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研究生: Tahmida Fatmala Zulva
Tahmida Fatmala Zulva
論文名稱: 交通密度、心理疲勞和風險態度對空中交通管制員視覺績效的影響
The Effects of Traffic Density, Mental Fatigue, and Risk Attitude on Visual Performance of Air Traffic Controllers
指導教授: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
Fitri Trapsilawati
Fitri Trapsilawati
口試委員: Fitri Trapsilawati
Fitri Trapsilawati
Woan-Yuh Jang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 空中交通管制交通密度精神疲劳風險態度績效情境感知眼動追踪
外文關鍵詞: air traffic control, traffic density, mental fatigue, risk attitude, performance, situation awareness, eye tracking
相關次數: 點閱:510下載:0
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從2019年到2021年,COVID-19大流行導致航空交通密度顯著下降。然而,最近的政策變化導致交通密度增加,預計將持續上升直到2037年。這種增長可能會使航空交通管制員(ATCOs)不堪重負,導致精神疲勞和潛在的人為錯誤。風險態度,即個體對風險的反應,在航空交通管制決策中也至關重要。然而,對其對績效和情境感知的影響和相互作用的研究有限。在本研究中,ATCO的績效通過反應時間、成功移交飛機的百分比和錯誤次數來衡量。情境感知使用情境現狀評估方法(SPAM)進行評估,該方法可能具有干擾性。為解決這個問題,本研究將眼動追蹤納入到預測績效和情境感知中。本研究的受試者為15 印尼學生(其中男性7人,女性8人)進行了研究,他們接受了航空交通管制模擬培訓。ATC模擬使用ATC模擬器2進行,使用Visual Studio 2022進行SPAM,使用Millisecond的Insiquit Player 6觸發AX-CPT,並使用Gazepoint基於屏幕的眼動追蹤器記錄眼動。包括混合方差分析在內的統計分析揭示了交通密度對性能、態勢感知和眼動追踪參數的顯著影響。結果表明,交通密度這一單因素變量對性能、態勢感知和眼動追踪參數有顯著影響。風險態度與績效之間存在關聯,精神疲勞與風險態度對態勢感知存在交互作用,交通密度、精神疲勞和風險態度對眼動參數存在多因素交互作用。關於風險態度影響及其相互作用的重要發現表明,在運營 ATC 中應考慮風險態度,以了解交通控制策略制定和決策中的個體特徵。了解風險態度的特點有助於製定空中交通管制培訓程序。此外,在績效和情境意識之間分別存在中度和低度關係,具有對比值。這些發現表明,眼動追踪可以用作衡量 ATCO 績效和情境意識的預測指標。

The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant decline in air traffic density from 2019 to 2021. However, recent policy changes have led to increased traffic density, which is projected to continue rising until 2037. This rise may overwhelm air traffic controllers (ATCOs), resulting in mental fatigue and potential human errors. Risk attitude, an individual's response to risks, is also crucial in air traffic control decision-making. However, studies on its influence and interaction with performance and situation awareness are limited. In this study, ATCO performance is measured by reaction time, percentage of successful hand-off aircraft, and error counts. Situation awareness is evaluated using the Situation Present Assessment Method (SPAM), which can be intrusive. This study incorporates eye tracking to predict performance and situation awareness to address this. This study conducted research with 15 Indonesian students (seven males and eight females) participants who underwent air traffic control simulation training. The ATC simulation was performed using ATC Simulator 2, Visual Studio 2022 for performed SPAM, Insiquit Player 6 by Millisecond to trigger AX-CPT, and Gazepoint screen-based eye tracker to record eye movements. Statistical analysis, including Mixed ANOVA, revealed the significant influence of traffic density on performance, situation awareness, and eye-tracking parameters. The results indicate a significant effect of the single-factor variable of traffic density on performance, situation awareness, and eye-tracking parameters. There is an association between risk attitude and performance, an interaction effect between mental fatigue and risk attitude on situation awareness, and a multifactor interaction effect of traffic density, mental fatigue, and risk attitude on eye tracking parameters. The significant findings regarding the influence of risk attitude and its interaction indicate that risk attitude should be considered in operational ATC to understand individual characteristics in traffic control strategy development and decision-making. Understanding the characteristics of risk attitude can assist in formulating ATC training procedures. Furthermore, moderate and low relationships exist, with contrasting values, between performance, situation awareness, and eye-tracking parameters. These findings suggest that eye tracking might be used as a predictor to measure performance and situation awareness in ATCOs.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 摘要 I ABSTRACT II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS III TABLE OF CONTENTS IV LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS VI LIST OF TABLES VIII LIST OF FIGURES IX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Objective 4 1.3 Research Scope and Constraint 4 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEWS 6 2.1 Air Traffic Control 6 2.2 Performance 7 2.3 Situation Awareness 8 2.4 Eye Tracking 10 2.5 Traffic Density 11 2.6 Fatigue 14 2.7 Risk Attitude 15 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 21 3.1 Participants 21 3.2 Design 21 3.3 Apparatus 25 3.4 Task and Procedures 27 3.5 Hypotheses 30 3.6 Statistical Analysis 33 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 35 4.1 Mental Fatigue Measures 35 4.2 Task Performance Measures 37 4.2.1 Reaction Time (RT) 37 4.2.2 Percentage of Successful Handling (%SH) 39 4.2.3 Number of Errors 41 4.3 Situation Awareness Measures 43 4.3.1 Probe Response Latency (PRL) 43 4.3.2 Percentage of Correct Response (%CR) 45 4.4 Eye Tracking Measures 46 4.4.1 Fixation Duration (FD) 46 4.4.2 Fixation Count (FC) 48 4.4.3 Multiplication Parameter (fixation duration multiple by fixation count) 50 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 53 5.1 Mental Fatigue 53 5.2 Performance Measures 54 5.2.1 Reaction Time 54 5.2.2 Percentage of Successful Handling 55 5.2.3 Errors Count 57 5.3 Situation Awareness 58 5.4 Eye Tracking Parameter 61 5.4.1 Fixation Duration 61 5.4.2 Fixation Count 62 5.4.3 Multiplication Parameters 63 5.5 Relationship between eye tracker parameters and dependent variables 64 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS 67 6.1 Conclusions 67 6.2 Implications 68 6.3 Limitation and Future Research 69 REFERENCES 71

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