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研究生: 劉原銘
Ynanming - Liu
論文名稱: Enhance RED-based Scheduling(ERBS) Scheme for Qos in WiMax Network
Enhance RED-based Scheduling(ERBS) Scheme for Qos in WiMax Network
指導教授: 陳漢宗
Hann-Tzong Chern
口試委員: 吳乾彌
Chen-Mie Wu
Bih-Hwang Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 802.16排程設計QoS頻寬分配
外文關鍵詞: ERBS, RED-based Scheduling
相關次數: 點閱:271下載:0
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WiMAX提供了高速度網路存取和多媒體的服務,而且可支援多種不同類型的QoS。因此,在頻寬有限的情況下,有效的分配頻寬給多種的服務類型,確保即時性資料的流量和延遲時間,達到最有效的資源分配的目標,這方面的相關議題可加以探討。論文中將對於RED-based DFPQ(Random Early Dection based Deficit Fair Priority Queue)進行改良,提出ERBS,在RED-based DFPQ演算法中,以計算封包數量來當作佇列長度,但只適用於每個封包的長度為相同的,當封包長度為不同時,封包數量不等於佇列長度,另外,當同一等級數個連線封包數量超過第二門檻時,都固定為同一Deficit Counter(DC)值,可能分配相同的DC值給不同負載的各個連線,使得負載較重的連線會有較大的延遲時間。因此,在本論文中,我們以佇列的位元組長度來決定是否超過門檻來決定是否改變DC值。以各個佇列的長度來決定其權重(weight)值來分配其原有的總DC值,如此,這些連線分配到的總DC值不變,而各連線分配到的DC值將與佇列長度成正比。

The WiMAX network provides high speed internet multimedia service and supports a variety of types of Qos.Thus, it is important to allocate bandwidth to different class of traffic effectively in this network. The resource must be allocated effectively to guarantee the delay of real-time traffic.
An algorithm named Enhance RED-based Scheduling is proposed in this paper to improve the performance of RED-based Scheduling algorithm. In RED-based Scheduling algorithm, the packet number of each queue is found to decide the scheduled bandwidth. In this way, a queue with smaller packets tends to have larger scheduled bandwidth than it needs. It is only applicable to queues with the same packet size. Also, when the number of packets exceeds the second threshold, the deficit counter (DC) is fixed in RED-based Scheduling algorithm. Then, the connection with heavier load will have larger delay time than that with smaller load although they may be the same class. Thus, we byte length of each queue is used to decide the DC value in this paper. Also, the DC will depend on the length of queue if one queue exceeds the second threshold.

論文摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 圖目錄V 表目錄VII 第一章 序論1 1.1前言1 1.2研究動機與目的3 1.3論文章節架構4 第二章相關背景研究5 2.1 IEEE 802.16發展及介紹5 2.2 IEEE 802.16 MAC層簡介8 2.2.1 IEEE 802.16 QoS架構12 2.2.2 IEEE 802.16連線方式16 2.3 IEEE 802.16 PHY層簡介18 2.3.1 OFDMA 訊框架構19 2.3.2 DL-MAP與UL-MAP21 2.4分類及對應 (Classification and Mapping)23 2.5相關研究24 第三章IEEE 802.16系統與排程研究29 3.1 IEEE 802.16 QoS 管理架構29 3.2 Call Admission Control (CAC).30 3.3 ERBS32 第四章模擬結果與效能分析36 4.1模擬環境概述36 4.2系統架構與模擬參數37 4.3模擬結果與分析40 第五章結論49 參考文獻50

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