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研究生: 陳冠名
Guan-ming Chen
論文名稱: 數位鎖相迴路用於市電電壓相位偵測之三相市電併網系統研製
Application of Digital Phase-Locked-Loop to Phase-Angle Detection of Utility Voltage for Three-Phase Grid-Connected Power Converter Systems
指導教授: 葉勝年
Sheng-Nian Yeh
Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員: 劉添華
Tian-Hua Liu
Yen-Shin Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 昇壓型直流-直流功率轉換器市電電壓角位置鎖相迴路市電併網
外文關鍵詞: phase-locked-loop, grid-connected, utility voltage angle, boost-type dc-dc converter
相關次數: 點閱:766下載:30
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The thesis presents the phase-angle detection of utility voltage using phased-locked-loop (PLL) technique for three-phase grid-connected power converter. A three-phase permanent–magnet synchronous generator is used to generate power for three-phase diode rectifier and boost-type dc-dc converter to maintain stable dc-link voltage for grid-connected three-phase power inverter. The proposed three-phase inverter uses voltage space vector pulse-width modulation technique to reduce the dc-link operating voltage range and the output current harmonics. Three-phase grid connection is conducted with two separate approaches:the control of q- and d-axis current under synchronous frame as well as the control of dc-link voltage. The latter method, namely, the closed-loop control of dc-link voltage provides the advantage of better input-output power balance and faster dc-link voltage response.
In this thesis, the digitized mathematical model and controller design are built and simulated by MATLAB/Simpower. Then, the high-performance and low-cost digital signal processor TMS320F2812 is used to control the power converter. The rated line-voltage is 220V and the frequency is 60Hz. Experimental results show that the power converter supplies 378W with the corresponding efficiency of 85% using ac-dc-ac power converter.

目錄 中文摘要 ......................................................................................................I 英文摘要 .....................................................................................................II 誌 謝 ....................................................................................................III 目  錄 ....................................................................................................Ⅳ 符號說明 ..................................................................................................VII 圖表索引 .....................................................................................................X 第一章 緒論 .................................................................................................1 1.1 研究動機與目的 ...........................................................................1 1.2 文獻探討 .......................................................................................2 1.3 系統架構與本文特色 ..................................................................4 1.4 本文大綱 .......................................................................................6 第二章 市電側電壓角位置之數位鎖相迴路設計 .....................................7 2.1 前言 ...............................................................................................7 2.2 市電側電壓之角位置估測方法 ...................................................7 2.3 數位鎖相迴路之控制器設計 .....................................................12 2.4 三相市電側電壓角位置之數位鎖相迴路模擬結果 ................16 2.5 結語 .............................................................................................20 第三章 三相直流-交流功率轉換器之市電併網控制 ..............................21 3.1 前言 .............................................................................................21 3.2 三相直流-交流功率轉換器之分析及控制 ................................21 3.2.1 三相直流-交流功率轉換器之數學模式 ........................21 3.2.2 弦式脈波寬度調變控制 .................................................24 3.2.3 電壓空間向量脈波寬度調變控制 .................................26 3.3 市電併網控制 ..............................................................................31 3.3.1 三相直流-交流功率轉換器之同步旋轉座標系統 模式.................................................................................31 3.3.2 市電併網之電流控制策略 .............................................34 3.4 交-直軸電流調節器及直流鏈電壓調節器設計 ........................39 3.4.1 交-直軸電流調節器 ........................................................39 3.4.2 數位化調節器之實現 .....................................................41 3.5系統整合 ......................................................................................42 3.5.1 單開關昇壓型直流-直流功率轉換器 ............................43 3.6 結語 .............................................................................................46 第四章 實體製作 .......................................................................................47 4.1 前言 .............................................................................................47 4.2 硬體電路 .....................................................................................47 4.2.1數位信號處理器介面電路 ..............................................47 4.2.2 市電側交流電壓回授及零點電壓偵測電路 .................50 4.2.3 直流鏈電壓回授電路 .....................................................56 4.2.4 電流回授電路 .................................................................57 4.2.5 功率級電晶體之閘極驅動電路 .....................................58 4.3 軟體規劃 .....................................................................................59 4.3.1 主程式流程規劃 .............................................................59 4.3.2 單開關昇壓型直流-直流轉換器程式規劃 ....................61 4.3.3 數位鎖相迴路程式規劃 .................................................62 4.3.4 三相直流-交流功率轉換器之市電併聯程式規劃 ........63 4.4 結語 .............................................................................................65 第五章 模擬及實測結果 ...........................................................................66 5.1 前言 .............................................................................................66 5.2 單開關昇壓型直流-直流功率轉換器之模擬與實測 ................66 5.3 三相直流-交流功率轉換器市電併網之模擬與實測 ................68 5.4 系統整合控制之實測 .................................................................70 5.5 結語 .............................................................................................75 第六章 結論與建議 .................................................................................76 6.1 結論 ............................................................................................76 6.2 建議 ............................................................................................77 參考文獻 ...................................................................................................78 附錄 A ...................................................................................................82 附錄 B ...................................................................................................83 作者簡介 ..................................................................................................84

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