簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張昱賢
Yu-Xian Zhang
論文名稱: 二維應變有限元素法理論推導與程式實踐
Formulation and Program Development of Two-Dimensional Strain-Finite Element Method
指導教授: 潘誠平
Chan-Ping Pan
口試委員: 施俊揚
Jun-Yang Shi
Chang-Yu Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 平滑有限元素法線性應變場線性應力場平滑位移場諧和條件
外文關鍵詞: smooth-FEM, linear strain field, linear stress field, smooth displacement, compatibility conditions
相關次數: 點閱:824下載:0
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Traditional finite element method directly assumes displacement field to solve problem, the stress field and strain field obtained after differentiation have discontinuous gap and displacement field is not ensured to be smooth; Therefore, this research assumes a linear strain field and obtains the displacement field expressed by the strain unknowns from integration, the constant of integration is solved by displacement compatibility conditions and the strain unknowns is solved by principle of minimum potential energy.

This research derives the algorithms of Strain-FEM from plane stress, program coding practices the theoretical algorithms; finally, output the visualized algorithm results. Thus, create 2D cantilever beam and 2D axial force member these two typical structures, then conduct convergence analysis based on the fineness level of mesh division in order to examine the correctness of the theory. The result gives positive feedback on model of axial force member which shows convergence rate is high and accurate; however, the model of cantilever beam only shows positive result when the length of the beam is subdivided. Currently, it is inferred that the method has more strict requirement of compatibility and has issue of over-constraint.

1 緒論 1.1研究背景 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究方法與架構 2 文獻回顧 2.1 傳統有限元素法 2.2 平滑有限元素法 2.3 最小平方原理有限元素法 2.4 一維梁元素假設應變未知數求解 3 二維應變有限元素法 3.1 二維元素假設應變場求解 3.1.1 假設元素線性應變場推導元素位移場 3.1.2 計算積分常數 3.1.3 應力應變關係 3.1.4 拘束條件減少自由度 3.1.5 最小總勢能原理求解未知數 3.2 計算範例 3.2.1 模擬二維懸臂梁 3.2.2 模擬二維軸力桿 4 程式演算流程與成果評估 4.1 程式架構 4.1.1 輸入資料 4.1.2 運算過程 4.1.3 運算結果輸出 4.2 程式演算範例 4.2.1 模擬二維懸臂梁與軸力桿 4.2.2 模擬二維孔洞問題 4.3 成果評估與收斂性分析 4.3.1 二維梁模型 x 方向網格增加收斂性測試 4.3.2 二維梁模型 y 方向網格增加收斂性測試 4.3.3 二維軸力桿模型 x 方向網格增加收斂性測試 4.3.4 二維軸力桿模型 y 方向網格增加收斂性測試 4.3.5 結果檢討 5 結論與建議 5.1 結論 5.2 建議

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