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研究生: 翰倫
Harun Ismail
論文名稱: Advanced Machine Learning-based Fault Detection and Recognition for Photovoltaic Systems
Advanced Machine Learning-based Fault Detection and Recognition for Photovoltaic Systems
指導教授: 楊念哲
Nien-Che yang
口試委員: 張建國
Zhang-Jian Guo
Xie-Ting Yan
Zeng-Wei Zhi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 42
中文關鍵詞: PV fault detectionvoting-based ensemble learningdecision treelinear regressionsupport vector machinerandom forestmodified independent component analysisimbalanced datasetline-line faultopen circuitinverter faultpartial shadingvoltage sag
外文關鍵詞: PV fault detection, voting-based ensemble learning, decision tree, linear regression, support vector machine, random forest, modified independent component analysis, imbalanced dataset, line-line fault, open circuit, inverter fault, partial shading, voltage sag
相關次數: 點閱:683下載:0
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To meet energy demand worldwide is not an easy task. Luckily, affluent resources of renewable energy make it more realistic to achieve. One of the renewable energy resources that is easy to use, flexible to get, and save to harvest is photovoltaics (PV) system. However, in practical setting, PV systems are vulnerable to such failures which occur unpredictably and thus become challenging to recognize. Line-line, open circuit, inverter fault, voltage sag, and partial shading are fully considered since they can pose serious problems. In this study, two cases are developed to provide different ways in solving such failures.
The first case proposes a voting-based ensemble learning algorithm using linear regression, decision tree, and support vector machine (EL-VLR-DT-SVM) for open circuit and line-line faults. The dataset is derived from different weather conditions, triggering the nonlinear nature characteristics. Preprocessing step is conducted by normalizing data to attain more feature space. This aims at making the algorithm easy to recognize PV faults.
The second case proposes a random forest and modified independent component analysis (RF-MICA) for inverter fault, voltage sag, partial shading, and open circuit detection. The MICA as dimensionality reduction is developed for enhanced performance. Two imbalanced dataset handling techniques are introduced: the synthetic minority oversampling as scenario 1 and random undersampling as scenario 2 for oversampling and undersampling methods, respectively. The RF-MICA outperforms other compared algorithms as benchmarks, indicating excellent performance.

To meet energy demand worldwide is not an easy task. Luckily, affluent resources of renewable energy make it more realistic to achieve. One of the renewable energy resources that is easy to use, flexible to get, and save to harvest is photovoltaics (PV) system. However, in practical setting, PV systems are vulnerable to such failures which occur unpredictably and thus become challenging to recognize. Line-line, open circuit, inverter fault, voltage sag, and partial shading are fully considered since they can pose serious problems. In this study, two cases are developed to provide different ways in solving such failures.
The first case proposes a voting-based ensemble learning algorithm using linear regression, decision tree, and support vector machine (EL-VLR-DT-SVM) for open circuit and line-line faults. The dataset is derived from different weather conditions, triggering the nonlinear nature characteristics. Preprocessing step is conducted by normalizing data to attain more feature space. This aims at making the algorithm easy to recognize PV faults.
The second case proposes a random forest and modified independent component analysis (RF-MICA) for inverter fault, voltage sag, partial shading, and open circuit detection. The MICA as dimensionality reduction is developed for enhanced performance. Two imbalanced dataset handling techniques are introduced: the synthetic minority oversampling as scenario 1 and random undersampling as scenario 2 for oversampling and undersampling methods, respectively. The RF-MICA outperforms other compared algorithms as benchmarks, indicating excellent performance.

Contents Abstract ....................................................II Acknowledgment...............................................III Contents ....................................................IIV Figures .....................................................VI Tables ......................................................VII Introduction ................................................1 1.1 Background ..............................................1 1.2 Aim and Contributions ...................................1 1.3 Thesis Outline ..........................................2 Literature Review ...........................................3 Overview of PV Faults .......................................6 Proposed Method .............................................7 4.1 Voting-based Ensemble Learning ......................... 7 4.1.1 Linear Regression .....................................7 4.1.2 Decision Tree .........................................7 4.1.3 Support Vector Machine ................................8 4.1.4 Proposed EL-VLR-DT-SVM Algorithm ......................9 4.2 Random Forest-Modified Independent Component Analysis ..10 4.2.1. SMOTE ...............................................10 4.2.2. Random Under Sampling ...............................10 4.2.3. Conventional ICA ....................................11 4.2.4 Modified ICA .........................................13 4.2.5 Random Forest ........................................14 Results and Discussion .....................................17 5.1 Case Study 1 ...........................................17 5.1.1 Dataset 1 ............................................17 5.1.2 Data Exploration .....................................18 5.1.3 Feature Selection ....................................19 5.1.4 Performance Assessment ...............................21 5.1.5 Comparison to Related Studies ........................24 5.2 Case Study 2 ...........................................25 5.2.1 Dataset 2 ............................................25 5.2.2 Data Exploration .....................................26 5.2.3 Feature Selection ....................................28 5.2.4 Performance Analysis .................................29 5.2.5 Comparison to Related Studies ........................33 Conclusions and Future Direction ...........................35 References .................................................36

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