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研究生: 劉智嘉
Chih-Chia Liu
論文名稱: 使用位址重映射技術以提升電阻式記憶體的良率及可靠度
Address Remapping Techniques for Yield and Reliability Enhancement of RRAM
指導教授: 呂學坤
Shyue-Kung Lu
口試委員: 呂學坤
Shyue-Kung Lu
Jin-Fu Li
Chun-Lung Hsu
Nai-Jian Wang
Jin-Hua Hong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 電阻式記憶體故障遮蔽位址重映射技術良率可靠度
外文關鍵詞: RRAM, Fault Masking, Address Remapping Technique, Yield, Reliability
相關次數: 點閱:337下載:0
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有鑑於此現象,本篇論文首先針對電阻式記憶體的故障模型進行分析,利用 March W-1T1R 測試演算法與本篇論文所提出的故障字典,將故障重新分類為存 0 與存 1 安全故障,同時結合位址重映射技術來提升故障遮蔽的機率。舉例來說,一個固定於邏輯 0 的故障,在資料存取時只要寫入邏輯 0 即可避免故障被激發,因此在資料進行寫入前,利用位址重映射技術改變資料邏輯與實體位址間的對應關係,讓安全的邏輯值寫入故障之記憶體細胞中,即可有效的減少故障發生的數量。
本篇論文實現了位址重映射技術的電路,並利用 Python Tkinter 模組開發了模擬器,實現位址重映射演算法並以此評估記憶體的修復率與良率,同時推導出此技術的可靠度公式與額外增加的硬體成本。實驗結果顯示在 1 GB 電阻式記憶體中,當正交故障為 70% 時,位址重映射技術之修復率相較於 BCH3 碼提升了約 40%,而在原始良率為 0.85時,有效良率皆可維持在 99% 以上,可靠度於 70 萬小時後仍能維持在 90% 以上,額外增加的硬體成本則幾乎可以忽略。

Due to the advance of process technology, mobile devices and high density memories are being developed rapidly. Therefore, the demand on non-volatile memory (NVM) keeps increasing steadily. Among these emerging NVMs, the resistive RAM (RRAM) has the features of faster operation speed, lower power consumption and high density than other emerging NVMs. However, due to the immature fabrication technology and the intrinsic nature of memristors, it would cause yield and reliability problems. Besides, the shrinked memory feature size also induces side effects in terms of reliability and performance. Theses include an increase in the line resistances and a voltage drop along the line during memory operation. The voltage drop prevents memory cells from operating properly. These issues exacerbate at larger memory array sizes. To maintain the yield and reliability of RRAMs, error correction code (ECC) and built-in self-repair (BISR) techniques are widely used in the past. However, the incurred extra hardware overhead becomes a big burden.
To cure these drawbacks, we first analyze the fault behaviors of RRAMs and propose the fault dictionary for the March W-1T1R algorithm in this thesis. Based on the fault behaviors of RRAMs, we can reclassify the fault models into the 1-safe and the 0-safe fault types at the logic level. At the same time, we propose the address remapping techniques for enhancing the fault masking probability. By writing safe logic values into faulty cells, the fault effects can be effectively mitigated.
The corresponding hardware architecture of the proposed address remapping technique is also proposed in this paper. We use the Python Tkinter module to develop a simulator for implementing the address remapping algorithm to evaluate the repair rate and yield of the memory. We also derive models for evaluating reliability and hardware overhead. Experimental results show that for an 1-GB RRAM with 70% orthogonal faults of the injected faults, the repair rate can be raised by 40% as compared with the BCH3 code. When the original yield is 0.85, the effective yield can be raised to about 99%. Moreover, the reliability can be above 90% after 700,000 hours of operations. The hardware overhead for implementing the address remapping technique is almost negligible.

致謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 V 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XIII 第一章 簡介 1 1.1 背景及動機 1 1.2 組織架構 5 第二章 電阻式記憶體的基本工作原理與應用 6 2.1 電阻式記憶體的基本原理 6 2.2 電阻式記憶體的存取機制 7 2.2.1 寫入操作 8 2.2.2 讀取操作 8 2.2.3 成型操作 9 2.3 電阻式記憶體的陣列架構 9 2.3.1 1T1R 架構 10 2.3.2 Cross-Point 架構 10 2.4 電阻式記憶體的應用 11 2.4.1 高資料儲存系統 11 2.4.2 記憶體內運算 11 2.4.3 神經網路應用 12 第三章 電阻式記憶體的測試與修復技術 14 3.1 功能性故障模型 14 3.1.1 常見記憶體的通用故障模型 14 3.1.2 電阻式記憶體的特定故障模型 16 3.2 內建自我修復技術 19 3.2.1 測試演算法 19 3.2.2 內建自我測試技術 21 3.2.3 內建備用資源分析 23 3.3 錯誤更正碼 24 3.3.1 漢明碼 24 3.3.2 BCH 碼 26 第四章 基於位址重映射之故障遮蔽技術 30 4.1 新型態電阻式記憶體故障分類 30 4.2 故障遮蔽技術之基本概念 32 4.3 位址重映射技術 33 4.3.1 位址重映射技術介紹 33 4.3.2 位址重映射演算法 36 4.3.3 位址重映射技術之操作流程 39 4.3.4 位址重映射技術之範例 41 4.4 位址重映射技術之測試與修復流程 45 4.5 位址重映射技術之硬體架構 46 4.5.1 整體硬體架構 46 4.5.2 故障資訊定址記憶體模組 48 4.5.3 位址重映射模組 49 第五章 實驗結果 50 5.1 瑕疵分布與故障模型之設定 50 5.2 修復率分析 52 5.3 良率分析 55 5.4 可靠度分析 58 5.5 硬體成本分析 62 5.6 超大型積體電路實現 68 第六章 結論與未來展望 70 6.1 結論 70 6.2 未來展望 70 參考文獻 71

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