In order to arrive at a statistically accurate research result as to whether different age groups’ behavior and modes of thinking in way-finding are affected when travelers are put under time pressure, this study is conducted employing principles based on Gestalt Psychology, Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory and Cattell’s theory of fluid intelligences and crystallized intelligences. What comes up as an ending result of the study is established and supported by quantified data derived by analyzing questionnaires and by using quality research method in behavior patterns in the hope of firstly, establishing a valid relativity between theoretical assessment and practical results; secondly, forming a comparison between the mind map and the real action and lastly, offering an interpretation as to real behavioral patterns based on the analysis of questionnaires issued and recollected for the study.
Findings in the wake of this study are listed as below:
(1)Time pressure does affect people’s way-finding behavior, especially for those late in their adult life, who incline to go up to the surface level in as short a time as possible in order to be sure of their related location to the destination.
(2)Of all age groups, teenagers spend the least time on finding their way to where they want to get.
(3)There is a low ratio between travelers’ mind map and their practical way-finding behavior.
(4)Senior citizens are comparatively less capable of making an effective plan of finding their route by using the map provided.
(5)Youngsters view the settings in this area, though varied in style, are sufficiently easy for them to identify; in contrast, people in mid-life or older respond by saying there is an enormous similarity among the settings, which poses difficulty for identification.

中文摘要I 英文摘要II 誌謝IV 目錄V 圖目錄VIII 表目錄IX 第一章 緒論 1 1-1 研究動機與目的 1 1-2 研究課題 2 1-3 研究目的 2 1-4 研究範圍與施測要點 3 1-5 研究流程與方法 6 第二章 文獻回顧 9 2-1人類行為發展理論特性 9 2-1-1人類行為的定義 9 2-1-2人類的行為基礎10 2-1-3人類行為發展理論10 2-1-4人類的動作與行為發展12 2-1-5人類的認知行為發展15 2-1-6語言及符號溝通17 2-1-7人類行為的決策模式20 2-1-8人類的習慣心理22 2-2 名詞釋義 23 2-3 國外尋路行為相關論文24 2-4國內尋路行為相關論文27 第三章 實驗操作與流程設計32 3-1台北地下街通道發展32 3-2研究工具 35 3-3資料處理 36 第四章 尋路行為調查分析37 4-1預試題項分析 37 4-1-1前測預試題項分析37 4-1-2後測預試題項分析39 4-2前測有效樣本基本資料分析41 4-2-1背景分析 42 4-2-2前測有效樣本資料量數分析42 4-2-3前測量表年齡因素檢定44 4-2-4前測量表性別因素檢定50 4-3路徑行為觀察分析53 4-3-1預試路徑行為分析53 4-3-2青少年期尋路分析59 4-3-3成年早期尋路分析61 4-3-4成年中期尋路分析62 4-3-5成年晚期尋路分析63 4-3-6使用者尋路行為整體分析65 4-4後測有效樣本基本資料分析65 4-4-1背景分析 65 4-4-2後測有效樣本資料量數分析66 4-4-3後測量表年齡因素檢定68 4-4-4後測量表性別因素檢定71 第五章 結論與建議 75 5-1結論 75 5-2建議 76 參考文獻 78 附錄

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