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研究生: 馬桭珽
Chen-Ting Ma
論文名稱: 短波紅外(900-1700nm)線性漸變濾波片之製造及量測與分析
Fabrication of Short Wavelength Infrared (900-1700 nm) Linear Variable Filter and Its Performance Measurement and Analysis
指導教授: 柯正浩
Cheng-Hao Ko
口試委員: 徐勝均
Sheng-Dong Xu
Ji-Lin Shen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 線性漸變濾波器光譜儀蒸鍍光學薄膜穿透頻譜圖
外文關鍵詞: Linear variable filter, Thin film, Transmission spectrum, Spectrometer, Evaporation.
相關次數: 點閱:803下載:0
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本文將採用二階線性漸變濾波器(second-order Linear Variable Filter, LVF) 通用設計流程開發技術,以能適用於市面上大部分之蒸鍍機台,與模型參數自由調控的開放參數設計特點,針對短波紅外光波段(900-1700 nm)進行濾光元件之製程開發與驗證。
為達本研究之驗證線性漸變濾波片特性,蒸鍍後之濾光元件以探針式表面輪廓儀進行量測薄膜輪廓分佈,討論其相對厚度75 % - 25 %之吻合度與線性度,及實際製程於濾光元件之擋板高度與線性漸變寬度關係,與進行光譜量測,取得於濾光元件不同位置之穿透頻譜圖,與本研究之初步模擬數據進行比較。

Development of fabrication and verification for a second-order linear variable filter (LVF) used in short wavelength infrared (SWIR) wavebands 900 – 1700 nm is introduced in this paper. In order to fit most of commercial coating machines, it refers the general design process of LVF which is characteristic of free adjustable parameters of theoretical models.
Geometrical and fabricated parameters of coating machines are applied into the design model to simulate the thin film profiles and distributions of LVF. The size of coating chamber and the height of local mask are also involved in those parameters and design model. Based on the principle of low pass filters, a simulation software for optical thin film design is used for the design of thin film structures. By taking consideration of the spectral characters of InGaAs detector inside the spectrometer, the usable wavebands of LVF is defined. The relationship between critical wavelength (λ_C) and the positions of LVF will be also known by analyzing its linear performance of transmission spectrum accomplished through simulating corresponding spectral performance for different relative thickness of thin film structures.
The similarity and linearity for the thin film profiles of positions on relative thickness 25% - 75% are confirmed by comparing the outcomes of evaporation metered by a surface profilometer and theoretical models. The relationship between the heights of local mask and the linear variable areas is also known. Transmission spectrums of different positions on evaporated LVF are compared with theoretical results to check consistency between both.
The design and fabrication process are used to fit with two different SWIR wavebands spectrometers for confirmation of practical uses in the last part of this paper. And the results of matching shows the process works.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究背景 2 1.4 研究架構 13 第二章 膜層結構設計 14 2.1 膜層結構設計規格 14 2.2 光學薄膜軟體設計方法 16 2.3 最佳調整膜厚方法之結果分析於近紅外光波段 19 2.4 LVF膜層漸變應用分析 21 第三章 模擬分析 24 3.1 膜層線性漸變分佈關係建立 24 第四章 鍍膜實作 30 4.1 鍍膜製程基板制定 30 4.2 濾光元件出廠與模擬比對分析 32 第五章 濾光元件量測及分析 35 5.1 膜厚輪廓之吻合度分析 35 5.2 輪廓量測之線性度分析 42 5.3 實際測量之擋板調變高度與漸變關係 49 第六章 穿透光譜分析與討論 53 6.1 穿透光譜量測及分析 53 6.2 λC對x之結果分析 64 第七章 範例應用 71 7.1 實際應用於短波紅外光譜儀波段(900 - 1700 nm) 71 7.2 實際應用於短波紅外光譜儀波段(900-1600 nm) 73 第八章 結論 75 參考資料 77

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