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研究生: 曾立凱
Li-kai Tseng
論文名稱: 身心障礙者電腦輔具選用決策樹
A decision tree of selecting computer-related assistive devices for the disabled user
指導教授: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
口試委員: 王茂駿
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 產生法則決策樹電腦輔具
外文關鍵詞: production rule, decision tree, assistive technology
相關次數: 點閱:359下載:8
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Disable users without expertise in assistive technology have problems in finding an appropriate assistive device for computer access. Anson developed a decision tree of 49 evaluative questions to access functional capabilities of the disable user and come up with a total of 26 assistive devices for computer access. The occupational therapists or disabled users had to go through repetitive questions in order to find an appropriate device. Therefore, the current research divide Anson’s decision tree multiple independent subtrees to meet the actual demand of disable users. That is a disabled user may require alphanumeric and pointing device, output device and performance enhancement. The decision tree was tested by seven disable users to prove that the new decision tree can provide a complete set of assistive devices for computer access with a smaller number of evaluative questions. How to insert new categories of computer related assistive devices were elaborated to make sure the decision tree can be expanded and updated. The process and results of trimming the decision tree and decision table can be applied to the development other types of decision support systems.

目錄 第一章緒論8 第一節研究背景與動機8 第二節研究目的10 第三節研究範圍與限制11 第四節研究架構12 第二章文獻探討13 第一節電腦輔具選用13 第二節決策樹16 一.樹狀結構16 二.決策樹16 三.建立決策樹的方式17 第三節 Anson的決策樹18 一.Anson的決策樹邏輯架構19 二.Anson的電腦輔具選用決策樹評估邏輯22 第四節決策樹的瑕疵種類25 一.結構性的瑕疵 (Structure Flaws)25 二.語意性瑕疵(Semantic Flaws)25 三.總體性瑕疵(Global Flaws)26 四.選擇要處理的瑕疵節點27 五.類化說明與消除瑕疵的動作28 第五節決策表29 第六節決策表知識的檢驗與修正31 第七節電腦輔具選用與ICF的關係32 第三章研究方法34 第一節確認Anson電腦輔具選用決策樹的錯誤34 第二節重新定義電腦輔具選用問題35 第三節檢驗電腦輔具選用決策樹知識36 第四節研究流程34 第四章 Anson電腦輔具選用決策樹的問題37 第一節 Anson’s 決策樹的瑕疵37 第二節建立電腦輔具選用決策表41 第三節修正選用電腦輔具的命題45 第四節修正決策表知識的正確性48 第五章建立新的電腦輔具選用決策樹56 第一節重新建立決策樹56 第二節新決策樹的使用績效60 第六章結論與建議66 第一節建議66 第二節結論70 參考文獻71 附錄75 A. UNUMPrident輔具選用決策樹75 B. Anson的選用輔具決策問項78

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