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研究生: 黃品淳
Ping-Chun Huang
論文名稱: 邊緣計算網絡的負載感知系統之設施管理
Load-Aware System Facility Management for Edge-Computing Networks
指導教授: 金台齡
Tai-Lin Chin
口試委員: 黃琴雅
Chin-Ya Huang
Shan-Hsiang Shen
Chung-An Shen
Tai-Lin Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 邊緣運算雲端運算伺服器布置工作分配
外文關鍵詞: edge computing, cloud computing, server placement, task allocation
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:2
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  • 雲端伺服器向終端用戶提供了強大的計算能力,是一種很有前景的工作分配方法。然而,因工作分配到雲端伺服器處理可能會造成較長的傳輸與等待時間,邊緣運算的提出使得用戶能供將工作分配到較近的邊緣伺服器。然而,邊緣伺務器的擺放和工作分配會顯著的影響工作傳輸與作業的效能,進而影響使用者體驗。因此,在網路中,適當的伺服器擺放位置與公平的分配工作就顯得格外重要。本論文同時考慮了邊緣伺服器的工作量與工作傳輸所需要的距離來當作主要影響因素。而為了更進一步改善使用者體驗,邊緣伺服器的擺放位置會經過精心挑選,且分配到邊緣伺服器的工作也會經過均衡分配來達到負載平衡。此問題為一個混合整數線性規劃問題,對於此問題,本論文中提出了一種新的解決方法。此解決方案透過使用整合的拉格朗日對偶理論和次梯度方法來進行工作分配,並同時透過模擬退火演算法來尋找邊緣伺服器的最佳擺放位置。實驗結果證實,本論文所提出的方法可以達到比傳統啟發式演算法更好的結果。

    Offloading tasks to cloud servers has increasingly been used to provide terminal users with powerful computation capabilities for a variety of services. Recently, edge computing, which offloads tasks from user devices to nearby edge servers, has been exploited to avoid the long latency associated with cloud computing. However, edge server placement and task allocation strongly affect the offloading process and the quality of a user's experience. Therefore, appropriately deploying the edge servers within a network and evenly allocating the workload to the servers are vital. This paper thus considers both the workload of edge servers and the distances involved in offloading tasks to these servers. To improve the user experience, edge server locations are carefully selected and the workload for the servers are allocated in a balanced manner. This scenario is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming problem, and a novel solution that searches for the best server placement using simulated annealing while integrating task allocation using the Lagrangian duality theory with the sub-gradient method is proposed. Numerical simulations verify that the proposed algorithm can achieve better results than conventional heuristics.

    Abstract in Chinese Abstract in English Contents List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 2 Related work 2.1 Task Allocation 2.2 Server Placement 3 System Model 3.1 Task Allocation and Server Placement 3.2 Problem Formulation 4 LOADBALANCING ALGORITHM 4.1 Solution to Task Allocation Using the Lagrangian Dual Theory 4.1.1 Dual Problem Obtained by the Lagrangian Dual Theory 4.1.2 Solution to the Dual Problem Using the Projected Subgradient Method 4.2 Algorithm for Load Balancing 4.3 Time Complexity 5 SIMULATIONS 5.1 Environment Setup 5.2 Comparative Algorithms 5.3 Simulation results 6 Conclusions References Letter of Authority

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