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研究生: 陳正中
Jeng-Chung Chen
論文名稱: 策略可執行性對人為錯誤預防策略與不安全行為之關係的影響-以台灣民航公司為例
The Influence of moderator on the efficacy of human error intervention strategy: A study of commercial airlines in Taiwan
指導教授: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
口試委員: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
Kung-Jeng Wang
Yu-Chung Tsao
Shih-Wei Lin
Jen-Ming Chen
Cheng-Hung Wu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 安全管理系統人為錯誤預防策略不安全行為策略可執行性民航公司
外文關鍵詞: safety management system, human error intervention strategy, strategy implementability, unsafe act, commercial airlines
相關次數: 點閱:869下載:0
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Flight safety is the most crucial standard in the aviation industry, and thus the entire civilian aviation community has committed tremendous resource to satisfy this requirement. Accidents bring substantial cost to organizations because involve human losses and devastate the reputation and competitiveness of any commercial airlines. Given human error is attributed to the causal factors of more than 70% of aviation accidents and has become a major threat on flight operation. To prevent an accident or mishap in air or ground, this research proposed a model, which integrated Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFACS) and Human Factor Intervention Matrix (HFIX), to assist managers of commercial airlines developing human error intervention strategy and measuring its implementability.
This research empirically examines the model by using large longitudinal commercial aviation accident reports of Taiwan. In total 634 safety recommendations were analyzed by utilizing the HFACS framework to identify the intervention target of each safety recommendation, and HFIX framework to identify the intervention approach and mitigation effect of unsafe acts of each safety recommendation. The initial rating results were analyzed by principal component analysis to extract the principal component of strategy implementability and hierarchical regression analysis to reveal the mitigation of unsafe acts by exerting specific safety recommendation and moderation effect of strategy implementability.
Consistent with previous findings and others’ assumptions, the mitigating effects are contingent upon the intervention strategy and unsafe act. In addition, this research finds that the strategies of the organizational/administrative approach influence various unsafe acts, but the strategies of technology/engineering approach and human/crew approach are suitable remedies for perceptual error and decision error, respectively. Furthermore, strategy implementability, which can be appraised by the criteria of feasibility, acceptability, cost, effectiveness, and sustainability, exhibits a moderating effect on the relationship of intervention strategy-unsafe acts. According to the results herein, mitigating broad human errors by systemic remedies is ineffective, unless the targeted human error is comprehensively identified and an appropriate intervention strategy for front-line operators can be directly exerted.

摘要..................................................................................................................................ⅰ Abstract...........................................................................................................................ⅱ 誌謝.................................................................................................................................ⅳ Table of Contents............................................................................................................ⅴ List of Figures.................................................................................................................ⅶ List of Tables...................................................................................................................ⅷ Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Background and motivation.................................................................................. 1 1.2. Research Problems................................................................................................ 2 1.3. Research Objectives and Hypotheses.................................................................... 4 1.4. Organization of Thesis.......................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review........................................................................................ 7 2.1. Essence of Human Error in Aviation.................................................................... 7 2.2. Human Factor Analysis and Classification System (HFACS).............................. 10 2.3. Human Factor Intervention Matrix (HFIX).......................................................... 13 2.4. The Moderating Effect of Strategy Implementability........................................... 18 Chapter 3 Method and Procedure................................................................................ 23 3.1. Dataset................................................................................................................... 23 3.2. Variables and Coding Process............................................................................... 23 3.3. Statistical Analysis................................................................................................ 26 Chapter 4 Results and Findings.................................................................................... 28 4.1. Sample Characteristic............................................................................................ 28 4.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis for Strategy Implementability................................. 28 4.3. Descriptive Statistics and Correlations among Variables..................................... 30 4.4. Hierarchical Regression Analysis Results............................................................. 32 Chapter 5 Discussion......................................................................................................41 5.1 Interpretation of Findings....................................................................................... 41 5.2 Implications for Management................................................................................ 43 Chapter 6 Conclusion.....................................................................................................46 References......................................................................................................................50 Appendix A Selected Example of HFACS Framework.................................................. 57 Appendix B DoD-HFACS Codes.................................................................................... 61 Appendix C The Available Human Error Intervention Strategies................................... 66

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