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研究生: 劉庭佑
Ting-You Liu
論文名稱: 太陽能節能玻璃應用於建築節能與溫溼度分析
Application of Heat Insulation Solar Glass on Energy Saving and Temperature-Humidity Analysis
指導教授: 楊錦懷
Chin-Huai Young
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Ying-Chao Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 166
中文關鍵詞: 太陽能節能玻璃舒適度空調節能
外文關鍵詞: Heat Insulation Solar Glass, thermal comfort, Air conditioning energy saving
相關次數: 點閱:409下載:4
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Glass materials have great effects on building indoor thermal comfort. This study is about different glass materials (HISG, Low-E glass, Normal glass) used on three experimental houses separately, and these houses were built on rooftop at the National Taiwan University of Science Engineering. We set up glass on the house inclined roof surface and vertical facade, and use air conditioner cooling or heating in summer and winter conditioning tests. Then, we observe these three experimental houses’ environmental comfort, and compare the results of different glass on houses.
The results showed that HISG used on experimental house can maintain a better comfort environment in a well-ventilated condition not using air conditioner. Specifically, the comfort index range is 20 to 26, while using Heat Insulation Solar Glass on house, the outdoor temperature have to exceed to 31.8 ℃, then the comfort index will greater than 26. Using Low-E complex layer of glass on house, the outdoor temperature have to exceed to 29.1℃, and the index will greater than 26. Using normal glass on house, while the outdoor temperature exceeds to 27.8℃, the comfort index will greater than 26. Therefore HISG without using air-conditioner maintained a longer time of comfortable environment, and achieve energy-saving and carbon reduction.
Air conditioning energy research showed that HISG can save about 39.5% energy consumption at daytime and 14.3% energy consumption at night in the summer, then in the winter is about 28.2% overall. Moreover, Low-E complex layer of glass can save 3.9% energy consumption during the day and 2.8% at night in the summer, and in the winter, the overall energy-saving consumption is about 14.3%.
As a result, Heat Insulation Solar Glass has the effect of maintaining indoor comfort and reduces the time of using air conditioning, and can reduce the energy consumption in use of air conditioner. Thus, Heat Insulation Solar Glass leads to energy saving and carbon reduction, can be a good building material in use.

摘要 總目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章緒論 1.1研究背景與動機 1.2研究目的 1.3研究方法 1.4研究流程 第二章文獻回顧 2.1台灣地理環境與氣候類型 2.2環境舒適度 2.2.1舒適度指數 2.2.2露點溫度 2.2.3美國冷凍空調協會(ASHRAE) 2.3建築物室內熱負荷 2.3.1室內熱負荷來源 2.3.2建築物熱傳導 2.3.3太陽光譜 2.4建築物開窗用節能玻璃 2.4.1LOW-E複層玻璃 2.4.2太陽能節能玻璃 第三章試驗計畫 3.1研究流程 3.2試驗參數 3.3試驗儀器與設備 3.4溫濕度對環境舒適度之監控試驗 3.4.1溫濕度對環境舒適度-密閉試驗 3.4.2溫濕度對環境舒適度-自然通風試驗 3.4.3溫濕度對環境舒適度-強制通風試驗 3.5暖氣空調節能試驗 3.6冷氣空調節能試驗 3.5.1冷氣空調節能試驗-白天節能效益 3.5.2冷氣空調節能試驗-夜間節能效益 第四章試驗結果與討論 4.1溫濕度對環境舒適度之監控分析 4.1.1密閉試驗分析 4.1.2自然通風試驗分析 4.1.3強制通風試驗分析 4.2暖氣空調節能分析 4.2.1耗電量量測分析 4.2.2冬季節能效益分析 4.3冷氣空調節能分析 4.3.1耗電量量測分析 4.3.2夏季白天節能效益分析 4.3.3夏季夜間節能效益分析 4.4經濟效益評估 第五章結論與建議 5.1結論 5.2建議 第六章參考文獻

【6】葉歆,建築熱環境 (1997)
網址: http://www.innostan.com.tw/Insulating%20Glass.html
【11】露點溫度計算 DigiquartzR Dew Point Calculation
【12】林盛隆、魏士閔、黃俊豪及陳王琨 「簡報室熱舒適度案例研究」,中華民國建築學會(2008)
網址: http://www.fubonland.com.tw/b/B1d.html#12
【22】蕭在富 台中市大慶國宅室內溫熱環境之調查研究(2008)
【23】教育部 數位教學資源