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研究生: Tirza Paramitha Pamelisa
Tirza Paramitha Pamelisa
論文名稱: Study on Nonlinear-Response History Analysis of Mid to High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Study on Nonlinear-Response History Analysis of Mid to High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings
指導教授: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
Yu-Chen Ou
Fu-Pei Hsiao
口試委員: 邱建國
Chien-Kuo Chiu
Yu-Chen Ou
Fu-Pei Hsiao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: Nonlinear response history analysisdynamicMeinong earthquakehigh axial columnhigh-risemid-riseWeiguanXingfuTEASPA plastic hinge
外文關鍵詞: Nonlinear response history analysis, dynamic, Meinong earthquake, high axial column, high-rise, mid-rise, Weiguan, Xingfu, TEASPA plastic hinge
相關次數: 點閱:462下載:9
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  • The latest devastating earthquake in Taiwan is Meinong earthquake, which happened on 2016 and made eight (8) buildings with 2-16 stories had collapsed. The seismic evaluation study of mid to high rise buildings became essential to avoid the failure happened in the future. One alternative way to do the seismic evaluation of building is to perform nonlinear response history analysis. Nonlinear response history is an approach to clearly understand the real behavior of structure by inputting the real ground motion from representative earthquake excitation. The failure can be defined by global performance and component performance. Global performance is determined by the story drift, whereas component performance is determined with column rotation.
    In this research, several simple study case will be performed using several methods of defining the inelastic hinge properties. Compatibility of each method will be observed to be assigned in nonlinear response history analysis on mid to high rise building. Xingfu Building and Weiguan Building, which collapsed during Meinong earthquake, will become representative case of mid-rise and high-rise building. Using two ground motions, three cases of Xingfu Building has been performed: frame only case (Case A), frame with brick wall case (Case B), and frame with brick wall on 3rd floor to roof (Case C). On the other hand, two cases of Weiguan Building has been performed using nonlinear response history analysis: frame only case (Case A) and frame with considering brick wall (Case B).
    High axial ratio (more than 0.3 Agfc’) was observed during the earthquake in Xingfu and Weiguan building. Several columns undergo axial load more than its capacity in Weiguan Building case. The comparison result shows that the modeling of brick wall in analytical result is essential since the configuration of brick wall could affect the seismic behavior of mid to high rise building. Collapse has been defined using axial load check, drift ratio check, and ductility ratio check. Based on the analysis of Xingfu Building, under PGA 0.24g Case C could be defined as collapsed and under PGA 0.425g, Case A and C could be defined as collapsed. On the other hand, Weiguan Building under PGA 0.14g and PGA 0.425g could be defined as collapsed for Case B.

    The latest devastating earthquake in Taiwan is Meinong earthquake, which happened on 2016 and made eight (8) buildings with 2-16 stories had collapsed. The seismic evaluation study of mid to high rise buildings became essential to avoid the failure happened in the future. One alternative way to do the seismic evaluation of building is to perform nonlinear response history analysis. Nonlinear response history is an approach to clearly understand the real behavior of structure by inputting the real ground motion from representative earthquake excitation. The failure can be defined by global performance and component performance. Global performance is determined by the story drift, whereas component performance is determined with column rotation.
    In this research, several simple study case will be performed using several methods of defining the inelastic hinge properties. Compatibility of each method will be observed to be assigned in nonlinear response history analysis on mid to high rise building. Xingfu Building and Weiguan Building, which collapsed during Meinong earthquake, will become representative case of mid-rise and high-rise building. Using two ground motions, three cases of Xingfu Building has been performed: frame only case (Case A), frame with brick wall case (Case B), and frame with brick wall on 3rd floor to roof (Case C). On the other hand, two cases of Weiguan Building has been performed using nonlinear response history analysis: frame only case (Case A) and frame with considering brick wall (Case B).
    High axial ratio (more than 0.3 Agfc’) was observed during the earthquake in Xingfu and Weiguan building. Several columns undergo axial load more than its capacity in Weiguan Building case. The comparison result shows that the modeling of brick wall in analytical result is essential since the configuration of brick wall could affect the seismic behavior of mid to high rise building. Collapse has been defined using axial load check, drift ratio check, and ductility ratio check. Based on the analysis of Xingfu Building, under PGA 0.24g Case C could be defined as collapsed and under PGA 0.425g, Case A and C could be defined as collapsed. On the other hand, Weiguan Building under PGA 0.14g and PGA 0.425g could be defined as collapsed for Case B.

    ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Research Motivation 1 1.2 Objectives and Scope of the Research 2 1.3 Organization and Thesis Overview 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Experimental Studies on Behavior of Ductile and Non-ductile Columns 4 2.2 Behavior of 2-Story Reinforced Concrete Frames 5 2.3 Meinong Earthquake 6 2.3.1 Xingfu Building (幸福大樓) 7 2.3.1 Weiguan Jinlong Building (維冠金龍) 9 2.4 Performance Based Design 12 2.5 Nonlinear Static Procedure 13 2.6 Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure 13 2.7 Nonlinear Procedure FEMA 356 15 2.7.1 Column 16 2.7.2 Beam 17 2.7.3 Reinforced Concrete Walls 19 2.8 Nonlinear Procedure ASCE 41-13 19 2.9 TEASPA 22 2.9.1 Column 23 2.9.2 Beam 27 2.9.3 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis 28 2.10 Midas Gen Inelastic Hinge Properties 30 2.10.1 Inelastic Hinge Type 30 2.10.2 Hysteresis Behavior Model 31 2.10.3 Interaction Type 32 2.10.4 Hysteresis Model 32 2.11 Takeda Hysteresis Model 33 CHAPTER 3 CASE STUDY 34 3.1 Single Column under High Axial Column 34 3.1.1 Modeling 34 3.1.2 Material Properties and Loadings 35 3.1.3 Cyclic Loading 35 3.1.4 Inelastic Hinge Calculation 37 3.2 1-Story Ductile and Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frame 38 3.2.1 Modeling 39 3.2.2 Material Properties and Loadings 41 3.2.3 Ground Motion 43 3.2.4 Inelastic Hinge Calculation 44 3.3 2-Story Reinforced Concrete Frames with Non-Seismic Detailing 44 3.3.1 Modeling 44 3.3.2 Material Properties and Loadings 45 3.3.3 Ground Motion 47 3.3.4 Inelastic Hinge Calculation 48 3.4 Meinong Earthquake-Xingfu Building 48 3.4.1 Modeling 48 3.4.2 Material Properties and Loadings 51 3.4.3 Ground Motion 52 3.4.4 Inelastic Hinge Calculation 53 3.5 Meinong Earthquake-Weiguan Building 57 3.5.1 Modeling 57 3.5.2 Material Properties and Loadings 60 3.5.3 Ground Motion 60 3.5.4 Inelastic Hinge Calculation 61 3.6 NCREE-Tainan 3 Story Shaking Table Specimen 61 3.6.1 Modeling 62 3.6.2 Material Properties and Axial Load 64 3.6.3 Ground Motion 64 3.6.4 Inelastic Hinge Calculation 65 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND ANALYTICAL STUDY 66 4.1 Comparison of Test Data with Predictive Models of Single Column 66 4.2 Comparison of Test Data with Predictive Models of 1-Story Ductile and Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frame 71 4.3 Comparison of Test Data with Predictive Models of 2-Story Reinforced Concrete Frames with Non-Seismic Detailing 78 4.4 Result and Analysis of Xingfu Building 84 4.5 Result and Analysis of Weiguan Building 98 4.6 Predictive Result of 3-Story Shaking Table Specimen 107 CHAPTER 5 CONLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH 112 5.1 Conclusion 112 5.2 Suggestion and Future Research 113 REFERENCES 115 APPENDIX 118

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