簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 侯明宏
Ming-Hung Hou
論文名稱: 少量多樣塑膠射出成型生產方式的改善實例探討
A case study on the low volume diversified plastic injection molding production
指導教授: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
口試委員: 林義貴
Yi-Gui Lin
Ting-Zhang Zhang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 39
中文關鍵詞: 少量多樣生產方式有效工時無效工時快速換模換線
外文關鍵詞: Low-volume and Diversified Production method, Effective Working Hours, Invalid working Hours, Quick changeover of the Mold and Production Line
相關次數: 點閱:210下載:11
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  • 傳統製造業的生產模式隨著科學技術的發展及市場需求狀況而不斷發展變化。而現今要求快速的多元化、個性化的需求商品開始因應而生,買方市場的時代到來。此時市場對單一種類的產品需求量急劇減少,製造業普遍面臨著大量生產模式轉換為少量多樣的客製化商品需求。客戶的下單習慣已轉向少量多樣、生產週期要求更短,需求變動也愈趨頻繁研發速度、庫存備料、訂單進度、生產效率、換線換模、交期承諾、品質要求,要調整可不只是這些,企業的挑戰這時正要開始......。

    The production mode of traditional manufacturing industry is constantly evolving with the development of science and technology plus the market demand. Not only that, the demand of fast, diversify and personalized products has begun to take place, and the era of the buyer's market has arrived. At this time, the demand for a single type of product has been drastically reduced, and the manufacturing industry is generally faced with the need to convert a large number of production modes into a small variety of customized products. Customer's order habits have shifted to a small number of diversification, production cycle requirements are shorter, and demand changes are becoming more frequent. R&D speed, inventory preparation, order progress, production efficiency, changeover, delivery commitment, quality requirements, adjustments are not just all of these, the challenges of the enterprise are just beginning to start too...
    As a result, the mass production in the pass has become an inevitable trend by replacing a large number of modern production models with the same low cost. In this production transition process, the changeover capacity of the production line in these small quantities and variety production methods will become the main axis. Furthermore, customers require large number products with a short delivery time. In order to meet this expectation, they must be able to come out a Variety-Small Batch Order Production Models. Therefore, the ability to quickly change the mold becoming very important, but too frequent of change molds has made many factories a big headache because it wastes production time and reduces production efficiency.
    However, the rapid mold and line change is one of the methods to quickly and effectively switch the manufacturing process, shortening the pause time and increasing the production efficiency. In this case, we will discuss the rapid mold change method and technique for plastic injection molding. Due to the small quantities of the products, the time of each injection molding machine is too low and the labor time is too high, which will become a major obstacle, which the length of the invalid work time is determined by the length of the mold change time.

    摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 壹、個案本文 1 一、個案公司背景 2 二、塑膠射出成型製程說明 3 三、塑膠射出成型少量多樣生產面臨的問題 4 四、專案任務解析與對策 6 五、下一個目標與挑戰 17 六、結論 17 七、問題討論 18 貳、個案討論 19 一、管理議題探討 19 二、教學目標與適用課程 19 三、學員課前討論問題 28 四、學員課前準備 29 五、結論 29 參、參考文獻 30

    1. 張寶誠(2013),精實生產推動手冊:創造彈性、速度與創新的生產系統,新北市:中國生產力中心
    2. 郭倉義、陳清稱(2012,3月),精實生產五個原則與步驟,台北市:經理人月刊
    3. 維基百科,精實生產,online,avilable: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/精實生產
    4. 傑佛瑞萊克、大衛梅爾譯者:李芳齡(2005),實踐豐田模式,台北市:美商麥格羅‧希爾
    5. MBA智庫百科,目視管理 online,avilable: http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/目視管理
    6. 陳青(1999),目視管理實務,中衛發展中心
    7. 經理人月刊,【邏輯力】5W2H:從各種角度想問題, 2008年7月號 吳嘉玲, 李宛怡, 陳昵雯, 姜俊延, 石弘域等(2013),工作,分析了再做:提升工作實力與表現的20項分析技術,易博士出版社
    8. MBA智庫百科,快速換模 online,avilable: http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/快速換模
    9. 金工五十 齊力躍新,換模生產如翻書-快速換模 提升產能, 金屬中心 50 週年紀念專刊 https://www.mirdc.org.tw/download/Public/50th/ch/P60.pdf