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研究生: 李蓓儒
Pei-Ju Lee
論文名稱: 品牌贊助評論對消費者購買意願之影響
The Impacts of Brand Sponsored Reviews on Consumer Purchase Intention
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 李嘉林
Chia-Lin Lee
Jia-Shiang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 使用者生成內容線上評論說服知識認知抵抗情感抵抗購買意願
外文關鍵詞: User-generated Content, Online Consumer Review, Persuasion Knowledge, Cognitive Resistance, Affective Resistance, Purchase Intention
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:0
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As the boom in online social media, consumers make decisions by searching for and referring to other people's advice. After seeing the advertisement released by the companies, consumers will also refer to the users' experience and comments. Hence, this is the reason why the importance of supplementary comments. This study compares sponsored reviews with original reviews, and review pair with three review platform sources. To explore the influence of consumers on brand attitude and purchase intention after reading reviews sponsored by brands.
This study collected 688 valid questionnaires through online sampling, and analyzed the results through structural equations modeling (SEM). Sponsored reviews have significant effects on persuasion knowledge, cognitive resistance, affective resistance, brand attitude, and purchase intention. And sponsored reviews have a negative impact on purchase intention. In addition, using cognitive resistance and affective resistance as mediator. The results of the mediation effect analysis showed that cognitive resistance mediates the positive relationship between persuasive knowledge and cognitive resistance. And affective resistance mediates the negative relationship between persuasion knowledge and brand attitudes.

1.緒論 1.1.研究背景 1.2.研究動機 1.3.研究目的與問題 1.4.研究流程 2.文獻探討 2.1.消費者評論(Online Consumer Review,OCR) 2.2.說服知識模型(Persuasion Knowledge Model) 2.3.認知抵抗(Cognitive Resistance) 2.4.情感抵抗(Affective Resistance) 2.5.品牌態度(Brand Attitude) 2.6.購買意願(Purchase Intention) 3.研究設計與方法 3.1.研究架構 3.2.研究假說 3.3.研究設計 3.3.1.Google map評論 3.3.2.Agoda訂房網站 3.3.3.蝦皮購物 3.4.問卷內容 3.4.1.第一階段:預測試-區分贊助評論與原始評論 3.4.2.第二階段:正式問卷 3.5.研究範圍 3.6.研究分析方法 3.6.1.描述性統計 3.6.2.信度分析 3.6.3.效度分析 3.6.4.變異數分析 3.6.5.結構方程模式 3.6.6.中介效果的檢驗 4.研究結果 4.1.描述性統計 4.2.雙因子變異數分析 4.3.信度分析 4.4.效度分析 4.6.結構方程模式分析 4.6.1.模型適配指標 4.6.2.假說檢定 4.7.中介效果檢定 5.結論 5.1.研究結論 5.2.管理實務建議 5.3.後續研究建議與限制 6.參考文獻 附錄 預測試問卷-Google評論 預測試問卷-Agoda評論 預測試問卷-蝦皮購物評論 正式問卷

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