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研究生: 鍾志鴻
論文名稱: 企業導入商業智慧系統成效之探討-以不織布業者之營運實務應用為例
A Study on the Performance Evaluation for the implementation of Business Intelligence System
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-Wu Yu
Cheng Huang Hung
口試委員: 盧瑞山
Ruei-Shan Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 商業智慧企業資源規劃資料倉儲線上分析不織布
外文關鍵詞: Business Intelligence, Enterprise Resource Planning, Data Warehouse, Online Analytical Process, NonWoven
相關次數: 點閱:532下載:1
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本研究探討以台灣睿智商業智慧系統應用於台灣某上市不織布公司(以下簡稱S公司)為主要研究對象,涵括了兩岸ERP資訊系統所產生的異質資料,使用Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2及Strategy Analyzer 2007 CPM等應用工具軟體,作為資料轉入、處理、分析,以及提供明確的資料分析報表結果和直覺化的決策輔助畫面呈現。能將企業日常維運的資訊系統資訊,及時、快速、正確的應用於資材採購、庫存管理之決策支援參考與依據,期望能降低S公司庫存、縮短交貨時間、快速回應客戶需求,降低S公司營運成本,提升其競爭力。

With in Nonwoven industry, the development of information systems mostly in stages for gradual development of individual modules and application functionality, such as materials procurement,manufacturing, sales operations, finance, human resources and etc..As the technology gradually progressing and maturing,enterprise information accumulated a large number of transactions, which the exchange of information between different systems more and more important problem. Enterprises must spend a lot of manpower, financial resources and time to maintain these information systems to ensure data accuracy and consistency. Therefore,it is very important to integrate these businesses related to the underlying information systems resources, useful information will be compiled together to provide business operations with the accuracy, timeliness and effective information to allow top management as a reference for decision-making will become the core of the next major competition force.
This study discussed the wisdom of business intelligence systems used in Strategy Comppanion Corporation, The NonWoven a listed company on Taiwan stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as S Corporation) as the main object of study, encompassing a cross ERP information system produced by heterogeneous data, using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and the Strategy Analyzer 2007 CPM software application tools such as data transfer, processing, analysis, and data analysis reports to provide clear results and intuitive decision support screen rendering. Enterprise is able to maintain daily informanation and operation information in a timely manner, quickly and correctly applied in materials purchasing, inventory management, reference and basis for decision spport, hoping to reduce the S Corporation inventory stock, shorten delivery times, quickly response to customer demand, reducing S Operating costs, enhancing their competitiveness.

論文內容提要: I ABSTRACT III 誌 謝 IV 目 錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 第1章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究流程 5 第2章 文獻探討 8 2.1 企業資源規劃 8 2.2 商業智慧 17 2.3 資料倉儲 31 2.4 線上分析處理 40 第3章 個案產業分析 45 3.1 台灣不織布產業發展概況 45 3.2 台灣不織布產業演進 47 3.3 個案公司簡介 48 第4章 系統之分析與設計 70 4.1 商業維度生命週期模型 70 4.2 系統規劃與設計 76 4.3 商業智慧系統決策分析效益 99 第5章 結論與建議 104 5.1 研究結論 104 5.2 管理意涵 105 5.3 對S公司的建議 105 5.4 後續研究建議 107 參考文獻 109

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