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研究生: 林子豪
Zi-Hao Lin
論文名稱: 穿戴式復健動作監控系統於中風患者之應用與評估
Application and Evaluation of a Wearable Rehabilitation Movement Monitoring System for Stroke Patient
指導教授: 林淵翔
Yuan-Hsiang Lin
口試委員: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
Li-Fong Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 動作角度量測人體關節活動度中風復健遠距復健慣性感測器
外文關鍵詞: Movement angle measurement, Range of Motion, Stroke rehabilitation, Tele-rehabilitation, inertial sensor
相關次數: 點閱:334下載:1
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Stroke is a major cause for severe physical disabilities, which always leads to many kinds of impairments such as tension imbalance, muscle weakness, synergy, and etc. To assist patients fully recover from sequela of stroke; a long-term and intensive rehabilitation process with directly guiding from the therapists is required. Range of motion (ROM) is a fundamental indicator to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Nowadays, the clinically measurement is generally relied on visual inspection or goniometry. However, the obtained results are diverse depend on different therapists with different experience and measuring datum. Furthermore, it is hard to assess two or more plane angles simultaneously during exercising with visual examine or goniometry. Instead, only monoplane angles can be obtained, which therefore the synergy cannot be improved.
To ameliorate the defects of current rehabilitation equipment, this thesis presents a rehabilitation movement monitoring system for physical therapy treatment. The system can automatically provide the overall rehabilitation information including multiplane angles data, which allow decreasing the deviation of exploiting visual inspection and manual measurement. Besides, with the assist of the proposed system, users are able to conduct the physical treatment at home. A voice and animated guidance are developed to demonstrate the accurate exercise movements for users. The corresponding data during the rehabilitation can be recorded and uploaded to the built-in remote monitoring platform. Therapist can receive the prompt information to understand the rehabilitation status of each patient. If necessary, the prescription parameters can be regulated instantaneously to harmonize with user’s improvement.
The wearable device used for rehabilitation in the proposed system has been verified with VICON Bonita optical system. The results indicate that the average root mean square error (RMSE) among three axes is approximately 1 degree. Besides, with human experiment validation, the proposed system provides useful and accurate analyzing results. Finally, through involving 15-time clinical experiment for each subject, the proposed system is recognized as a friendly and efficient platform for helping stroke patients in rehabilitation.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 X 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 動機與目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 論文架構 6 第二章、 研究背景 7 2.1 人體關節活動範圍(Range of motion,ROM)7 2.2 人體解剖平面 7 2.3 方向感測(Orientation Sensing) 9 2.4 四元數(Quaternion)[29] 9 2.5 慣性感測器模組 12 2.6 核心處理器 13 2.7 藍牙模組 14 2.8 韌體開發軟體 15 2.9 智慧型手機 16 2.10 Android作業系統 17 2.11 醫院端與居家端介面開發軟體 17 2.12 Unity3D 19 2.13 虛擬人體動畫 20 2.14 資料庫 20 第三章、 研究方法 21 3.1 系統架構 21 3.2 裝置硬體架構 22 3.2.1 感測器電路 23 3.2.2 實體裝置 24 3.3 韌體設計 25 3.4 藍牙傳輸封包格式 25 3.5 陀螺儀訊號處理 26 3.6 Orientation Estimation Algorithm [27] 27 3.6.1 四元數轉尤拉角 29 3.7 動作序列判斷 30 3.8 復健參數設定 32 3.9 復健標準設定檔案格式 33 3.10 復健動作之監控軸及偏移軸對應 33 3.11 動作結果判斷 34 3.12 手機軟體開發 37 3.13 居家端介面相關功能介紹 37 3.13.1 登入畫面 38 3.13.2 開始復健 39 3.13.3 復健檔數據儲存格式 40 3.13.4 上傳復健檔案 41 3.13.5 資料庫連結 42 3.13.6 下載(更新)復健參數 43 3.13.7 復診日期查詢 44 3.13.8 錄製參考動作 45 3.13.9 鬧鐘提醒 46 3.13.10 設定 47 3.14 醫院端介面相關功能介紹 48 3.14.1 登入畫面 49 3.14.2 復健參數設定 50 3.14.3 復健結果 51 3.14.4 複診日期設定 53 3.15 實驗設計 54 3.15.1 光學立體攝影系統(VICON)比對 54 3.15.2 人體動作判斷驗證 55 3.15.3 臨床實驗 56 3.15.4 系統評價問卷調查 57 第四章、 實驗結果 58 4.1 光學立體攝影系統(VICON)比對結果 58 4.1.1 X軸旋轉 59 4.1.2 Y軸旋轉 61 4.1.3 Z軸旋轉 63 4.2 人體動作判斷驗證(肘關節) 66 4.3 臨床實驗 70 4.4 系統評價問卷調查 83 第五章、 結論與未來展望 86 參考文獻 87 附錄一、問卷 91 附錄二、原始數據整理(VICON比對驗證實驗) 93

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