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研究生: 袁若庭
Jo-Ting Yuan
論文名稱: 非營利產品線上口碑傳播意願之探討:代言人之干擾效果
The Factors of Online Word-of-Mouth Formation on Nonprofit Products: The Moderating Effect of Endorser
指導教授: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yeh
口試委員: 林孟彥
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 27
中文關鍵詞: 非營利產品代言人口碑傳播功能導向之心理因素情感導向之心理因素
外文關鍵詞: non-profit product, endorsers, electronic word of mouth, function drivers, emotional drivers
相關次數: 點閱:444下載:1
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非營利組織(non-profit organization)代表非政府機構但非私人企業的組織,其以公眾利益為目標、社會服務為使命,而不以營利為目的的民間組織(Hodgkinson, 1989; Wolf, 2012)。而非營利產品(non-profit product)是以公益為目的之市場競爭產品,其收益將歸於所屬之弱勢族群,使其轉變為社會資源之創造者而非耗費者。隨著收支不平衡之情況日漸嚴重,非營利組織紛紛以商品事業化手法來自立財源,像是憑藉販售非營利產品給消費者以取得善款。
隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,人與人之間的資訊交流也變得比以往更容易。因此,現代的消費者已普遍習慣透過網路來獲取他人對於產品的口碑評價,來降低自己購買產品時所可能遭受的風險與不確定性,以便協助其做出較佳的購買決策。消費者在購買產品前除了會藉由線上口碑此種直接方法來衡量產品優劣之外,廠商推出的產品代言人亦是一個能讓消費者評估該產品的間接方法。許多學者亦指出,代言人與產品的適配性能有效預估該產品的可信度並提高其購買意願。而在研究產品線上口碑傳播意願的過程中本研究著重於兩個要點,分別為消費者之功能導向之心理需求(functional drivers)與情感導向之心理需求(emotional drivers)(Lovett, Peres and Shachar, 2013)。

Non-profit organization is occupied an important status in current society, it provides the services which government or enterprise does not serve. With the increasingly serious situation of payments imbalance, the non-profit organizations start to sell non-profit products to obtain financial resources.
As the internet being well developed and widespread, the electronic word of mouth becomes more important than before. To avoid purchasing risk and uncertainty, consumers are used to evaluate products by online reviews. Companies will also hire the endorsers to increase the products’ sales. Consumers will evaluate the product with two mental drivers, functional drivers and emotional drivers.
We used a 2(search goods/experience goods)*5(professional man/ professional woman/ attractive man/ attractive woman/ no endorser) between-subject design to research about “how endorsers will influence consumers’ intention of delivering electronic word of mouth?” and “whether the endorsers’ professional, attractiveness and sexual will influence consumers’ intention of delivering electronic word of mouth?”

摘要I AbstractII 目錄III 圖目錄IV 表目錄V 壹、研究動機1 貳、概念發展3 一、非營利產品與產品線上口碑3 二、代言人與產品類別(搜尋品、經驗品)4 參、理論模型與假設6 一、代言人對非營利產品線上口碑傳播意願的影響7 二、產品方面:搜尋性非營利產品、經驗性非營利產品8 肆、研究方法10 一、設計和對象10 二、非營利產品與代言人的選擇10 三、前測10 四、分析與結果10 伍、討論15 一、學術意涵16 二、實務管理意涵17 三、研究限制與未來研究方向17 陸、參考文獻18

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