簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 朱郭隆
Kuo-lung Chu
論文名稱: C公司核心系統-線上查詢業務系統整體改善專案
Company C core system – The online query business systems improve project
指導教授: 黃世禎
Shih-Chen Huang
口試委員: 徐俊傑
Chiun-chieh Hsu
Yue-li Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 38
中文關鍵詞: 人際關係技巧服務導向架構軟體品質專案管理敏捷式開發
外文關鍵詞: interpersonal relationship skill, Service-Oriented Architecture, software quality, project management, agile development
相關次數: 點閱:546下載:4
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  • 外在環境變化快速,資訊技術日新月異,企業今天要面對的已不再是單向接收服務的客戶;客戶需求與日俱增,客戶已經由獵物變獵人,企業必須以客戶為中心,今天業者傳統以大眾為對象推出產品或服務的想法正迅速地在調整改變,必須致力於提供各種個人化的產品與服務,以滿足各式各樣客戶的需求,讓客戶覺得整個服務是為他量身打造,不論是依據利潤、客戶合約、興趣,都可以讓他們使用的東西有所區隔,讓他們覺得自己是最重要的客人,每次客戶上門,都能提供最簡單、最直接、最有關聯的個人化服務。

    With the environment rapidly developing and the information technologies dramatic changing, what enterprise is supposed to face nowadays is not the clients who only receive service any more. As the raising customer requirement, clients is playing the role of a hunter instead of a prey nowadays, as a result of these, enterprises must focus the center on customers. Today, the traditional thought of to the public as the object has been rapidly changed, practitioners must put emphasis on personal products and services so as to meet the requirements of diversity clients. All these will make the product or service tailored for customer. Customer supposed to have the unique product or service no master in profit, service agreement or even the interests. Each customer’s visiting supposed to let customer feel like they are the most important customer by providing most smart, direct and tailored personal product or service.
    On-line inquiry business system as the first line service has played an increasingly important role in service. When problems, such as service system interrupt, low data exchange rate, difficult software maintenance, high maintenance cost happen, users, customers and related suppliers are directly influenced, it must be a great shock for the corporate external image if the influence time is too long.
    This paper is aim to take an example of a company which improve the overall efficiency of on-line inquiry system in company. Departed experience can’t be duplicated to help us to upgrade the hardware module and fix the system issue. With this difficulty, Amy will take some methods and tools to analysis the core working environment, system architecture and working constraint and bring about proper architecture, application and other advantage to refine and create efficient business system.
    This paper takes Harvard type case writing method which includes the case text and reference manual for teachers. The teachers’ reference manual aims at the case in discussing content such as project management, software quality, service -oriented architecture, interpersonal relationship skill and agile development. This paper clear up the literature theory and the analysis in this case to put theory intention into use and for the sake of experiencing physical situations.

    目  錄 摘 要I ABSTRACTII 誌 謝III 表目錄V 圖目錄VI C公司核心系統-線上查詢業務系統整體改善專案1 壹、個案本文3 產業概況與個案背景3 業務價值驅動IT技術革新6 改善前的準備7 制定軟體品質目標9 敏捷開發10 成功的果實13 附件15 貳、教師手冊20 一、個案總覽20 二、教學目標與適用課程20 三、學員課前討論問題23 四、學員課前準備23 五、個案背景23 六、個案分析25 七、教學建議34 八、板書規劃35 參、參考文獻36 中文參考文獻36 英文參考文獻37 網站部分38

    3.何霖編編譯,Michele Sliger,Stacia Broderick著(2009),軟體專案管理:軟體專案管理者邁向敏捷式的橋梁。碁峰資訊。
    5.劉孟華編譯,James P.Lewis著(2010),專案管理聖經:怎麼用9大知識領域、5大流程程序成功完成專案(二版)。臉譜,城邦文化。
    6.熊培霖等編譯,Project Management Institute著(2010),專案管理知識體指南(四版)。PMI國際專案管理協會。
    14.Baker, E. R. and M. J. Fisher, “Software Quality Program Organization,” Edited by G. G. Schulmeyer and J. I. McManux, Handbook of Software Quality Assurance, 2nd., Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992
    15.Hartman, F. and R. Ashrafi, “Development of the SMARTTM Project Planning Framework,” International Journal of Project Management,22(2004)
    16.Dull, R. and R. Ullman, Quality Assurance for Computer Software, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1982
    17.Boehm, B. W., Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1981
    18.Coplien, J. O., “Examining the Software Development Process,” Dr. Dobb’s Journal, Oct. 1994
    19.Craig Larman and Victor R. Basili. “Iterative & Incremental Development:A Brief History.” Computer, June 2003
    20.Craig Larman. Agile and Iterative Development:A Manager’s Guide.(Boston:Addision-Wesley, 2004)
    21.Winston W. Royce. “Managing the Development of Large Software System:Converntion[WesCon]), Los Angeles, CA, August 25-28,1970
    22.PMI PMBOK,
    25.PMI PMBOK,
    26.Ken Schwaber. “No Applause, Please.” Scrum Alliance,

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