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研究生: 伯納蒂
Burniadi Moballa
論文名稱: 應用不可壓縮光滑粒子法探討跌水效應中黏性自由液面流問題
On breakwater effect of viscous free-surface flow problem by incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
指導教授: 陳明志
Ming-Jyh Chern
口試委員: 林昭安
Chao-An Lin
Chia-Ren Chu
Ching-Yao Chen
Ching-Kong Chao
Jong-Shinn Wu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 跌水效應不可壓縮光滑粒子法(ISPH)隱式漸進壓力投影無網格法圓柱自由液面
外文關鍵詞: breakwater effect, incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics (ISPH), implicit incremental pressure projection, meshfree, flow past circular cylinder, free surface
相關次數: 點閱:335下載:6
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本研究旨在建立一個不可壓縮光滑粒子法(SPH)來模擬跌水效應中的自由液面流動。這個SPH的方法可於GPU平行計算環境中執行。並且以自由液面流經渠道中一水下圓柱體造成的水位變化為例進行計算模擬。在本模式中,Rhie和Chow的內插法、自由液面顏色函數追蹤法以及修正的粒子轉移被引入來增加方法的精確性與效率。在參數研究中,雷諾數150的流場被考慮來檢視福祿數在0.2-0.6範圍、潛置比例(H/D)在0.5-1.0(H 為液面至圓柱表面的距離,D為圓柱直徑)以及間距比(G/D)在1-5( G 為圓柱下表面至底床的距離)對於自由液面流經圓柱的流場型態以及造成的水動力影響。研究中發現圓柱後方的渦旋逸出與這些參數息息相關。當福祿 數增加時,渦旋逸出會被壓抑。但如果 H/D 與 G/D 增加時,壓抑渦旋逸出的臨界福祿數也會增加。平均阻力係數則與 H/D 與 G/D 有關,而與福祿數無關。根據水動力與自由液面高度的頻譜分析結果發現自由液面的變形與所造成的升力在有渦旋逸出的情況下息息相關

An incompressible SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics) method capable simulating viscous free-surface flow with open boundaries is developed. The present SPH method is implemented for parallel computing in GPU and applied to model flow past a circular cylinder located between free-surface and wall boundaries. A number of enhancements including Rhie and Chow interpolation, non-uniform particle size, colour function-based free surface tracking, and modified particle shifting are introduced to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the method. A parameter study at the Reynolds number, Re =150, examines the influence of Froude number (Fr = 0.2-0.6$), submergence ratio (H/D=0.5-1.0 where H is the distance between the apex of the cylinder and undisturbed free surface and D is the cylinder diameter) and bottom gap ratio (G/D=1.0-5.0 where G is the distance between the base of the cylinder and the bed) on the ambient free-surface flow pattern and hydrodynamic force on the cylinder. It is found that the vortex shedding pattern depends on all three parameters. As the Froude number increases for fixed submergence ratio and bottom gap ratio, vortex shedding is eventually suppressed. As the submergence and bottom gap ratios increase, the threshold of vortex shedding suppression shifts to higher values of Froude number. The mean drag coefficient depends on the submergence ratio and bottom gap ratio but is independent of Froude number. Meanwhile, the lift coefficient depends on submergence ratio and Froude number but is independent of bottom gap ratio. Spectral analysis of force and free-surface elevation time signals shows that the free-surface deformation and lift force are closely related during the vortex shedding regime.

Chinese Abstract i Abstract iii Acknowledgements v Contents vi Nomenclatures x List of Tables xv List of Figures xv 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Synopsis 10 2 MATHEMATICAL FORMULAE AND NUMERICAL MODEL 12 2.1 Governing equations 12 2.2 Implicit incremental pressure-projection timestepping 13 2.3 SPH discretization 15 2.3.1 SPH operators 17 2.4 Discretization of the Navier-Stokes equation 20 2.5 Rhie and Chow interpolation 23 2.6 Pressure-Poisson equation 28 2.7 Kernel function 31 2.8 Wall-boundary treatment 32 2.9 Treatment of inlet and outlet boundaries 33 2.10 Free-Surface particle tracking 35 2.11 Wave absorption 38 2.12 Non-uniform particle size 40 2.13 Tensile instability and particle shifting 44 3 PARALLEL IMPLEMENTATION IN GPGPU 50 3.1 Introduction to GPGPU and its programming model 50 3.2 Parallelization challenge and strategy 55 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 62 4.1 Model setup 62 4.2 Validation of proposed numerical scheme 64 4.3 Application to flow past circular cylinder between free-surface and wall boundaries 74 4.3.1 Flow patterns 74 4.3.2 Hydrodynamic force and free-surface elevation 93 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 103 5.1 Conclusions 103 5.2 Future works 105 Bibliography 109

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