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研究生: 林建宏
Chien-Hung Lin
論文名稱: 新創IC設計公司資源累積過程之研究
The process of entrepreneurial resource accumulation:Cases of IC design new ventures in Taiwan
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 黎正中
Chang-Chung Li
Bou-Wen Lin
Yao-Sheng Tsai
Yun-Kuei Huang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 新創公司資源累積動態能力共同創造協調運作IC設計
外文關鍵詞: new venture, resource accumulation, dynamic capability, co-creation, orchestration, IC-design
相關次數: 點閱:485下載:10
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這項研究是基於多個案研究的方法。我們進行深入訪談 10家IC設計公司的企業家。通過實證的證據,結合理論和實務的觀點,確定三個核心資源也就是技術,人脈網絡和正當性,以及兩階段也就是新興和嵌入階段,利用資源累積進入市場並保持成長。此外,協調整合資源與能力在不確定的環境下持續競爭優勢。

In the knowledge-intensive, rapid innovation cycle and the highly competitive environment, we found the ranking of the top 10 IC design companies have changed fast for the past few years. The top 10 IC design companies, with small capital, high growth rate and gross profit rate, are becoming the flaming focus of high-tech industry in Taiwan. Hence, we choose “IC design companies” as our study cases. How could these brand new IC design companies thrive in a competitive market? For a start-up company, its’ limited resources, technology, management and marketing ability are not mature, and the level of asymmetry information is high. Given their liability of newness and increasing market competition, it is critical for new venture to explore and exploit core resource acquisition and accumulation, and transform these core resources into actual competitive advantages.
Most of the recent literatures focused on the topic of high-tech ventures based on entrepreneurship, founding teams, and capital resources. However, there are few reported academy researches on the process of resource accumulation and orchestration capability for the survival and growth of new ventures. We address this gap by developing a conceptual framework to identify the core resources in the IC-design industry. The study starts with the resource-based view and the dynamic capabilities theory for the identification of these core resources needed to enter the market of new high-tech business. Then, the integration of customer references and co-creation theory was made to explore the growth of new ventures. Furthermore, the two stages of development for new ventures were used to describe that how complementary resources serve as key elements of survival and growth. Finally, the organization leader should ensure dynamic re-development, coordination, and integration of resources and capabilities to enhance a company’s competitive position in the industry.
This study is based on multi-case study methodology. We conducted in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs of 10 IC design companies. Through empirical evidence, integration of the theory, and practical perspective, the identification of three core resources(technology, network and legitimacy), two stages(emerging and embedding), utilization of the resource accumulation that needed to enter the market and keep growing in the industry for new ventures were made. In addition, orchestration of the resources and dynamic capabilities under volatile environment are also important to sustain competitive advantages.

中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV List of Figures and Tables VII 1. Introduction 1 2. Theoretical background and research questions 5 2.1. Start-up vs. Incumbent companies 5 2.2. Resources-based view and dynamic capability 7 2.3. Co-creation 10 2.4. Customer reference 13 2.5. Research questions 16 3. Methodology 17 4. Three case studies 23 4.1. RDC Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (RDC) 25 4.2. Advanced Analog Technology, Inc. (AAT) 29 4.3. Integrated Technology Express, Inc. (ITE) 32 5. Findings 37 5.1. The importance of the first customer for a start-up company 37 5.2. Three elements and two stages 41 5.3. Orchestration 47 6. Conclusions and managerial implications 49 7. Limitations and future research directions 54 8. References 56 9. Appendix 63

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