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論文名稱: 儲能系統之雙向直流-直流轉換器
Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage Systems
指導教授: 邱煌仁
Huang-Jen Chiu
Yao-Ching Hsieh
口試委員: 陳耀銘
Yaow-Ming Chen
Yi-Hua Liu
Ching-Shan Leu
Chung-Ming Young
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 之雙向直流-直流轉換器能源儲存系統相移控制演算法DAB轉換器
外文關鍵詞: Energy storage systems,, bidirectional converter,, non-isolated bidirectional converter,, DAB converter,, three phase DC-DC converter,, high voltage gain bidirectional converter.
相關次數: 點閱:1138下載:79
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  • 因為石油能源逐漸枯竭、環保意識抬頭及科技的進步下,近年來雙向直流-直流轉換器應用在能量儲存系統上-例如:電動車內的電池、大容值電容等越來越受到重視,而能量儲存系統根據不同的應用有許多的種類,基於電壓範圍可分為兩種:高壓能量儲存系統及低壓能量儲存系統,因此雙向直流-直流轉換器專注於這兩種系統的應用。雙向直流-直流轉換器主要分為兩種:隔離式雙向直流-直流轉換器及非隔離式雙向直流-直流轉換器,本論文提出新型控制法及新型架構的隔離式直流-直流轉換器及非隔離式直流-直流轉換器,此轉換器可應用於高壓及低壓能量儲存系統。
    新型控制方案的隔離型雙向橋式直流-直流轉換器被提出以實現全功率範圍零電壓切換(ZVS)用於全混合 (full hybrid) 插電式 (plug-in) 或電動車輛等高電壓水平下的儲能系統 (ESS). 這種控制法由於減少了開關損耗所以顯著提升效率。此外,相比於傳統控制法需要根據功率範圍在每個操作模式下進行大量運算導致系統在動態負載下的不穩定性和不可靠性,新型控制法需要較少的計算和操作模式。在一些特定的應用中,儲能系統 (ESS) 需要非隔離的雙向直流-直流轉換器來提高功率密度和降低成本。所以採用了具有新穎控制方案的非隔離式雙向升/降壓轉換器,以控制佔空比和相移的方式實現全開關的零電壓切換 (ZVS) 並優化電感電流的漣波. 因此,與傳統拓撲相比有非常高的效率。

    The bidirectional DC-DC converters for the energy storage systems (ESSs) such as batteries or ultra-capacitors in the electric vehicle or automotive systems have been paid more attention in recent years due to the developing of the technology and the exhaustion of the fossil fuel energy and their environmental concerns. There are numerous types of the ESSs depended on the specific applications. However, the ESSs is basically categorized into two main groups based on the voltage level: high voltage ESSs and low voltage ESSs. Therefore, the bidirectional DC-DC converters have been focused on these two voltage level applications. There are two main particular types of the bidirectional converters: isolated and non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converters. In this dissertation, the new control algorithm and the new topology of the non-isolated and isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter for the high and low voltage level of the ESSs are proposed.
    At high voltage level of the ESSs such as full hybrid/ plug-in or electric vehicle, the isolated dual-active-bridge DC-DC converter is proposed with the novel control scheme to achieve the zero-voltage switching (ZVS) in the whole power range. With this controller, the efficiency is improved significantly due to the reduction of the switching losses. Moreover, the controller requires less calculation and operating modes since the conventional control scheme needs a lot of calculations in every operating mode depending on the power range, results in the instability and unreliability of the system in the dynamic load. In some specific applications, the ESSs require the non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter to improve the power density and cost. Therefore, the non-isolated bidirectional buck/boost converter with the novel control scheme is employed. The duty ratio and the phase shift are controllable to achieve the ZVS for all switches while optimizing the ripple of the inductor current. Therefore, the efficiency is extremely high compared to the conventional topology.
    Since the low voltage ESSs were employed for the electric vehicle or automotive applications, the low voltage applications of the bidirectional DC-DC converter was proposed. The three-phase bidirectional converter has been employed because of its advantages such as high power density and stability. However, the ZVS achievement is still a big problem. Therefore, this dissertation focused on the ZVS condition for the three-phase converter. A resonant tank was applied at the high side to assure the ZVS even at very light load condition. Moreover, the combination of phase shift control algorithm and frequency modulation was proposed to achieve ZVS at low side battery and extend the ZVS range even at very light load condition. Furthermore, the wye connection was employed at the high side to reduce the voltage stress of the primary transformer and the delta connection was introduced at low side batteries to reduce the current stress. Then the noises and losses of the transformer are reduced significantly. In the low and medium application, the new bidirectional non-isolated converter with high voltage gain, low switches voltage stress, and expandable possibility is proposed. In this dissertation, the analysis and performance of the two-phase bidirectional converter are presented. The operating principle of the forward or reverse mode is similar to that of the conventional buck or boost converter. Therefore, the proposed converter can be operated in the continuous conduction mode, discontinuous conduction mode, depending on the design of the inductors. Moreover, the simple controller is similar to that used in the traditional converter. Results show that the voltage stress on every switch is reduced two times in the two-phase converter compared with the conventional converter. Additionally, the derivate converters are discussed to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed topology.

    摘要 i Abstract iii Acknowledgement v Table of contents vi List of Figure viii List of Tables xi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Motivation 2 1.3 Research framework 5 Chapter 2 A Novel Low-Loss Control Strategy of Non-isolated Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for High Voltage Applications 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Operating principle 8 2.3 Proposed control strategy 13 2.4 Experimental verifications 17 2.5 Conclusion 23 Chapter 3 Efficiency Optimization of the ZVS Bidirectional Dual-Active-Bridge (DAB) Converter 24 3.1 Introduction 24 3.2 Modulation Scheme 25 3.2.1 Circuit Analysis and ZVS Condition 25 3.2.2 Proposed Control Scheme 29 3.3 Simulation and Implementation 33 3.4 Conclusion 40 Chapter 4 Low Switch Voltage Stress, High Voltage Gain, and the Expandable Possibility of the Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Low- Voltage Applications 41 4.1 Introduction 41 4.2 Operating principle 43 4.3 Steady-state analysis 47 4.4 Simulation and experimental verifications 51 4.5 Conclusion 58 5.1 Introduction 59 5.2 Novel control modulation of a bidirectional wye-delta converter 62 5.3 ZVS condition 68 5.4 Simulation and experimental verifications 73 5.5 Conclusion 81 Chapter 6 Conclusion 82 6.1 Conclusion 82 6.2 Future research 83 References 84

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