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研究生: 陳莉涵
Li-Han Chen
論文名稱: 地錨鋼絞線之防蝕保護材料和其效果
Effect of corrosion protection materials for steel strand of ground anchor
指導教授: 廖洪鈞
Hung-Jiun Liao
口試委員: 廖洪鈞
Hung-Jiun Liao
Chun-Tao Chen
Shih-Hao Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 地錨鋼絞線防蝕保護材料加速腐蝕試驗
外文關鍵詞: ground anchor, steel strand, anti-corrosion material, accelerated corrosion tests
相關次數: 點閱:215下載:5
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Due to the improper corrosion protection and malpractice of ground anchor construction in the past, corrosion was a common problem for ground anchors in Taiwan. Remedial measures were taken to prevent the corrosion of existing anchors from getting worse. If no sign of groundwater leaking was observed, cement grout can be use to fill up the void under the anchorage head and cover the bare tendons. But if groundwater is present, cement grout may not be able to cut off water completely because cement particles may not be able to get in the tiny voids among the wires of the steel strand.
Therefore, this paper attempts to use steel strand corrosion protection materials, such as hydrophilic polyurethane, hydrophobic polyurethane, microfine cement, Portland cement and Denso Void Filler to fill up the tiny voids inside the steel strand and cut off the water flow path to mitigate the corrosion problem of steel strand. The effect of each anti-corrosion material for steel strand was evaluated using the accelerated corrosion tests.
Since the particle size distribution of Portland cement grout is over a wide range. The fine portion of the cement particles is possible to get in the tiny void of the steel strand, but the fill-up effect is not easy to evaluate. Microfine cement grout does not require high pressure to penetrate into the tiny voids from the surface of the steel strand. Because of its fineness of cement particles, it needs to add superplasticizer to prevent false set during gouting. Hydrophilic polyurethane (PU) will react with water in the void of steel strand due to its good penetrability. But the foam produced after reacting with water tends to absorbe water and corrode the steel strand. Hydrophobic polyurethane has the best anti-corrosion effect in terms of weight loss of steel strand. But the number of broken steel wires in the strand after corrosion is the most. Lastly, the Denso Void Filler is a paste-like material under room temperature, so it needs be heated to become liquid-like before it can penetrate into the voids of the steel strand. But it will change back to the paste state quickly when encounters cool groundwater. So, it may have difficulty to fill up the voids of the steel strands.
Based on the properties of the above anti-corrosion materials, it can be found that Denso Void Filler has low fluidity under room temperature and the Portland cement grout has high fluidity. Therefore, when doing anti-corrosion protection for the free length of new ground anchor and existing ground anchor, cement grout can be injected to the anchor first until it overflows from the anchor hole. If the cement grout level drops due to leaking in the anchor hole, the paste-like Denso Void Filler can be injected to fill up the void left behind by the dropping cement grout level. Due to its low fluidity, Void Filler can be used to fill up the void and protect the exposed steel strand in the void and other anchor components under the anchor head. Using the approach, ground anchor with a good corrosion protection can be produced.

摘要 ABSTRACT 誌謝 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 第1章 緒論 1.1 研究動機及目的 1.2 研究方法及內容 1.3 論文架構 第2章 研究背景說明 2.1 前言 2.2 傳統地錨之鋼腱組立方式及可能銹蝕原因 2.3 既有地錨錨頭下方目前處理方法 2.4 新設地錨設計 2.4.1 錨頭部分功能提昇 2.4.2 地錨內部之改良 2.5 地錨銹蝕 2.4.1 銹蝕原理 2.4.2 地錨主要銹蝕型態 2.4.3 電流加速鋼筋腐蝕之原理 第3章 防蝕材料之特性探討 3.1 親水性聚氨酯樹脂 3.1.1 室內模型試驗設計及過程 3.1.2 室內模型試驗結果探討 3.2 超微粒水泥 3.2.1 超微粒水泥灌注於地錨鋼絞線隙縫之可行性試驗 3.2.2 超微粒水泥以自重滲入地錨鋼絞線間隙之可行性 3.3 英國Denso防蝕油脂及國光牌二號耐水極壓滑脂 第4章 防蝕材料之防蝕效果試驗 4.1 現地不同情境模擬 4.1.1 試驗計畫及製作 4.1.2 試驗結果探討 4.2 試驗計畫 4.3 試驗材料及設備 4.3.1 試驗材料 4.3.2 試驗設備 4.4 試驗模型設計及施行方式 4.4.1 試驗模型製作 4.4.2 試驗方法 第5章 試驗結果及探討 5.1試驗過程之觀察結果 5.1.1 防蝕材料前置作業 5.1.2 加速腐蝕試驗後 5.2 防蝕材料於模擬開口及閉口導尖下之防蝕效果比較 5.2.1 普通卜特蘭水泥 5.2.2 超微粒水泥 5.2.3 親水性聚氨酯樹脂 5.2.4 疏水性聚氨酯樹脂 5.2.5 英國Denso防蝕油脂 5.3模擬開口及閉口導尖下受防蝕材料保護之防蝕效果比較 5.3.1 模擬閉口導尖下不同防蝕材料之效果 5.3.2 模擬開口導尖下不同防蝕材料之效果 5.3.3 小結 第6章 結論與建議 6.1 結論 6.2 建議 參考文獻  

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