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研究生: 蘇丹納颯
Nazar - Sultanov
論文名稱: 太陽能光伏電池陣列管理與監控系統
Photovoltaic Solar Array Management and Monitoring System
指導教授: 許孟超
Mon-Chau Shie
口試委員: 阮聖彰
Shanq-Jang Ruan
Wei-Mei Chen
Chang Hong Lin
Chin-Hsien Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 太陽能ARM Cortex-M3微控制器管理系統監控系統
外文關鍵詞: PV solar array, array manager, pc-based data server, safertos, lwIP, temperature drift, adc conversion, 16-bit mcu, 32-bit mcu
相關次數: 點閱:382下載:3
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In modern times, when people hear about alternative energy, they immediately start imagining the natural phenomenon that cannot be touched or, on the first sight, cannot be used for anything except for enjoying it, when walking outside of home or office. Wind, sun, water, we experience their presence and their power every day, and for many ages, people couldn’t do anything else, but to admire the infinite and inexhaustible power, which they carry with by. Only recently, in the twentieth century people learned how to use these natural occurrences for the benefit of today’s new developing energetic state of the world and that has caused a lot of positive effects not only in the energetic sector, but also in every part of engineering sphere, especially electrical and electronic engineering. Therefore, the research of the thesis is closely related with the renewable energy extraction and conversion into usable electrical energy. In particular, a solar energy is being exploited in a project as the main energy source.
The research in the project was conducted the way, such as the extracted solar energy could be freely and without any obstruction delivered to a consuming side, while being effectively and accurately monitored. The importance of the system, which is supposed to provide a bridge between the producer, the solar panels, and the consumer, a private user or an AC 110V/230V power network, consists in inexpensive equipment and reliable operation including speed and robustness. Costs and simplicity in the overall system structure are the challenging and stimulating factors in the development of each part in the project.
The system consists out of three fundamental parts. Each part performs strictly defined for its purpose tasks, which include handling of current and voltage, controlling temperature drift, converting analog signals into digital discrete data, processing of the data, and at last being able to display the data on a monitor of PC-based data server. Most of these tasks are managed by two ARM microcontrollers, which were chosen due to their low-cost, extreme low-power, and relative simple operation mode. The presence of safety and robustness in most of the electronic devices allow the system successfully operate in severe conditions, practically everywhere around the globe, dealing with harsh temperatures and extreme humidity.

1. Introduction 2. General System Structure 3. Concept of the Junction Box 3.1. Structure of the Junction Box 3.2. Microcontroller MSP430F672 3.2.1. MSP430F672xT Standard 3.2.2. Features of the MSP430F672xT Microcontroller 3.2.3. Detailed Structure of the MSP430F672 MCU 3.2.4. Pins Usage in Project 3.2.5. ADC Sigma-Delta Modulation in MSP430F672 3.2.6. Voltage ADC ΣΔ 24-Bit Conversion and Monitoring 3.2.7. Current ADC ΣΔ 24-Bit Conversion and Monitoring 3.2.8. Temperature ADC 10-Bit Conversion and Monitoring 3.3. Precision Voltage Reference 3.3.1. Low Noise and Drift Precision Voltage Reference REF5040 3.3.2. REF5040 Technical Characteristics 3.3.3. Temperature Drift and Monitoring of REF5040 3.4. Micro-Resistor 3.4.1. Metal Alloy Low-Resistance LR2728-23R020xx 3.4.2. LR2728-23R020xx Specifications 3.5. Current Shunt Monitor 3.6. Low-Pass Filter 3.6.1. Passive Low-Pass Filter 3.6.2. Active Low-Pass Filter 3.7.1. SMT Temp TMP20 Features 3.7.2. Transfer Function of the TMP20 3.7.3. Linear Transfer Function of the TMP20 3.8. Operational Amplifier (OP AMP) 3.9. RS-485 Transceiver SN65HVD11 Type 3.9.1. Features of the SN65HVD11 Transceiver 3.9.2. Transceiver Operating Conditions 3.10. Crystal Oscillator 3.10.1. Quartz and Its Piezoelectric Effect 3.10.2. Tuning Fork Crystal Unit 3.10.3. Features and Specifications of NX3215SA 4. Concept of the Array Manager 4.1. Cortex-M3 LM3S6918 Microcontroller 4.1.1. Pin Diagram and used signals 4.1.2. Hibernation module 4.1.3. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter of The LM3S6918 4.2. Ethernet 10/100 4.2.1. Ethernet Controller 4.2.2. RJ45 Jack 4.3. lwIP 4.3.1. lwIP directory structure 4.3.2. Module support (Code size) 4.3.3. Memory management (RAM usage) 4.3.4. Model of Operation with RTOS 4.3.5. Multithreading in lwIP 4.4. FreeRTOS 4.5. SafeRTOS 4.5.1. History of Creation 4.5.2. Development procedure 4.5.3. SafeRTOS Usage Scenario I 4.5.4. SafeRTOS Usage Scenario II 4.5.5. SafeRTOS Usage Scenario III 4.5.6. Reasons to use SafeRTOS in the Abovementioned Scenarios 4.5.7. SafeRTOS Scheduler 4.5.8. Communication between Tasks and Interrupts 4.6. RS-485 SN65HVD11 Transceiver 5. PC-Based Data Server 6. Conclusion

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