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研究生: 林佳頤
Chia-Yi Lin
論文名稱: 密室逃脫遊戲策略體驗模組之應用研究
A Study on Application of Strategic Experiential Modules to Escape Room
指導教授: 張恩欣
An-Hsin Chang
口試委員: 何建韋
Chien-Wei Ho
Kuan-Yang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 85
中文關鍵詞: 體驗行銷策略體驗模組密室逃脫密室逃脫遊戲
外文關鍵詞: SEMs, Escape Room
相關次數: 點閱:723下載:10
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With the development of experience marketing, the application of experience has gradually become a marketing trend in recent years; how to accurately stimulate customer experience has become a huge task for decision-makers. Escape room is an experiential industry that has emerged in Taiwan in recent years. Players immerse in the story and atmosphere through plot design, machinery design, and scene design; therefore, the escape room industry has the advantage of experience design. This study uses the Strategic Experience Modules as the research framework and two escape room studios as the research subjects. Explore how the cases use the five aspects of the Strategic Experience Modules: sense, feeling, think, act, and relate in escape room design.
The research results show that the marketing strategy of escape room studios is either single or multi-aspects on experiential marketing; the structure of the Strategic Experience Modules conforms to the practical applicability, which could provide a design structure for strategic experiential designers. With the framework above, the industry combines the experiential goals with the escape room design, to create a good experience and improve player satisfaction. Finally, this study provides practical suggestions and future research recommendations for relevant industry players and future researches.

第一章、緒論 1.1研究背景 1.2研究動機 1.3研究目的 1.4研究流程 第二章、文獻探討 2.1密室逃脫 2.2體驗經濟 2.3體驗行銷 第三章、研究方法 3.1產業定義與研究架構 3.2研究工具 3.3研究訪談內容 3.4編碼說明 第四章 資料分析與處理 4.1感官行銷 4.2情感行銷 4.3思考行銷 4.4行動行銷 4.5關聯行銷 4.6架構外之其他發現 第五章、研究結論與建議 5.1研究結論 5.2實務意涵與建議 5.3研究限制與未來研究建議 參考文獻 附錄、訪談同意書 附錄、編碼表

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