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研究生: 段芸芸
論文名稱: 資訊圖像結構化分析及選擇決策流程之研究-以商業智慧軟體Tableau為例
Research of structured analysis of infographics and decision-making process – using business intelligence software Tableau as an example
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 魏小蘭
Hsiao-Lan Wei
Li-Wei Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 資訊圖像商業智慧資訊圖像結構化分析表資訊圖像選擇決策流程
外文關鍵詞: infographics, business intelligence, structural analysis of infographics, decision-making process of infographics
相關次數: 點閱:438下載:0
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在這個數據眾多且繁雜的時代,我們經常透過圖像來表示資訊不同的意義。資訊圖像化是指運用視覺的方式呈現數據,有效的圖表可以將繁雜的數據簡化成易於吸收的內容。最早的資訊圖像化溯及17世紀時,William Playfair發明了圓餅圖及長條圖,他在現代被稱為統計圖之父。一直到20世紀,由於科技的快速發展,為了符合資料分析者的需求,資訊圖像的表現形式更多元化,除了在企業內經常使用資訊圖像,我們也可以在各式各樣的平台媒介觀察到資訊圖像的存在。由此可知,資訊圖像逐漸成為人類生活當中不可或缺的一部分。

With the generation changing, the data be more and more diversified. There are differences in data meaning through images. Data visualization refers to the use of visual presentation of data. Effective infographics can make complex data become easily understood. The earliest data visualization dates back to the 17th century. William Playfair invented the pie chart and bar chart, and he is known as the inventor of statistical charts in modern times. Until the 20th century, with the rapid development of science and technology, to meet the needs of data analysts, the representation of infographics has become diversified. We can find them not only in business reports but also on platforms and media, and they have gradually become an important part of our lives.

Infographics are common ways of communicating now. A review of prior, relevant literature focused on the application and user interaction of infographics or discussing the classification of data types. The research of analyzing infographics is not sufficient. Therefore, our research collects 18 representative infographics from Tableau, a business intelligence information visualization software. We create three dimensions that can structurally analyze infographics. According to the analysis of infographics, a decision-making process for infographics is integrated, so that the analysts can know how to choose the appropriate infographic when facing different information needs. Finally, an expert review meeting was held for this study, and the structured analysis of infographics and the decision-making process of infographics were revised according to the recommendations of industry experts.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3研究目的 2 1.4研究範圍 3 1.5本文架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 2.1資訊圖像 4 2.2資料視覺化架構 9 2.3輸入資料元素 10 第三章 研究方法 12 3.1研究流程與架構 12 3.2研究工具與設計 17 3.2.1專家小組 17 3.2.2問卷設計與專家會議 19 3.2.3研究工具 20 第四章 結果分析 21 4.1資訊圖像結構化分析表 21 4.2資訊圖像選擇決策流程 56 4.3實例驗證 60 4.4專家會議與建議 72 第五章 結論與建議 76 5.1結論 76 5.2研究貢獻 76 5.3研究限制 77 5.4後續研究建議 78 參考文獻 79 附錄 81 附錄一 81 附錄二 專家問卷 82

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全文公開日期 2024/09/13 (校外網路)
全文公開日期 2024/09/13 (國家圖書館:臺灣博碩士論文系統)