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研究生: Martin Binder
Martin Binder
論文名稱: 針對台灣既有建物之建築設計思維
Formulating an architectonic attitude towards Taiwan’s existing structures
指導教授: 蔡孟廷
Meng-Ting Tsai
口試委員: 邱韻祥
Yun-Shang Chiou
Alfred Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
外文關鍵詞: architectonic attitude, existing structures
相關次數: 點閱:314下載:6
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  • Even though we live in an ever changing world, buildings will always be a basic human need. As part of our collective memory there necessity goes way beyond monetary values. Off course in the process of growing and changing, destroying and building will always be necessary as it has always been part of our development for thousands of years. However in a continuously globalizing and diverting world, local culture, differences, and identity are getting more and more important again. This could especially be said when talking about Taiwan. The islands history is strongly influenced by different oppressors and cultures. Fighting for and defining its own sovereignty has been a struggle for much longer then only the last decades. What does it mean to be Taiwanese? How does that look like?
    This process simply cannot be done without confronting its past through the very medium that is shaping and representing our city’s and lives. Taiwan’s existing structures tell stories of oppression, domination, and inequality but also of economical wonders, optimism, the will to live in democracy and freedom, and the dreams and believe of many that also they will make it someday. It’s a chaos that in many ways represents Taiwanese emotions and struggles. There needs to be a radical change in architectonic thinking and methodology in order to be able to create a feasible architecture for Taiwan’s future but also to face and develop an attitude towards its existing structures. Turning a few old buildings into museums shows a dangerously oversimplified solution to a deep and extremely complex situation that Taiwan will not be able to ignore if it wants to grow and develop as an independent and self-confident nation.

    Table of Contents Introduction 13 Background 13 Research Question 14 Research Objective 15 Research Method 15 Literature review 18 Taiwan’s building future 27 Cultural changes 27 Ecological changes 35 Economic changes 36 Case studies 40 House Schedlberg 40 Background and Typology 40 The design approach 40 Antivilla 46 Background and Typology 46 The design approach 46 PC Caritas 52 Background and Typology 52 The design approach 52 The Yellow House 56 Background and Typology 56 The design approach 56 Case studies conclusion 62 Designing and renovating Bade Road Row House 64 Background and Typology 64 The design approach 67 The Construction 70 The final design 73 The budget 75 Conclusion 88 Methodology 88 Culture 91 Bibliography 94


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