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研究生: 安百合
論文名稱: 依據政府贊助資訊建立專利論文配對之研究
Research on the establishment of patent-paper pair based on government funding information
指導教授: 管中徽
Chung-Huei Kuan
Chin-Yang Yu
口試委員: 游進陽
Chin-Yang Yu
Yu-jen chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 專利–論文配對政府贊助資訊雙重知識公開路徑知名學者
外文關鍵詞: patent-paper pair, government interest, dual-path knowledge disclosure, well-known scholar
相關次數: 點閱:266下載:0
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  • 一般而言,有得到政府贊助之研究成果,當需要向美國專利局(USPTO)提交專利申請時,大部分的狀況下會在專利文件上,標記有「政府贊助」之計劃編號。如此「政府贊助」之專利常涉及美國政府投資大量金額科學與技術發展。獲得政府贊助的研究,往往不僅僅可以發表學術論文,更可以透過申請專利擁有智慧財產權。於學術界,越來越多的科學家選擇了這種雙重知識公開的路徑,亦即連接揭露共同基礎知識之科學文章與專利的專利–論文配對(Patent-Paper pair)。於學術引用方面,擁有專利配對的論文比起沒有專利配對的論文,具有明顯較高的被引用率,這說明專利–論文配對於技術研發中尤其具有價值。

    Generally speaking, if there is a government-funded patent, when it is submitted to the United States Patent Office (USPTO), it will be marked with 「Government Interest」 in most cases. Such "government interest" patents often involve a great amount of capital invested by US government in scientific and technological development. The results of government-funded research can often not only publish academic papers, but also formally own intellectual property rights through patent applications. More and more scientists have chosen the dual-path knowledge disclosure, i.e. the patent-paper pair which links scientific articles and patents disclosing the same basic knowledge. The paper with matched patent(s) have a significantly higher citation rate than the papers without matched patent(s), which shows that patent-paper pairs are particularly valuable in scientific technology research and development.
    This research proposes a method for finding and establishing patent-paper pairs based on 「Government Interest」 information. At first, we try to find well-known scholars receiving government funds from the digital library of academic papers. Then, we have to confirm whether the well-known scholar has patents through the patent database. After confirmation, if the well-known scholar has one (or more) patent(s), the corresponding paper will be further found from the well-known scholar’s patent. By comparing whether they have the same author (or inventor), government funding number and core technology concept, the patent-paper pairs can be established. Finally, the analysis results also verify the feasibility of the proposed method for establishing the patent-paper pairs based on 「Government Interest」 information.

    致 謝 I 中文摘要 II ABSTRACT III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第1章 緒論 1 1-1研究背景與動機 1 1-2論文架構 3 第2章 文獻探討 7 2-1探討專利–論文配對(Patent-Paper pair)之背景及其重要性 7 2-2探討政府贊助(Government Interest) 7 第3章 研究方法 12 3-1 從論文資料庫找出獲得美國政府贊助的知名學者 13 3-2 從專利資料庫確認知名學者是否擁有專利 16 3-3 從專利找出相對應的論文 17 3-4 比對重要技術特徵並進一步確認專利–論文配對 21 第4章 分析結果 22 4-1 專利–論文配對(Patent-Paper pair)之結果 22 4-1-1 H. Vincent Poor之專利–論文配對結果 22 4-1-2 Akbar M. Sayeed之專利–論文配對結果 26 4-1-3 Robert W. Heath Jr.之專利–論文配對結果 30 4-2 分析與探討 31 4-2-1專利–論文配對之建立 32 4-2-2 知名學者未擁有專利或專利未有政府贊助資訊 34 4-2-3 論文優先專利發表 37 4-2-4 配對中有複數專利及複數論文 37 第5章 結論與未來展望 38 5-1 結論 38 5-2 未來展望 39 參考文獻 41

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