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研究生: Eduardo Jr Piedad
Eduardo Jr Piedad
論文名稱: 基於頻率遞歸圖之卷積類神經網路應用於馬達故障診斷
Frequency Occurrence Plot based Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Fault Diagnosis
指導教授: 郭政謙
Cheng-Chien Kuo
口試委員: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
Chien-Kuo Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: fault diagnosisfrequency occurrence plotconvolutional neural networkmotor loadingcurrent signal
外文關鍵詞: fault diagnosis, frequency occurrence plot, convolutional neural network, motor loading, current signal
相關次數: 點閱:399下載:0
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  • Rapid advances in algorithms and computing power recently paved new ways of prognostics and health management. Machines are vital assets for most industries. Its early fault diagnostics not only provide economic benefits to companies but also in protecting lives. A novel motor fault diagnosis using only motor current signature is developed using frequency occurrence plot-based convolutional neural network (FOP-CNN). In this study, a healthy motor and four identical motors with synthetically-applied fault conditions – bearing axis deviation, stator coil inter-turn short circuit, rotor broken strip, and outer bearing ring damage are tested. A set of 50 three-second sampling stator current signals from each motor fault condition are taken under five loading variations – 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% artificial coupled load. A total of 750 sampling signals are collected and processed into frequency occurrence plots (FOPs) which later serve as CNN inputs. This is done first by transforming the time-series signals into its frequency spectrums then convert these into two-dimensional FOPs. Five-times stratified sampling cross-validation is performed. When motor load variations are considered as input label, FOP-CNN predicts motor fault conditions with 92.37% classification accuracy. It precisely classifies and recalls bearing axis deviation fault and healthy conditions with 99.92% and 96.13% f-scores, respectively. When motor loading variations are not used as input label, FOP-CNN still satisfactorily predicts motor condition with 80.25% overall accuracy. FOP-CNN serve as a new feature extraction technique for time-series input signals such as vibration sensors, thermocouples and acoustics.

    Rapid advances in algorithms and computing power recently paved new ways of prognostics and health management. Machines are vital assets for most industries. Its early fault diagnostics not only provide economic benefits to companies but also in protecting lives. A novel motor fault diagnosis using only motor current signature is developed using frequency occurrence plot-based convolutional neural network (FOP-CNN). In this study, a healthy motor and four identical motors with synthetically-applied fault conditions – bearing axis deviation, stator coil inter-turn short circuit, rotor broken strip, and outer bearing ring damage are tested. A set of 50 three-second sampling stator current signals from each motor fault condition are taken under five loading variations – 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100% artificial coupled load. A total of 750 sampling signals are collected and processed into frequency occurrence plots (FOPs) which later serve as CNN inputs. This is done first by transforming the time-series signals into its frequency spectrums then convert these into two-dimensional FOPs. Five-times stratified sampling cross-validation is performed. When motor load variations are considered as input label, FOP-CNN predicts motor fault conditions with 92.37% classification accuracy. It precisely classifies and recalls bearing axis deviation fault and healthy conditions with 99.92% and 96.13% f-scores, respectively. When motor loading variations are not used as input label, FOP-CNN still satisfactorily predicts motor condition with 80.25% overall accuracy. FOP-CNN serve as a new feature extraction technique for time-series input signals such as vibration sensors, thermocouples and acoustics.

    Acknowledgment i Table of Contents ii A. Lists of Symbols iv B. List of Figures v C. List of Tables vii Abstract viii 1. Introduction 1 2. Materials and Methods 4 2.1 Motor and Test Simulations 4 2.1.1 Bearing Axis Deviation 5 2.1.2 Stator coil turn-to-turn short circuit fault 5 2.1.3 Rotor broken strip 6 2.1.4 Outer ring bearing damage 7 2.2 Motor Data 8 2.2.1 Time Series Data 8 2.2.2 Fast Frequency Transform 9 2.2.3 Frequency Occurrence Plot 12 3. Deep Learning Implementation 14 3.1 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 14 3.2 Performance Evaluation 17 3.3 Data Partition and Test Scenarios 18 Case A: Motor Loading Data is Available 18 Case B: Motor Loading Data is Not Available 19 3.4 The Algorithm and Test Simulation 19 4. Results and Discussions 26 4.1 Frequency Occurrence Plots (FOPs) 26 4.2 FOP-CNN Performance 27 4.2.1 Case A: Motor Loading Data is Available 28 4.2.2 Case B: Motor Loading Data is Not Available 34 4.2.3 Case Comparison 36 5. Conclusion 38 Appendix 39 A. Code for FOP Generation 39 B. Code for CNN Training and Testing 40 References 42

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