簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃珮禎
Pei-Chen Huang
論文名稱: 我國專利質權設定之現況總體分析
The Overall Analysis of the Current Patent Pledge Phenomenon in R.O.C. (Taiwan)
指導教授: 管中徽
Chung-Huei Kuan
口試委員: 耿筠
Yun Ken
Yen-Jen Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 專利專利設定質權專利設定質權分析數據分析金融機構設定質權專利擔保品
外文關鍵詞: petent, Patent Pledge, Analysis of the Current Patent Pledge, Analysis of data, Intellectual Property Financing, Patent collateral
相關次數: 點閱:226下載:9
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The issue of patent pledge has been in existence for a long time. This research analyzes the pledge data on the system through the Taiwan patent search system on the official website of the National Intellectual Property Office, And use August 28, 2020 as the base date, using "(Pledge)@ "MS" command, a total of 545 cases of setting pledge rights were searched in the announcement of the patent search system of the Republic of China, which would be served as the basis for analysis.
This research first sorts out the laws and regulations encountered by domestic patent pledge rights, such as the patent Act, Civil Code, etc., and analyzes the domestic cases to obtain the current status of the pledge, and selects some cases from them as examples. Mutual corroboration of the current practice of various parts of patent quality, and hoping to be used as a reference for my country's future patent quality.
This research will analyze the annual trend analysis of domestic pledges. In addition, it will analyze the types of Pledgor and Pledgee. In the identity of pledgers, financial institutions or companies are specifically distinguished from pledges. The case is proposed for discussion, and analysis of the reasons for setting up pledge and the contact with relevant laws and regulations.
Finally, this research summarizes the data obtained from the patent search of the National Intellectual Property Office, and believes that the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the pledge of patents are the difficulties in the liquidity of a collateral, which may also be due to the willingness of upstream and downstream manufacturers. The establishment of patent pledge rights, because for financial institutions, upstream and downstream manufacturers have a certain degree of dependence on the patent due to production factors. When their future claims cannot be repaid, they will transfer the patent to ownership, which also has considerable economic benefits. It is not easy for institutions to realize patents, market segmentation factors, and it is even impossible to transfer the patents to ownership and use them. If there is no third party to guarantee the claims, financial institutions will have lower willingness to undertake transactions compared with manufacturers.

中文摘要 3 ABSTRACT 4 誌 謝 5 圖表索引 9 第1章 緒論 9 1.1 研究背景與動機 9 1.2 論文架構 10 1.3 論文預期貢獻與限制 11 1.4 文獻回顧 12 第2章 專利設質法律制度概況介紹 13 2.1專利權設定質權之規定 13 2.1.1 質權人無專利實施權 13 專利法規定質權人僅能透過拍賣或變賣程序清償債務 13 專利法不同於傳統民法,無設定權利質權應占有之特徵 13 2.1.2 專利設質須登記採登記對抗主義 15 專利設質非經登記不得對抗第三人 15 似不包含設質契約受讓人 15 須為交易行為之第三人 16 2.1.3 得擔保數債權 17 2.1.4. 專利共有時,設定質權需得全體共有人同意 17 2.1.5. 設質時不得拋棄專利權 17 2.1.6. 強制公告事項 18 2.1.7. 衍生設計專利權設質之限制 18 2.1.8 設定質權之流程 18 2.1.9 專利設質專利法規範之整理 19 2. 2 專利法以外之規定 21 2.2.1 設定質權為擔保品後之換價程序 21 2.2.2 破產法別除權 22 2.2.3 銀行法規定得為銀行授信標的 22 2.2.4 公開發行公司設定質權之限制 22 2.2.5 信保基金於專利設質融資之理賠規定 23 第3章 分析方法及結果 25 3.1 趨勢分析 25 3.1.1 設質專利之公告日期分析 25 3.1.2 分析結果 26 3.2 出質人分析 26 3.2.1 主要出質人 27索士亞科技股份有限公司 27 艾塞特工業公司 28 同昱能源科技股份有限公司 28 艾沛克斯公司 28 位元奈米科技股份有限公司 29 3.2.2 特殊案件-設質次數超過六次且非同質權人 30 3.3 質權人分析 31 3.3.1全部質權人 31 3.3.2 質權人為公司 32 3.3.3 質權人為銀行 32 3.4 專利類型分析 36 第4章 案例分析 37 4.1 質權人為金融機構 37 4.1.1 故事背景 37 4.1.2台企銀融資案件 37 4.1.3共同質權人聯貸案 41故事背景 41 質權設定分析 41 4.2 廠商間貸款-垂直 43 4.2.1 家登精密工業股份有限公司與台積電 43 故事背景 43 質權設定原因分析 44 4.2.2同昱能源科技股份有限公司與大同股份有限公司-關聯企業 47 第5章 結論 49 5.1 擔保品處置困難,且滅失機率高 49 5.2 廠商間透過專利設質融資顯意願高於金融業 50 附錄一、參考資料 51 附錄二、專利設定質權整理表 53 附錄三、專利設定質權年份全表 67 附錄四、出質人全表 68 附錄五、質權人全表 71 附錄六、質權人為公司(法人)全表 74

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