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研究生: 張喬惠
Chyau-Huiy Jang
論文名稱: 說服力的包裝設計探究
The Exploration of Persuasive Food Packaging Design
指導教授: 王韋堯
Regina W. Y. Wang
口試委員: 蔡志鑫
Chih-Hsin Tsai
Chien-Hsiung Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 311
中文關鍵詞: 說服力包裝設計說服力包裝設計模型(PPDM)表面設計訴求(SDA)產品情感訴求(PAA)
外文關鍵詞: persuasion, packaging design, Persuasive Packaging Design Model (PPDM), surface design appeal (SDA), product affective appeal (PAA)
相關次數: 點閱:655下載:0
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本研究以包裝設計的說服力為主題,提出說服力包裝設計模型(PPDM)對表面設計與情感的實驗條件。本研究使用2 x 2實驗設計來檢驗不同包裝設計的「表面設計訴求」(SDA)(常規、得獎)與「產品情感訴求」(PAA)(可信、情感)對說服力的影響。三十名健康受試者(男16例,女14例,年齡20-26,M = 22.83)參與研究。受試者觀察150種包裝設計樣本,以行為問項與腦電圖 EEG 生理實驗,探測觀者在觀看包裝後的大腦活動現象。在150種包裝設計樣本中,每個類別有30個:常規vs.可信、得獎vs.可信、常規vs.情感、得獎vs.情感,以及文字訴求(對照組)。研究目標包括:(a)定義有說服力的包裝設計,並提出用於包裝設計的說服模型;(b)通過市場調查探索和分析包裝設計趨勢的現有說服力訴求;以及(c)以腦電圖EEG實驗探測「表面設計訴求」與「產品情感訴求」對包裝說服力的影響。研究結果如下:




This present study investigates the influence of packaging design persuasion, proposing the Persuasive Packaging Design Model (PPDM) on the surface design and affective experimental conditions of packaging design. The study used a 2 x 2 experimental design to examine different surface design appeal (SDA) (conventional and award-winning) and product affective appeal (PAA) (credible and emotional) on the effect of persuasion on packaging design. Thirty healthy participants (16 males and 14 females, age 20-26, M = 22.83) took part in the study. Behavioral questions were combined with EEG experiment to record brain activation while participants viewed 150 packaging design stimuli. Within the 150 packaging design stimuli, there were 30 items per category: conventional vs. credible, award-winning vs. credible, conventional vs. emotional, award-winning vs. emotional, and word appeal (control group). The research objectives included: (a) to define persuasive packaging design and propose a persuasion model for packaging design, (b) to explore and analyze existing persuasive appeal on packaging design trends via a market survey, and (c) to conduct EEG experiments on the independent variables “surface design appeal” and “product affective appeal” on packaging design and analyze how it affects packaging persuasion. The research results are as following:

(1)Based on literature review, the study proposed the Persuasive Packaging Design Model (PPDM) on surface design appeal (SDA) and product affective appeal (PAA) regarding aspects of creativity, attractiveness, communication, and good product quality on packaging design persuasion.
(2)Market survey from a total of 321 packaging samples collected from the food categories of local supermarkets in Taiwan found that conventional packaging design accounted for the most (73.52%) within SDA. Credible packaging design accounted for the most (66.04%) within PAA. Other packaging design accounted with the least (9.03%). Within the four experimental conditions, “conventional vs. credible” had the highest combination with 56.07%.
(3)Brainwave EEG results showed that packaging design with different SDA and PAA induced brain activations related to language-related brain functions, perception, expectation & attention-related brain functions, cognition, understanding & association-related brain functions, memory-related brain functions, and emotion-related brain functions on creativity, attractiveness, communication, good product quality, and persuasion.

a.Analysis of event-related spectral perturbation (ERSP) indicated brain activations for language-related and perception, expectation and attention-related brain functions in the left frontal (BA46), the right frontal (BA10), the left and right parietal (BA40), the left and right occipital (BA19), the right temporal (BA42), and the limbic system.
b.Analysis of ERSP indicated brain activations for cognition, understanding and association-related brain functions in the left frontal (BA46), the right frontal (BA10), the left and right parietal (BA40), the left and right occipital (BA19), and the right temporal (BA42).
c.Analysis of ERSP indicated brain activations for memory-related brain functions in the left frontal (BA46), the right frontal (BA10), the left and right parietal (BA40), the left occipital (BA19), the right temporal (BA42), and the limbic system.
d.Analysis of ERSP indicated brain activations for emotion-related brain functions in the left frontal (BA46), the right frontal (BA10), the right parietal (BA40), the left occipital (BA19), the right temporal (BA42), and limbic system.

Through this present study, findings can provide important new market insights for persuasion research that can benefit marketing managers and designers from this neuro study and research findings on persuasive packaging design. In addition, this study can also contribute to persuasive packaging design and marketing strategy in order to create more persuasive food packaging design.

ABSTRACT..............................................................................i 摘要................................................................................iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.......................................................................v TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................vi LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................viii LIST OF TABLES......................................................................xvi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION...............................................................1 1.1 Research Background...............................................................1 1.2 Objectives of the Study...........................................................2 1.3 Definition of the Terms...........................................................2 1.3.1 Persuasive Packaging Design.....................................................2 1.3.2 Surface Design Appeal...........................................................3 1.3.3 Product Affective Appeal........................................................3 1.4 Scope and Delimitation............................................................3 1.5 Research Process..................................................................4 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................6 2.1 Persuasive Packaging Design.......................................................6 2.2 Surface Design Appeal............................................................23 2.3 Product Affective Appeal.........................................................31 2.4 Pilot Study on Existing Packaging Design.........................................36 2.4.1 Pilot Study Results and Discussion.............................................37 2.5 Neuroscience Research and Persuasive Packaging Design............................43 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY...............................................................48 3.1 Experimental Framework...........................................................48 3.1.1 Independent Variables..........................................................48 3.1.2 Dependent Variables............................................................49 3.1.3 Hypothesis.....................................................................50 3.2 Experimental Design..............................................................52 3.2.1 Participants...................................................................52 3.2.2 Stimuli Design.................................................................52 3.3 Experimental Environment and Procedure...........................................54 3.4 Methods of Data Analysis.........................................................60 3.4.1 Behavioral Data Analysis.......................................................60 3.4.2 Neuroscience EEG Data Analysis.................................................61 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....................................................64 4.1 Behavioral Data Results..........................................................64 4.1.1 Creativity on Packaging Design.................................................64 4.1.2 Attractiveness on Packaging Design.............................................68 4.1.3 Communication on Packaging Design..............................................71 4.1.4 Good Product Quality on Packaging Design.......................................74 4.1.5 Persuasion on Packaging Design.................................................77 4.1.6 Purchase Intention on Packaging Design.........................................82 4.2 Event-Related Spectral Perturbation (ERSP) Data Results..........................87 4.2.1 Left Frontal Lobe (BA 46)......................................................88 4.2.2 Right Frontal Lobe (BA 10).....................................................91 4.2.3 Left Parietal Lobe (BA 40).....................................................94 4.2.4 Right Parietal Lobe (BA 40)....................................................97 4.2.5 Left Occipital Lobe (BA 19)...................................................100 4.2.6 Right Occipital Lobe (BA 19)..................................................103 4.2.7 Right Temporal Lobe (BA 42)...................................................106 4.2.8 Limbic System.................................................................109 4.3 ERSP Discussion: Brain function and phenomenon..................................112 4.4 Hypothesis Verification.........................................................210 4.4.1 Different packaging “surface design appeal” affects persuasion................210 4.4.2 Different packaging “product affective appeal” affects persuasion.............213 4.4.3 The interaction of packaging surface design appeal vs. product affective appeal affects persuasion..................................................................216 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION...............................................................218 5.1 Conclusion......................................................................218 5.2 Suggestion for Further Research.................................................219 REFERENCES..........................................................................221 APPENDIX A..........................................................................262 APPENDIX B..........................................................................266 APPENDIX C..........................................................................271 APPENDIX D..........................................................................278


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