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研究生: 李沂芳
Yi-Fang Lee
論文名稱: 一個利用深度攝影機於運動姿態分類的人體活動能量消耗估測系統
A Posture-Classification-Based Estimation System for Energy Expenditure of Physical Activities Captured by Depth Cameras
指導教授: 范欽雄
Chin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員: 李建德
Jiann-Der Lee
Jun-Wei Hsieh
Yi-Ling Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 深度攝影機能量消耗人體活動運動姿態分類多層感知器卷積神經網路
外文關鍵詞: depth camera, energy expenditure, physical activity, posture classification, multilayer perceptron, convolutional neural network
相關次數: 點閱:460下載:2
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  • 瞭解不同人體活動的能量消耗可以幫助人們做出適當的運動鍛鍊計畫。本論文提出一種基於深度攝影機的人體活動能量消耗估測系統,使用此系統不需要配戴任何裝置,其中運動姿態可以區分站立、行走和跑步,經由此系統可以依據不同的運動姿態估算人體活動的能量消耗。
    透過數次的實驗,多層感知器是最適合建立各種人體活動能量消耗估計系統的預測模型,搭配側邊的攝影機資料可以獲得最低的平均絕對誤差值,亦即MAE= 0.54。而在三個人體活動分別建立三個相對應的能量消耗估測系統中,多層感知器搭配後方的攝影機在跑步運動的估測中具有最佳的結果,而在站立和行走兩種運動姿態,該系統則是以卷積神經網路搭配後方攝影機資料能獲得最佳估測結果,其中站立的MAE=0.14,行走的MAE=0.46,而跑步的MAE=0.65。根據實驗結果顯示,此研究提供一個可靠的系統,讓受試者能夠使用最方便且簡單的方式來監控自身運動時的能量消耗。

    The energy expenditure of different physical activities can help people make proper exercise planning. In this thesis, we develop an estimation system for energy expenditure of physical activities captured by depth cameras. In this system, users need not wear any devices while doing the workouts. The system can first classify the postures of standing, walking, and running, then estimate energy expenditure based on different physical activities postures.
    In this study, 21 subjects were recruited to participate in energy expenditure experiments in physical activities. Subject's skeletal data acquired by the depth camera are used to classify different physical activities postures, and subject's metabolic equivalents are obtained from a gas analyzer to establish the estimation system for energy expenditure of physical activities. In order to accurately estimate the energy expenditure, this study sets up three depth cameras on the side, rear right, and rear of the subject. Then compare the energy expenditure according to the postures of standing, walking, and running by various regression prediction models with the data captured by different cameras.
    Through many experiments, the multilayer perceptron (MLP) is the most suitable predictive model for establishing the estimation system for energy expenditure of a combined physical activity. The lowest mean absolute error (MAE) can be obtained by an MLP with the camera data on the side, which is MAE = 0.54. When examining one of three physical activities (standing, walking, and running) by virtue of our proposed estimation system individually, the MLP with rear data has the best result for running postures (MAE = 0.65), and a convolutional neural network with rear data for standing posture (MAE = 0.14) and walking posture (MAE = 0.46) has the best result. According to the experimental results, our study can provide a reliable system that allows the subject to monitor the energy expenditure during the exercise in the most convenient and simple way.

    中文摘要 Abstract 致謝 List of Figures List of Tables Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Motivation 1.3 System Description 1.4 Organization of Thesis Chapter 2 Related Work 2.1 Different Types of Physical Activities Data Collection 2.1.1 Heart Rate Monitor 2.1.2 Accelerometer 2.1.3 Kinect Sensor 2.2 The Effect of Kinect Sensor 2.2.1 3D Imaging 2.2.2 Skeletal Tracking Chapter 3 Physical Activities Data Preprocessing 3.1 Data Acquisition 3.2 Feature Extraction 3.3 Posture Classification 3.3.1 Principal component analysis 3.3.2 Support Vector Machines Chapter 4 Energy Expenditure Estimation 4.1 Linear Regression Model 4.2 Multilayer Perceptron Model 4.3 Convolutional Neural Network Model Chapter 5 Experimental Results and Discussions 5.1 Experimental Setup 5.2 The Results of Feature Extraction and Selection 5.3 The Results of Energy Expenditure Estimation 5.3.1 Test on Linear Regression Model 5.3.2 Test on Multilayer Perceptron Model 5.3.3 Test on Convolutional Neural Network Model 5.3.4 The Comparison of Three Models Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 6.1 Conclusions 6.2 Future Work References

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