簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳建興
Chien-Hsin Chen
論文名稱: 台資投資大陸水泥產業決策指標評估模式研究
Research on Taiwanese cement investors' decision making models for investing cement industry in China
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Sheng-Lin Chang
Wen-Dwo Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 決策指標評估層級分析法大陸水泥產業
外文關鍵詞: AHP
相關次數: 點閱:494下載:0
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  • 未來大陸水泥市場可能形成三大板塊。一是大陸本地企業,以大型水泥企業
    1 大陸水泥產業市場需求。
    2 政府產業發展政策。
    3 物流條件的競爭策略。
    4 大陸水泥產業台資發展政策。
    5 區域性佈署的競爭策略。
    6 大陸水泥產業供給能力。
    7 配合產業結構調整的競爭策略。
    同時亦求得投資大陸水泥產業決策指標的綜合優先序和權重關係如(表 27

    The future cement market of China could be shaping into three major
    segments. The first is the domestically funded firms led by large cement
    companies allying with small and medium cement enterprises scattered across
    the nation, which still would be primary force of Chinese cement market as well
    as in production. The second is Taiwanese enterprises. Taiwanese
    investors are aggressive setting up operation in China and have tremendous
    potential becoming major production and distribution force in mainland.
    Finally, foreign investments having long term investment plans such French
    LAFARGE group (the largest cement group in the world), Switzerland Holcim
    Group (second largest in the world) and the largest Japanese producer Pacific
    Group are also playing an increasing important role in China.
    In recent years, more and more of Taiwan's cement enterprises have swarm to
    mainland seeking for better investment opportunities and in such, this thesis is
    based on potential Taiwanese cement investor transferring investment to
    China as research targets to examine and study mainland cement market as
    well as its investment environment to further comprehend and summarize
    Taiwanese entrepreneurs’ decision making factors. Next step is to use
    “Analytic Hierarchy Process” as research approach to design questionnaire
    conducting further questionnaire researches to all Taiwan cement professions.
    “Analytic Hierarchy Process” will be employed to analyze these feed backs,
    and we will discover that the decision making measures as follow for Part I:
    1) Chinese cement market demand;
    2) Government policy in respect to cement industry in China;
    3) Competitive strategy on logistics environment;
    4) Government policy for Taiwanese cement investors’ development in China;
    5) Competitive strategy of regional allocation;
    6) Mainland China cement supply capacity;
    7) Competitive strategy responding to cement industry structural promotion.
    In the meantime, Chinese cement producers’ investment decision making
    measures also have been obtained as shown accordingly to each measure’s
    weighted index (as table 27).
    This study is to construct Taiwanese cement investors’ decision making
    models, processes and evaluations in respect to their investments to China;
    and hopefully the above two analysis conclusions could provide valuable,
    helpful reference to Taiwanese manufacturers in order to properly establish
    investment plans and make correct decisions when investing in China
    maximizing the investments in longer run.

    中文摘要........................................................... I ABSTRACT ......................................................... II 誌謝.............................................................. IV 目 錄.............................................................. V 表 目 錄......................................................... VII 圖 目 錄........................................................ VIII 第一章、緒論....................................................... 1 第一節、研究背景與動機............................................. 1 第二節、研究目的................................................... 3 第三節、研究方法論................................................. 4 第四節、論文章節架構............................................... 5 第二章、文獻探討................................................... 6 第三章、大陸水泥產業投資環境介紹.................................. 13 第一節、水泥産業種類術語.......................................... 13 第二節、水泥産業投資特徵分析...................................... 15 第三節、大陸水泥產業環境分析...................................... 22 第四節、大陸水泥產業政策與法令環境分析............................ 32 第五節、大陸水泥產業競爭策略分析.................................. 46 第六節、台資投資大陸水泥產業決策指標架構歸納整理.................. 56 第四章、研究設計.................................................. 58 第一節、研究方法.................................................. 59 第二節、研究對象與範圍............................................ 66 第三節、研究架構.................................................. 66 第四節、研究流程.................................................. 68 第五節、問卷設計.................................................. 69 第五章、資料分析.................................................. 70 第一節、研究問巻訪談.............................................. 70 第二節、問卷資料分析.............................................. 73 第六章、結論與建議................................................ 81 第一節、研究結論與建議............................................ 81 第二節、研究限制.................................................. 82 第三節、後續研究建議.............................................. 82 參考文獻: ...................................................... .83 中文部份.......................................................... 83 英文部份.......................................................... 83 大陸水泥產業投資相關文獻.......................................... 84 附件一:台資投資大陸水泥產業決策指標評估模式之學術研究問卷........ 86

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