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研究生: 劉騏豪
Chi-hao Liu
論文名稱: 應用基因演算法於時間序列之分群
Applying Genetic Algorithm to Cluster Time Series Data
指導教授: 楊鍵樵
Chen-Chau Yang
口試委員: 朱雨其
Yu-chi Chu
Yung-Ho Leu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 時間序列滑動式視窗K-Means基因演算法資料探勘
外文關鍵詞: Sliding Windows, K-Means, Genetic Algorithm, Data Mining, Time Series
相關次數: 點閱:865下載:12
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Time series analysis can let us understand changes and behavior of the events, and clustering of time series will be helpful to the prediction of the behavior and plans in the future. However, most of the clustering algorithms need to input some parameters, such as the number of clusters but the user do not have enough domain knowledge to determine these parameters. Thus, in this thesis we propose a time series clustering algorithm base on the genetic algorithm and the concept of density, to effectively find out the proper parameters of clusters without user setting.
Further more, we apply our method to the Environmental Protection Administration data, and find some different kinds of patterns in the result. These patterns are useful knowledge when the Environmental Protection Administration need to find some relationship between pollution or to plan some air pollution control policy.

中文摘要.........................................................I Abstract........................................................II 誌謝...........................................................III 目錄............................................................IV 圖目錄.........................................................VII 表目錄..........................................................IX 第一章 緒論.....................................................1 1.1 研究背景.....................................................1 1.2 研究動機.....................................................2 1.3 研究方法.....................................................2 1.4 研究目的.....................................................3 1.5 論文架構.....................................................3 第二章 相關文獻.................................................5 2.1 時間序列分析................................................5 2.1.1 時間序列相似度............................................5 2.1.2 序列正規化( Normalization of Sequences )..................7 2.2 群集技術(Clustering Techniques)...........................8 2.2.1階層式(Hierarchical)演算法............................8 2.2.2切割式(Partitional)演算法.............................9 2.2.3K-Means演算法..........................................10 2.2.4密度基礎的叢集方法.....................................12 2.3 基因演算法(Genetic Algorithms)...........................13 2.3.1 選擇(Selection)........................................15 2.3.2 交配(Selection)........................................16 2.3.3 突變(Selection)........................................17 2.3.4 基因演算法的特性與應用...................................17 2.4 基因演算法與分群...........................................18 2.5 GA-clustering 演算法.......................................21 第三章 研究方法................................................25 3.1 基因演算法在分群之研究.....................................25 3.2 以基因及K-Means演算法為基礎的分群方法......................26 3.2.1 以滑動式視窗切割時間序列.................................27 3.2.2 序列正規化...............................................28 3.2.3 染色體編碼與族群初始化...................................28 3.2.4 適應函數.................................................30 3.2.5 演化流程.................................................31 第四章 實驗方式................................................34 4.1 實驗流程....................................................34 4.2 實驗環境....................................................34 4.3 實驗資料....................................................35 4.4 效能測試....................................................54 4.5 實驗結果....................................................55 第五章 結論與未來研究方向......................................59 5.1 結論.......................................................59 5.2 未來研究方向...............................................60 參考書目........................................................62

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