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研究生: 鄭凱如
Kai-Ru Jheng
論文名稱: 新型紫膜複合材料與晶片之光電與光學特性研究暨應用
Study of photoelectric and optical properties of new purple membrane-based composite materials and chips and the applications
指導教授: 陳秀美
Hsiu-Mei Chen
口試委員: 江志強
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 223
中文關鍵詞: 細菌視紫質奈米金大腸桿菌量子點螢光共振能量轉移二倍頻
外文關鍵詞: bacteriorhodopsin, gold nanoparticles, Escherichia coli, quantum dots, Förster resonance energy transfer, second harmonic generation
相關次數: 點閱:576下載:0
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細菌視紫質 (bacteriorhodopsin, BR) 存在於紫色細胞膜 (purple membrane, PM) 中,為一具有光電轉換特性之蛋白質,可應用於各種光電裝置。本研究將PM與β-alanine胺基酸、生物辨識分子或無機奈米粒子分別結合製成新型複合材料或晶片,探討其光電與光學性質,並進行各種材料分析。首先將β-alanine與PM溶液混合並製備單晶體,發現PM的混入可使原本β-alanine晶體成為具有光電與非線性二倍頻特性之複合晶體。其次,將抗大腸桿菌 (Escherichia coli) 抗體以avidin-biotin生物親和作用固定化在塗覆有均一方向PM膜的ITO基材上,並進行E. coli捕捉與偵測。發現PM晶片所產生之光電流會因菌被捕捉覆蓋晶片而下降,可應用於菌液濃度定量檢測;相同原理也可應用於一般革蘭氏陰性菌的檢測。再者,將奈米金粒子 (gold nanoparticles, AuNPs),以生物親和作用或化學鍵結合於塗覆有均一方向PM膜的ITO玻璃上,同樣也發現AuNPs結合濃度增加時會使PM晶片光電流下降,80 nm AuNPs所造成光電流下降效應比10 nm AuNPs顯著;且當10 nm AuNPs塗覆濃度提升至1 µM時,PM晶片可能因AuNPs的SPR效應而造成PM脈衝式光電流的延長,以及PM化學電容效應增加。最後,將綠色量子點 (quantum dots, QDs) 同樣接於塗覆有均一方向PM膜的ITO基材表面上,發現以藍光激發此PM-QDs複合晶片時,可產生連續光電流 (179.6±0.3 nA/cm2);置換電極為金電極時,則可再提升連續光電流密度至5.7 µA/cm2。進一步,量測BR之M光學中間態的衰減時間常數,發現PM與QDs結合後會縮短,因此推測藍光激發PM-QDs晶片後,QDs先發射出綠螢光而激發BR進入光循環,同時藍光也造成BR M態加速衰退而立即回到基態,如此使BR持續推出質子並累積在PM膜表面而產生連續光電流。利用TEM分析QDs於PM膜上的結合分佈情況,可估算QDs與BR間的螢光共振能量轉移 (Förster resonance energy transfer, FRET) 效率為85 %。此外,使用Maker fringes技術對PM-ITO晶片進行二倍頻量測,可得到PM膜的二階非線性係數值為 χ33(2) = 1.9×10-9 esu且χ31(2) = 1×10-9 esu,證明所塗覆在ITO電極的PM膜具有高度定向性;對於PM-QDs複合晶片,則因QDs的影響而無法測得這些參數。本研究所揭示PM複合材料與晶片之光電與光學特性,可應用於新型生物感測器和生物太陽能電池之開發。

Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) in purple membranes (PM) is a protein with photoelectric conversion property, and can be applied in various photoelectric devices. In this study, β-alanine amino acid, bio-recognition molecules and inorganic nanoparticles were each assembled with PM to form new composite materials or chips, followed by the studies of their photoelectric and optical properties as well as material analysis. First, a single crystal was prepared by mixing β-alanine and PM together and the resultant composite crystal was found to carry photoelectric and nonlinear-optical properties. Secondly, antibodies against Escherichia coli were immobilized on an ITO electrode layered by a uniformly oriented PM layer via avidin-biotin bioaffinity interaction, and then E. coli was captured and detected. The reduction of photocurrent generated by PM was observed due to cell attachment;therefore, the E. coli concentrations were quantified. The same detection principle was further applied to the detection of general gram-negative bacteria. Thirdly, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) coated on the same unidirectionally immobilized PM layer on ITO also caused PM photocurrent reduction, with the reduction effect of 80 nm AuNPs more significant than that of 10 nm AuNPs. When coated with 1 μM 10 nm AuNPs, the transient photocurrent of the PM chip decreased slower and the chemical capacitance effect of PM increased, possibly due to the SPR effect by AuNPs. Finally, green quantum dots (QDs) were attached to unidirectional PM layer immobilized on ITO. When blue light excited the PM-QDs composite chip, a continuous photocurrent of 179.6±0.3 nA/cm2 was produced. The replacement of the ITO electrode with a gold one further increased the continuous photocurrent density was to 5.7 μA/cm2. The decay time constant of the M state of BR was decreased when QDs were present or attached to. Therefore, it was interpreted that green fluorescence emitted from QDs excited by a blue light drove BR into its photocycle;and meanwhile, the illuminating blue light accelerated the decay of the BR M state, driving BR to quickly return to its ground state. This caused an accumulation of protons on PM surface, resulting in the production of a continuous photocurrent. TEM analysis revealed the arrangement of QDs binding on PM patches and a 67 % efficiency of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between QDs and PM was estimated. Moreover, the second-order nonlinear susceptibilities of the PM-ITO chip were estimated as χ33(2) = 1.9×10-9 esu andχ31(2) = 1×10-9 esu using the Maker fringes method, demonstrating a high uniformity of PM orientation on ITO. The χ33(2) and χ31(2) parameters of the PM-QDs composite chip could not be determined due to the interference of QDs. In conclusion, the revealed photoelectric and optical properties of PM-based composite materials and chips can be applied to the development of new biosensors and biological solar cells.

中文摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XVII 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 2 2-1 Halobacterium salinarum與bacteriorhodopsin 2 2-2 BR光循環中的質子傳遞 5 2-3 BR光電響應 9 2-4 BR等效電路理論 13 2-5 BR非線性光學二倍頻特性 16 2-6 奈米金 (gold nanoparticles, AuNPs) 介紹與應用 23 2-6-1 AuNPs特性 23 2-6-2 AuNPs生物醫學應用 24 2-6-2-1 AuNPs增強拉曼散射 (Raman scattering) 於生物檢測之應用 24 2-6-2-2 AuNPs於光熱療法 (photo-thermal therapy, PTT) 與光動力療法 (photodynamic therapy, PDT) 之應用 26 2-6-2-3 AuNPs應用於比色檢驗 (colorimetric detection) 29 2-6-2-4 AuNPs應用於細胞標定影像成像與DNA檢測 31 2-6-3 AuNPs於PM研究之應用 33 2-7 量子點 (quantum dots, QDs) 特性與應用 35 2-7-1 QDs特性 35 2-7-2 QDs於LED之應用 36 2-7-3 QDs之螢光染劑應用 38 2-7-4 QDs於染料敏化太陽能電池之應用 42 2-7-5 QDs太陽能電池之應用 43 2-8 螢光共振能量轉移 45 2-9 QDs與BR的結合應用 53 第三章 實驗 60 3-1 實驗目的 60 3-2 實驗流程 61 第四章 結果與討論 68 4-1 混摻PM之β-alanine結晶特性探討 68 4-1-1 結晶外觀、SEM與AFM影像觀察 68 4-1-2 結晶的非線性光學特性 75 4-1-3 結晶的光電性質探討 77 4-2 PM生物光電晶片於生物感測器之應用 84 4-2-1 菌體檢測與架橋選用 85 4-2-2 拉曼光譜與AFM影像分析鑑定PM晶片表面改質 91 4-2-3 PM生物光電晶片之選擇性、專一性與實際樣品檢測 96 4-2-4 PM生物光電晶片的穩定性與保存性探討及目前研究之生物感測器比較 102 4-2-5 PM生物光電晶片的檢測原理推論 106 4-3 PM生物光電晶片結合AuNPs之應用 111 4-3-1 拉曼光譜鑑定於PM上鍵結AuNPs之晶片 111 4-3-2 以PM生物光電晶片檢測AuNPs及表面塗覆率與微分光電流之吸附關係探討 114 4-3-3 PM晶片添加AuNPs之D1D2光電流RC等效電路分析 123 4-4 PM結合QDs的光電特性探討 131 4-4-1 拉曼光譜與AFM影像分析鑑定於PM表面鍵結上QDs之晶片 132 4-4-2 PM結合QDs晶片的D1D2微分光電流探討 139 4-4-3 PM晶片結合QDs之D1D2光電流訊號的RC等效電路分析 144 4-4-4 PM結合QDs晶片的B1B2瞬態光電流響應探討 152 4-4-5 PM結合QDs晶片的B1B2訊號之RC等效電路分析 156 4-4-6 PM結合QDs之溶液的M態量測 162 4-4-7 PM結合QDs之溶液的理論FRET計算 165 4-4-8 PM結合QDs晶片的非線性光學之二倍頻探討 173 第五章 結論 182 第六章 參考文獻 184 第七章 附錄 199 7-1 二倍頻的origin擬合公式程式碼 199 7-1-1 石英二倍頻訊號的origin擬合公式程式碼 199 7-1-2 樣品二倍頻S-P偏振的origin擬合公式程式碼 199 7-1-3 樣品二倍頻P-P偏振的origin擬合公式程式碼 200 7-2 中英文對照與縮寫表 201

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