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研究生: 吳季庭
Ji-Ting Wu
論文名稱: 以行動研究探討樂齡中心課程設計──以行動裝置課程為例
Action Research to explore the Curriculum Design for Senior Citizens Learning Center——A Case for Mobile Device Course
指導教授: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
口試委員: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
Yuan-Chi Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 行動研究行動裝置樂齡中心課程設計
外文關鍵詞: Action Research, Mobile Device, Senior Citizens Learning Center, Curriculum Design
相關次數: 點閱:567下載:2
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  • 隨著資訊科技的發展改變高齡者的生活型態,不論是社交或休閒娛樂皆與行動裝置有著密不可分的關係,但年齡增長身理的退化,學習與操作介面不易,為了讓高齡者順應資訊社會的轉變,樂齡中心開始設立行動裝置相關課程,協助長輩降低數位落差、提升資訊素養,本研究旨在探討高齡者參與行動裝置課程的目的與目標,並在執行教學的過程中,探索、修正並發展適合樂齡中心行動裝置課程的規劃模式。本研究採用行動研究法,以新北雙連社福中心為研究場域,探索樂齡中心行動裝置課程,參與課程與問卷填答的高齡者共有23位,課程結束後對15位高齡者進行訪談,以質性訪談探索高齡者行動裝置學習目的、使用習慣以及對課程的想法,由行動研究初步結果提出課程規劃架構與教具設計,並進行另一個行動研究循環。研究結果發現,高齡者參與行動裝置的主要目的為提升使用能力,並藉由學習科技增進與親友、社會的連結;參與課程後高齡者獲得獨立自主解決問題的能力,減少對他人的依賴,除了基本操作外,也能運用資訊科技傳達自身經驗影響他人獲得成就感。在教學面中,高齡者對操作步驟記憶有困難,不容易熟練,課後難以持續使用,因此,行動裝置課程綜合講述、練習教學法,有助於加強高齡者對操作步驟的印象及熟悉度;另外,高齡者重視教學內容的實用性,收集高齡者的學習需求,有助於規劃符合他們生活所需的課程,最後基於本研究結果,針對樂齡中心行動裝置課程規劃與教材開發提出建議。

    As the development of information technology has changed the lifestyle of the elderly, social and leisure entertainment, there is an inseparable connection with mobile devices. However, as they age, their physical and mental deterioration makes learning and operating the devices challenging. To help them adapt to the changes in the information society, the Senior Citizens Learning Center has started to offer mobile device courses to help them reduce the digital divide and improve information literacy. This study aims to investigate the purpose of the elderly's participation in the mobile device program to attain the goal. During the implementation of the teaching process, an appropriate planning model for the mobile device program at the Senior Citizens Learning Center was explored, refined, and developed. Action research was adopted for this study, and Suang Lien Xinzhuang Social Welfare Center in New Taipei City was chosen as a research site. Twenty-three seniors participated in the course and questionnaire survey, and 15 elderly participants were interviewed after the course. The interview was conducted to understand the elderly's learning objectives, usage habits, and perceptions of the curriculum. According to the preliminary results, this study proposed a curriculum planning framework and teaching aids. Another round of action research was then conducted. The study found that the main objectives of the elderly to participate in the mobile device are to obtain the capability of using mobile devices and increase their connection with friends, family, and society through the learning of technology. After taking the course, the elderly gained the ability to solve problems independently. In the course, the elderly have difficulty in memorizing the operation instructions, making it difficult for them to continue using the device after the course. Therefore, the mobile device course is a combination of didactic and practice instruction, which helps to enhance the impression of the elderly. Furthermore, the elderly value the practicality of the course content, and collecting the learning needs of the elderly can help plan courses that meet their needs in their lives. Finally, the findings of this study offer suggestions for curriculum planning and materials development for mobile devices in the Senior Citizens Learning Center.

    第一章 緒論1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究動機與目的2 1.3研究範圍3 1.4名詞釋義3 1.5研究流程4 第二章 文獻探討6 2.1 高齡學習6 2.1.1高齡學習需求與動機6 2.1.2高齡教育8 2.2 高齡社區型態學習9 2.2.1高齡學習社區化9 2.2.2臺灣政策 — 長照2.0社區關懷據點10 2.3 行動裝置11 2.3.1 高齡者行動裝置學習與使用11 2.3.2 高齡者行動裝置學習困難13 2.3.3 高齡者行動裝置教育相關研究14 2.4 教學方法與課程發展16 2.5 文獻小結18 第三章 研究方法19 3.1 研究步驟19 3.2 研究方法19 3.2.1 行動研究法19 3.2.2 觀察法20 3.2.3 訪談法21 3.3 研究對象22 3.4 研究工具22 3.4.1 前期問卷調查22 3.4.2 觀察紀錄22 3.4.3 訪談大綱23 3.5 行動裝置課程規劃24 3.5.1 課程規劃理念24 3.5.2 第一次課程規劃24 3.5.3 第二次課程規畫28 第四章 研究結果32 4.1 問卷調查結果32 4.2 行動研究執行歷程37 4.3 觀察結果39 4.3.1 整體學員觀察39 4.3.2 整體課程觀察39 4.4行動裝置使用習慣與影響40 4.4.1 主要使用功能40 4.4.2 行動裝置對生活的影響42 4.5對行動裝置課程的看法43 4.5.1 參與行動裝置課程的動機43 4.5.2 學習行動裝置對生活的改變45 4.5.3 行動裝置學習困難47 4.5.4 對現有課程的建議48 4.5.5 講義的教學形式50 4.6教學者觀點51 4.7課程設計53 4.7.1教學內容53 4.7.2課程流程54 4.7.3第二次教學內容與課堂流程規劃54 4.8教材開發57 4.8.1課程講義57 4.8.2記憶考驗互動59 4.9後續訪談62 4.9.1 課程前_教學內容規劃62 4.9.2 課程中_課程流程安排64 4.9.3 圖標配對版65 4.9.4 圖標聯想記憶法67 4.9.5「圖標配對版」與「圖標聯想記憶法」比較67 4.9.6 講義內容編排與設計69 4.9.7 參與行動裝置課程對生活的影響70 4.9.8 推薦他人參與行動裝置課程考量的因素71 4.9.9 對後續課程的建議73 4.10訪談小結74 第五章 研究結論與建議76 5.1結論76 5.2研究限制與後續研究建議81 參考文獻83 附錄89

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