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論文名稱: Feasibility Study on Identification of Mercury Element From An Unknown Substance Using Visible-NIR Spectroscopy and SVM Classifier
Feasibility Study on Identification of Mercury Element From An Unknown Substance Using Visible-NIR Spectroscopy and SVM Classifier
指導教授: 柯正浩
口試委員: 徐勝均
Sheng-Dong Xu
Ji-Lin Shen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: Material IdentificationVisible-NIR spectroscopySVM classifier
外文關鍵詞: Material Identification, Visible-NIR spectroscopy, SVM classifier
相關次數: 點閱:538下載:0
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The identification of elements inside materials is very essential and important part of spectroscopy. Support Vector Machine(SVM) has proven to be powerful in spectroscopy. Support vector based identification of elements from its spectrum is proposed in this study. Here in this study HG-AR(Mercury-Argon) samples are collected from Ocean Optics Spectrometer HR4000 in order to identify Mercury from any unknown substance. Spectral features are extracted from raw data in terms of peak intensity and their wave-length to differentiate two categories.Support vector machine as binary classifier is used to identify element from their spectral features. The identification results are achieved from Nu-SVM and Polynomial SVM classifier in under different parameters. The best identification results were achieved by Nu-SVM classifier. The identification accuracy was 100\textdiscount~ at nu=0.1,0.2 and polynimial degree=2 and 3. The overall results fortify that spectroscopy with SVM can be coherent and rapid to identify elements from any unknown substances.

The identification of elements inside materials is very essential and important part of spectroscopy. Support Vector Machine(SVM) has proven to be powerful in spectroscopy. Support vector based identification of elements from its spectrum is proposed in this study. Here in this study HG-AR(Mercury-Argon) samples are collected from Ocean Optics Spectrometer HR4000 in order to identify Mercury from any unknown substance. Spectral features are extracted from raw data in terms of peak intensity and their wave-length to differentiate two categories.Support vector machine as binary classifier is used to identify element from their spectral features. The identification results are achieved from Nu-SVM and Polynomial SVM classifier in under different parameters. The best identification results were achieved by Nu-SVM classifier. The identification accuracy was 100\textdiscount~ at nu=0.1,0.2 and polynimial degree=2 and 3. The overall results fortify that spectroscopy with SVM can be coherent and rapid to identify elements from any unknown substances.

Abstarct in English Acknowledgement Contents List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Sample Preparation and Spectra Collection 2.2 Feature Extraction 2.3 Support Vector Machine 2.4 Nu-SVM(V-SVM) 2.5 Result and Analysis 3 Conclusion 3.1 Future Work References

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