簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張顥騰
Hao-Teng Chang
論文名稱: 擴增投影於影像強化之研究
Study on Enhancing Image Appearance by Augmented Projection System
指導教授: 林宗翰
Tzung-Han Lin
口試委員: 溫照華
Chao-hua Wen
Pei-Li Sun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 色彩與照明科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Color and Illumination Technology
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 擴增實境投影仿射影像處理電腦視覺
外文關鍵詞: Augmented Reality, Projection, Homography, Image Processing, Computer Vision
相關次數: 點閱:274下載:14
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基於上述之研究目的,本研究使用彩色CCD與微型投影機組成擴增投影系統裝置。使用本裝置之前,需先對CCD與投影機進行校正動作,使得影像投影誤差在9 pixel以下;再對相機的色彩做迴歸校正。最後利用幾種影像特效模式與使用影像編輯軟體之內建特效匯入系統進行實驗。在實驗結果中,邊緣強化的強化程度可隨使用者喜好所自行設定;對比強化的效果在實驗結果中是顯著的,而透過外部影像編輯軟體所套用的效果裡,具外型變化程度大的效果較為明顯,如磚塊、蝕刻特效等,而彩色炭筆的測試例則以人像效果最為顯著;油畫與水彩方面,因此類特效在顏色視覺上做較多調整,在投影上對實際影像之呈現較為困難,無法看出其特效。本研究亦針對具反光之材質作測試,然而受限於局部光線聚集而無法作判別與運算,此為本論文執行上為一大限制。且考量到光線的因素導致影像的呈現方面問題,本研究結果也僅適於暗室之條件下。

As technology advances and changes in life, the traditional display or promotion may make people tedious or monotonous. If people can add some different ornamental effect, it will probably create a different atmosphere and a different visual feeling. Therefore, this study reveals an augmented system, which is fabricated by one CCD and one projector. Based on computer graphics and computer vision technology, this augmented projection system can project a virtual image onto a real image. As a consequence, the augmented image presents a different visual experience.
Based on above research purposes, this study utilizes the CCD camera and mini-projector to present a real-time augmented projection system. First of all, we calibrate the CCD and projector individually. The calibration induces a projection error which is less than 1 pixel. To improve the accuracy between the captured image and projective image, we use homography to represent the projective projection phenomenon. This helps us to map a projective image onto the original image very well. Then, we process this undistorted image for specific effect, and map this protective mask by homography. Finally, we project the mask onto the image via mini-projector. Besides, the color calibration for the CCD is also revealed.
In this paper, we use nine test images and five testing modes to verified this concept. In experiment results, the degree of enhancement can be set according their preference; In the auto-adjustment mode, as the result as we saw, it’s not suitable for portrait images. We also use the image manipulation software, such as PhotoImpact, to apply special effects. In couple examples, the results are not apparent because these render effects only change the color appearance. The real image doesn’t change too much. But in some mode such as colorful pencil render, it truly changes a lot on actual image perception.
Finally, we test on a glossy surface, the high-reflection area cannot make discrimination for augmenting a mash image. So, this is a native limitation for our system

誌謝 i 中文摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 ix Chapter 1 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機 1 1.2 研究限制 2 1.3 研究架構 2 1.4 論文架構 3 Chapter 2 文獻探討 4 2.1 空間座標之投影轉換 4 2.2 校正 6 2.2.1 針孔相機 6 2.2.2 扭曲現象 8 2.2.3 仿射矩陣 10 2.3 色彩空間 13 2.3.1 RGB色彩空間 13 2.3.2 HSV色彩空間 14 2.4 影像計算 16 2.4.1 邊緣偵測 16 2.4.2 邊緣偵測方式 17 2.4.3 Canny Edge邊緣偵測 17 2.5 投影與擴增實境 20 Chapter 3 研究方法 21 3.1 系統簡介 21 3.2 開發環境 21 3.2.1 設備介紹 22 3.2.2 實驗設置與環境 24 3.2.3 系統流程簡介 25 3.3 幾何校正 26 3.4 仿射運算 30 3.5 相機色彩校正 31 3.6 影像處理 33 3.7 軟體運作流程 33 Chapter 4 研究結果 35 4.1 邊緣強化實驗結果 36 4.2 對比強化實驗結果 40 4.3 色彩增強實驗結果 43 4.4 其他測試例 46 4.4.1 高反光材質 46 4.4.2 負片特效 47 4.4.3 水彩特效 50 4.4.4 油畫特效 52 4.4.5 磚塊特效 54 4.4.6 蝕刻特效 56 4.4.7 彩色炭筆特效 58 Chapter 5 結論與建議 60 5.1 結論 60 5.2 未來建議 61 參考文獻 62

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