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研究生: 由利亞
Yulia Puspa Rachmaniati
論文名稱: 影響國民使用生態標籤產品的行為意向研究調查:以已 開發國家台灣和發展中國家印尼為例
An Investigation on Factors Influencing Citizens’ Behavior Intention to Use Ecolabel Product on Developed and Developing Country: Case Studies on Taiwan and Indonesia
指導教授: 林樹強
Shu-Chiang Lin
口試委員: 江行全
Bernard C. Jiang
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 行為意向生態標籤產品親環境計畫行為結構方程模型
外文關鍵詞: Behavior intention, ecolabel product, pro environmental planned behavior, structural equation modeling
相關次數: 點閱:709下載:4
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本研究旨在探討可能影響國民使用生態標籤產品 (ecolabel) 的行為意向的因
究所提出的模型由七個因素組成 : 政府支持知覺(PAS),環境關注知覺(PEC),
型解釋了52%台灣國民使用生態標籤產品的行為意向; 而對於印度尼西亞國民使

This study investigates factors that may influence citizens’ behavior intention to
use ecolabel products. An extension of Pro Environmental Planned Behavior (PEPB)
model with an additional factor was used as the assessment model. The proposed model
consists of seven factors: Perceived Authority Support (PAS), Perceived Environmental
Concern (PEC), Perceived Benefit (PB), Attitude (AT), Subjective Norms (SN),
Perceived Behavior Control (PBC), and Behavior Intention (BI). A questionnaire survey
was designed and was distributed in Taiwan and in Indonesia. A Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the proposed model. The statistical result reveals
that the proposed model explains 52% of citizens’ behavior intention to use ecolabel
product in Taiwan’s case and 74% in Indonesia’s case. Furthermore, attitude is found to
be the most dominant factor towards citizens’ behavior intention to use ecolabel products
in both Taiwan’s and Indonesia’s cases. When comparing between Indonesian case and
Taiwanese case, four correlations, which include PAS to PEC, PAS to PB, PEC to AT,
and PB to PBC, show a higher level of significance for Indonesian than that of Taiwanese.
These findings can help business’ decision makers look into factors that have influences
toward citizens’ behavior intention and adapt strategies to increase the use of the business’
ecolabel products accordingly. Additionally, the findings can serve as inputs for
governments and agencies with authorities to have impacts on ecolabel policies to
continue to increase citizens’ intention to use ecolabel products and to persuade
manufacturing companies to produce more ecolabel products as well.

This study discloses immediately in our school, but don't disclose to outside for maybe 3 years.

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