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研究生: 蔡亞典
Ya-Tien Tsai
論文名稱: 觀光型大眾運輸體驗線索對旅遊體驗、再乘意願或重遊意願之影響-以遊園公車為例
The Effects of Tourism Public Transport Experience Clues on Tourism Experience Repurchase Intention or Revisit Intention: A Case Study of Tour Bus
指導教授: 宋同正
Tung-jung Sung
口試委員: 苑守慈
Soe-Tsyr Yuan
Fang-Wu Tung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 再乘意願服務設計旅遊體驗觀光型大眾運輸體驗線索
外文關鍵詞: revisit intention, service design, tourism experience, tourism public transport, experience clues
相關次數: 點閱:471下載:14
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With the rising of global tourism industry, the service providers should create high-quality with holistic tourism experiences for tourists that could allow them to not only have a memorable experience, but also enhance their revisit intention. Generally speaking, there are so many experience clues in the scenic spots, which consequently influence the perception of tourists in service experience. Based on this, creating a unique tourism experience is crucial for the service providers to enhance the tourist experiences. In fact, the development of the transportation has a major impact on the growth of tourism. Therefore, the public transportation often plays an important role in tourism experience. This study aims to explore the effects of tourism public transport experience clues on tourism experience, repurchase intention or revisit intention from a case study of maokong tour bus.

According to the service design process, this study will be divided into three stages. The first stage is the "exploration & definition" stage. As for maokong tour bus, this study adopted the observational approach to explore experience clues, tourism experience, repurchase intention and revisit intention of tourists. Then, the study investigated 65 participants to discover the current service related issues of maokong tour bus. In the second stage, the "development" stage, the study invited four practiced designers to co-create new maokong tour bus design with good experience clues. The third stage is the "evaluation" stage. In this stage, the study implemented the new maokong tour bus design and compared the features of experience clues, tourism experience and repurchase intention between old and new tour bus designs. Eventually, this study collected 100 valid questionnaires to evaluate the experience clues on tourism experience, repurchase intention or revisit intention of old and new tour bus designs by using two-sample T-test and linear regression.

The results of the study revealed that: 1) there are significant differences of experience clues, tourism experience, repurchase intention and revisit intention between old and new tour bus design; 2) for the new tour bus design, experience clues has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention, and tourism experience also has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention; 3) for the new tour bus design, tourism experience has a significant positive effect on revisit intention. Fianlly, the study proposed two tourism public transport design guidelines for the humanic clues, tourism clues and emotional clues dimensions of experience clues.

一、緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 1.2 研究目的與重要性 1.3 研究範圍與限制 1.4 重要名詞解釋 1.5 研究架構與流程 二、文獻回顧 2.1觀光旅遊產業 2.1.1台灣觀光旅遊產業 2.1.2木柵觀光茶園 2.2大眾運輸 2.2.1觀光型大眾運輸 2.2.2貓空遊園公車 2.3體驗線索 2.3.1體驗線索之定義與內涵 2.3.2遊園公車體驗線索之衡量 2.4旅遊體驗 2.4.1旅遊體驗之定義與內涵 2.4.2旅遊體驗之衡量 2.5再乘意願 再乘意願之定義與衡量構面 2.6重遊意願 體驗線索定義與衡量構面 2.7服務設計 2.7.1服務設計定義之定義 2.7.2服務設計工具 2.8研究假設 三、研究設計 3.1研究對象 3.1.1觀察法 3.1.2問卷調查法 3.1.3訪談法 3.1.4焦點團體 3.2研究對象 3.3研究工具 四、研究發現與討論 4.1遊園公車探索與定義階段 4.1.1受訪者基本資料 4.1.2敘述性統計 4.1.3因素分析 4.1.4 T檢定 4.1.5前期研究結論 4.2遊園公車設計發展階段 4.2.1背景問題敘述 4.2.2滿意與不滿意事件 4.2.3新設計價值主張說明 4.2.4新遊園公車設計方針說明 4.3新遊園公車設計評估階段發現 4.3.1新遊園公車設計體驗流程 4.3.2新遊園公車之問卷調查 4.3.3研究假設驗證結果 五、結論與建議 5.1研究結論 5.2研究建議 5.2.1 設計應用建議 5.2.2 後續研究建議 參考文獻

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